Hey everyone and welcome back to another mechanics guide. This time around we're getting highly technical, and covering "input buffering", one of my favorite things to do and definitely something that's highly useful in all sorts of gameplay.
What is Input Buffering?
In a nutshell, input buffering is queuing up an ability to be used before you actually use it.
Using a targeted ability from OUTSIDE your cast range on a visible target, and then doing something else continuously is the best example. This makes it so that as soon as that target enters into your range, your spell instantly casts.
Why Is it Useful?
For certain spells like Vayne condemn, it can be used to knock-back gap closers such as Shen's dash or Alistar's headbutt before it connects.
For pure damage spells, whenever you walk towards an enemy champion, most players automatically move back out of range. However, by input buffering, you can ensure that your spell will cast as soon as they come into range. This allows you to start combos with your shorter range spells like Brand's E or Ryze's W.
Video Example
Champions With Input Buffers
I've highlighted a few key ones below
- Akali (Q) - Mark of the Assassin
- Akali (R) - Shadow Dance
- Alistar (W) - Headbutt
- Anivia (E) - Frostbite
- Annie (Q) - Disintegrate
- Brand (E) - Conflagration
- Cassipeia (E) - Twin Fang
- Diana (R) - Lunar Rush
- Fiddlesticks (E) - Dark Wind
- Fizz (Q) - Urchin Strike
- Gangplank (Q) - Parrrley
- Irelia (Q) - Bladesurge
- Janna (W) - Zephyr
- Jayce (E) - Thundering Blow
- Kassadin (Q) - Null Sphere
- Leblanc (Q) - Sigil of Malice
- Katarina (Q) - Bouncing Blades
- Katarina (E) - Shunpo
- Lee Sin (R) - Dragon's Rage
- Lulu (E) - Help, Pix!
- Malphite (Q) - Seismic Shard
- Maokai (W) - Twisted Advance
- Master Yi (Q) - Alpha Strike
- Miss Fortune (Q) - Double Up
- Nasus (W) - Wither
- Nunu (E) - Ice Blast
- Pantheon (Q) - Spear Shot
- Quinn (E) - Vault
- Ryze (W) - Rune Prison
- Shen (Q) - Vorpal Blade
- Taric (E) - Dazzle
- Teemo (Q) - Blinding Dart
- Vayne (E) - Condemn
- Viktor (Q) - Siphon Power
- Vladimir (Q) - Transfusion
- Yorick (E) - Omen of Famine
Best Way to Practice Input Buffering
Surprisingly, the best way to practice input buffering is likely in ARAM mode, where some people may do it subconsciously to prevent their champion from aimlessly walking into the enemy team.
Otherwise, it's really just a matter of playing often enough. It's not a hard mechanic, just one that you need to remember to use in order for it to be useful.
Otherwise, it's really just a matter of playing often enough. It's not a hard mechanic, just one that you need to remember to use in order for it to be useful.
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