Hi everyone and welcome to the latest in the Twisted Treeline tier list series! It's been a while since our latest update for Patch 5.15, but as there's been a lot of questions surrounding Twisted Treeline ever since the "can I hit gold in a month" article, I figured it was about time to update. Check out the full scoop below!

Hi everyone and welcome to the latest in the Twisted Treeline tier list series! It's been a while since our latest update for Patch 5.15, but as there's been a lot of questions surrounding Twisted Treeline ever since the "can I hit gold in a month" article, I figured it was about time to update. Check out the full scoop below!Note: Kindred is not included on this list yet, as we still need to see how he/she plays out. Will update when the picture is clearer.
Notable Changes
The metagame is starting to shift a bit, specifically in the top lane (see more details below). Current bans are centered around many of the same "trouble" champions in Summoner's Rift, as they're even more annoying on Twisted Treeline (Garen & Darius).
Most division players are still running junglers as standard meta, but more and more players are opting to do a support or support/bruiser-jungler hybrid playstyle instead at higher levels, mostly for the coordinated jungle invade ability and definite early game pressure in the 1v2 lane if the enemy team doesn't start with double jungle.
Most division players are still running junglers as standard meta, but more and more players are opting to do a support or support/bruiser-jungler hybrid playstyle instead at higher levels, mostly for the coordinated jungle invade ability and definite early game pressure in the 1v2 lane if the enemy team doesn't start with double jungle.
Current Metagame
Right now there are THREE main methods of playing Twisted Treeline:
Most strong top lane solo champions will also do well with a support with strong CC for invasion potential.
Based off of this, I'm splitting this tier list into "roles" similar to the solo queue 5s list. However, as there are only 3 positions open, I won't be including every champion into this list. If you feel that I've missed out on a strong champion, please let me know and I'll include it in the next update.
- Duo top with a support like Braum and an AD like Kalista
- Two solo lanes with a jungler (Generally glass cannons stay bot)
- Duo top with a melee bruiser w/Smite + Braum or Maokai and a standard AP or ranged AD bot
Most strong top lane solo champions will also do well with a support with strong CC for invasion potential.
Based off of this, I'm splitting this tier list into "roles" similar to the solo queue 5s list. However, as there are only 3 positions open, I won't be including every champion into this list. If you feel that I've missed out on a strong champion, please let me know and I'll include it in the next update.
- Added Yasuo Bot Lane
- Moved Mordekaiser bot lane solo to top lane
- Added Draven ADC
- Added Nautilus and Olaf Jungle
- 10/17: Moved Tahm Kench jungle up, added to Top Lane
- 10/17: Moved Tahm Kench up again
- 10/25: Gragas Jungle moved down
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The Tier List
God Tier [Decent Bans]:
Bot Lane Solo: Lulu, Diana, Morgana
Jungle: Tahm Kench, Skarner, Jarvan IV, Rek'Sai, Xin Zhao, Diana
Top Lane Solo: Darius, Garen, Tahm Kench
Support: Nautilus, Braum, Maokai
AD Carry: Kalista
God Tier Rising: Braum (Support), Garen (Top), Maokai (Support), Morgana (Bot), Skarner (Jungle), Tahm Kench (Jungle), Xin Zhao (Jungle),
God Tier Falling:
God Tier Falling:
Bot Lane Solo: Brand, Anivia, Viktor, Karma, Ahri, Galio
Jungle: Elise, Maokai, Gragas, Olaf, Shyvana
Top Lane Solo: Renekton, Pantheon, Fiora, Olaf, Cho'Gath, Maokai, Jarvan IV, Wukong, Riven, Yasuo, Gnar, Diana, Gangplank, Ekko
Support: Leona, Tahm Kench
AD Carry: Sivir, Graves, Draven, Corki, Vayne
Tier 1 Rising: Anivia (Bot), Brand (Bot), Ekko (Top), Fiora (Top), Galio (Bot), Gangplank (Top), Maokai (Jungle), Tahm Kench (Support), Vayne (ADC)
Tier 1 Falling: Elise (Jungle), Gragas (Jungle)
Tier 1 Falling: Elise (Jungle), Gragas (Jungle)
Bot Lane Solo: Malzahar, Annie, Lissandra, Gnar, Yasuo, Ekko, Azir, Cho'Gath, Vel'koz, Cassiopeia, Kayle, Leblanc, Orianna, Singed, Ryze, Katarina, Fizz, Rumble
Jungle: Cho'Gath, Nunu, Lee Sin, Shaco, Kha'Zix, Pantheon, Sion, Nidalee, Vi, Volibear, Yorick, Rengar, Udyr, Aatrox, Trundle, Riven, Hecarim, Warwick
Top Lane Solo: Singed, Sion, Volibear, Xin Zhao, Zed, Trundle, Jayce, Jax, Lee Sin, Rengar, Talon, Nidalee, Hecarim, Aatrox, Shyvana, Kha'Zix
Support: Lulu, Trundle, Bard, Sion, Volibear, Annie, Karma, Thresh
AD Carry: Lucian, Jinx, Mordekaiser, Ezreal
Tier 2 Rising: Cassiopeia (Bot), Ekko (Bot), Kha'Zix (Jungle), Lissandra (Bot)
Tier 2 Falling: Sion (Jungle), Trundle (Support)
Tier 2 Falling: Sion (Jungle), Trundle (Support)
Bot Lane Solo: Nidalee, Vladimir, Singed, Syndra, Gragas, Zyra, Ziggs, Swain, Zilean, Teemo, Xerath, Kassadin, Lux
Jungle: Sejuani, Dr. Mundo, Nocturne, Malphite, Amumu, Fiddlesticks, Evelynn, Zac, Nautilus, Nasus
Top Lane Solo: Tryndamere, Kayle, Irelia, Rek'Sai, Yorick, Udyr, Dr. Mundo, Nasus, Malphite
Support: Morgana, Soraka, Nunu, Malphite, Taric
AD Carry: Quinn
Tier 3 Rising: Nocturne (Jungle)
Tier 3 Falling:
Tier 3 Falling:
AD/AP Positioning
Due to the way the map is arranged, bot lane is generally considered the "safer" lane, so the solo laner almost always goes here. However, as this game mode is somewhat uncommon, you may see teams send two champions to bot lane. As a result, it's generally best to send an AP bot with long range waveclear, as these champions can deal with both 1v1 and 1v2 lanes.This means that for the most part, the AD based champion will go top. However, swapping these around isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's a good idea to make sure that you have a mix of damage types so that the enemy team can't easily itemize against you.
When you duo in one lane with a support, top is almost always better as it's easier to invade their jungle through the top lane, and it's much easier to bully the melee laner as well since they generally lack ranged waveclear.
Champion Explanations
- Anivia [Tier 1 Bot] - Anivia's main perks lie in the fact that she does an insane amount of base damage and also that the small corridors make it very easy to land her stun and keep the entire enemy team in her AOE ultimate. Additionally, her wall is also heavily enhanced on the map as it's much easier to completely isolate enemy champions with lower levels of her wall. Her main drawback is that she does take a little longer to get going than other champions due to her heavy mana usage.
- Brand [Tier 1 Bot] - In terms of sheer damage and 1v2 dueling potential, Brand is definitely one of the top champions bot lane at the moment. His level 1 pushing power is also extremely high, which is crucial for early game invasion strats that are the core of the 3v3 meta at the moment.
- Braum [God Tier Support] - Braum's level 1 is extremely powerful and the small corridors allow him to maximize the amount of damage he blocks via his wall.
- Darius [God Tier Top Solo] - When Darius was considered "nerfed" and weak in solo queue, he remained a top dog on the Twisted Treeline. Now that he's a top dog on Summoner's Rift as well...if there was a level above being banned, Darius would come very close.
- Galio [Tier 1 Bot] - As an extremely good early game wave clear champion and natural AP counter, Galio works well as a high damage, low cooldown champion. However, his burst damage isn't quite as high as someone like Brand, and he is definitely very skillshot reliant.
- Garen [God Tier Top] - Garen is definitely still in a very strong state, despite recent nerfs. If you accidentally forget to ban Garen, you'll likely either want to run a duo lane top, or play Pantheon as a natural counter with his Aegis Protection.
- Skarner [God Tier Jungle] - Skarner jungle is extremely strong right now in a large variety of different item build paths. I wouldn't say that he's head and shoulders above the rest of the God Tier junglers, which can all easily hold their own and sometimes better in specific situations. That being said, he's extremely powerful right now and vicious in the right hands.
- Tahm Kench [God Tier Jungle] - Extremely tanky and sporting a ton of free stats, Tahm Kench is an excellent jungler that can soak and deal tons o' damage. He's a bit difficult to use, but easier in 3's since there are less targets to make decisions on, and most teams will generally have some sort of voice communication for coordination.
- Vayne [Tier 1 ADC] - As a late game tank killer, Vayne works extremely well on the Twisted Treeline as a ranged tank slayer, especially with the multitude of walls that are available for her to shoot through. However, her early game is weak and her pushing power isn't too strong, so she'll need someone like Nautilus to help with wave control.
- Yasuo [Tier 2 Bot] - Similarly to how he plays in 5s, Yasuo still works well in the lane where most AP champions go to prosper. He can definitely solo carry a game by himself, but pulling in a Jarvan or Wukong somewhere on the team definitely amplifies his power significantly. He's probably still a little better as a top lane bruiser with or without a support, but leaving him out as a bot laner wouldn't be right either.
- The purpose of this list is for discussion and to provide a starting point for hero selection.
- While I'm by no means a guru on the Twisted Treeline I do enjoy playing the game mode quite a bit and hope that they'll introduce the solo queue 3v3 some day.
- That being said, take this tier list with a grain of salt and feel free to engage in open debate in the comment section with your own thoughts and comments. As the game mode isn't all that popular right now, hopefully this list will help spur some of you to try it out!
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