NERFPLZ.LOL Weird Picks #28: Evelynn Mid | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Sep 2, 2015

Weird Picks #28: Evelynn Mid

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Hi everyone and welcome back to another episode of Weird Pick Wednesday! This week we're checking out a relatively strange pick on the field. As a melee assassin that is supposed to technically stay invisible, Evelynn makes for a strange appearance mid lane. However, her roaming power is extremely high and I believe there's at least one Evelynn Mid player that reached Diamond 1.


Hi everyone and welcome back to another episode of Weird Pick Wednesday! This week we're checking out a relatively strange pick on the field. As a melee assassin that is supposed to technically stay invisible, Evelynn makes for a strange appearance mid lane. However, her roaming power is extremely high and I believe there's at least one Evelynn Mid player that reached Diamond 1.

How to Play
Runes: Ability Power Quints, Magic Penetration Reds, Flat Health Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 21-9-0, Standard AP Mid Laner Masteries
Abilities: Q, E, Q, W then prioritize  R > Q > E > W
Core items: Luden's Echo, Lichbane, Iceborn Gauntlet/Hextech Gunblade, Deathcap, Void Staff

Why It Works

Good Last Hitting At Turret
As a melee champion playing mid lane, it's usually advisable to play relatively safe early in the game. With her Q lancing out between autos, she has a very easy time last hitting at turret. Starting with flask, it's much more difficult than expected to push her out of lane.

Insane Roaming Potential
After she picks up Ludens, Evelynn can quickly and efficiently push down waves. This coupled with the fact that she can effectively remain "MIA" for the majority of the game means that there's extremely high gank pressure all around the map, even in warded lanes.

Counterjungle Pressure
One of the best parts about Evelynn is her ability to counter-jungle. As a mid laner she can do it easily as well, with the added bonus of running ignite for more killing power.

Potential Pitfalls

Weak Early Game
Against the majority of mid laners, Evelynn will probably find herself playing extremely passively in order to stay alive in lane for the first few levels, or face getting poked down early game.

Requires Roaming
Roam pressure is almost a must for mid lane Evelynn, and can easily get negated by your own laners pushing to the enemy turret.

No Poke
As an assassin based champion, Evelynn is completely lacking in any sort of poke or long range wavelcear. This means that if she falls behind she quickly becomes useless as a mid laner.


Mid lane Evelynn can definitely be fun to play if your team is willing to let you do it, but you'll need to pick your fights very carefully in order to avoid unfavorable situations, which can quickly escalate into large losses.

Suggested Rating: Low Tier 3, High Tier 4

What do you think about Evelynn Mid? Comment below!

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