Hi everyone! Today I'd like to take a look at one of the more popular "weird picks" in today's meta, mid lane Jarvan! Played as a normal AD bruiser, this tends to play more of a burst damage based role, similar to that of a tankier Talon with higher utility.

Hi everyone! Today I'd like to take a look at one of the more popular "weird picks" in today's meta, mid lane Jarvan! Played as a normal AD bruiser, this tends to play more of a burst damage based role, similar to that of a tankier Talon with higher utility.
How to Play
Runes: Attack Damage Quints, Attack Damage Reds, Flat Health Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 21-9-0, Standard AD Caster Masteries
Abilities: Q, E, Q, W or E then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Core items: Hydra, Black Cleaver, Last Whisper, Randuin's Omen, Trinity Force
Masteries: 21-9-0, Standard AD Caster Masteries
Abilities: Q, E, Q, W or E then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Core items: Hydra, Black Cleaver, Last Whisper, Randuin's Omen, Trinity Force
Why It Works
Excellent Ranged WaveclearSimilar to Talon, Jarvan has a fairly easy time wave-clearing, and can easily aim for some poke at the same time with the large width of his Q. Although he's mana reliant at the beginning, packing health runes and magic resist blues allows him to remain relatively healthy provided he dodges enough spells.
Powerful All-Ins
Starting from level 2, Jarvan's all-in capability is extremely strong, dealing an average of around 30% of enemy champion's damage with a full E -> Q -> Auto combo. After hitting level 6, he has very comparable burst relative to other similar all-in mages.
Awesome Roaming Potential
As a champion who's generally played as a jungler, it's fairly obvious that Jarvan has solid ganking power. With mid laner roam still a very "meta" thing to do, Jarvan does extremely well as a ganker at any point in the game. This combined with his strong waveclear allows him to quickly run around the map without losing much farm.
Turret Pushing Power
With his built-in attack speed boost from his E to provide to allies along with his natural tankiness and attack damage, Jarvan can quickly push down turrets after roaming, resulting in quick global gold and dragons.
Starting from level 2, Jarvan's all-in capability is extremely strong, dealing an average of around 30% of enemy champion's damage with a full E -> Q -> Auto combo. After hitting level 6, he has very comparable burst relative to other similar all-in mages.
Awesome Roaming Potential
As a champion who's generally played as a jungler, it's fairly obvious that Jarvan has solid ganking power. With mid laner roam still a very "meta" thing to do, Jarvan does extremely well as a ganker at any point in the game. This combined with his strong waveclear allows him to quickly run around the map without losing much farm.
Turret Pushing Power
With his built-in attack speed boost from his E to provide to allies along with his natural tankiness and attack damage, Jarvan can quickly push down turrets after roaming, resulting in quick global gold and dragons.
Potential Pitfalls
With Jarvan mid, your team will likely severely lack poke compared to more traditional mid laners. This means that if Jarvan starts losing lane, it can quickly turn against your team, especially against someone like Ahri with the ability to quickly dodge away from Jarvan's knock-up combo.
Vulnerable To Ganks
Similar to Talon, Jarvan needs to be especially careful to ward during his all-ins as his main laning phase will be at a slight disadvantage against most mid-laners unless he can play very aggressively early on and get in their faces to hit them with his passive.
Squishy Build
As a melee champion building primarily damage, Jarvan will need a lot of gold before he starts building tanky. At a minimum, he'll need at least one damage item and a last whisper to remain relevant in terms of damage late game. It's not until he finishes this that he can continuously one-shot squishies and start building tanky.
With Jarvan mid, your team will likely severely lack poke compared to more traditional mid laners. This means that if Jarvan starts losing lane, it can quickly turn against your team, especially against someone like Ahri with the ability to quickly dodge away from Jarvan's knock-up combo.
Vulnerable To Ganks
Similar to Talon, Jarvan needs to be especially careful to ward during his all-ins as his main laning phase will be at a slight disadvantage against most mid-laners unless he can play very aggressively early on and get in their faces to hit them with his passive.
Squishy Build
As a melee champion building primarily damage, Jarvan will need a lot of gold before he starts building tanky. At a minimum, he'll need at least one damage item and a last whisper to remain relevant in terms of damage late game. It's not until he finishes this that he can continuously one-shot squishies and start building tanky.
Jarvan mid is an extremely powerful 1v1 duelist and can quickly snowball teams to victory with his vicious all-ins, roam, and pushing power. However, if he falls behind things quickly turn against him and there's not much he can do about it.
Suggested Rating: Mid Tier 3
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