Hey everyone! With the recent surge in popularity for Elise, I thought I'd revisit an old favorite, Elise support. With her low mana cost stun, she performs similarly to an offensive version of Morgana without as much AOE and utility or a Nidalee without as much poke and slightly more CC.
How to Play
Runes: Ability Power Quints, Hybrid Penetration Reds, Flat Health Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 0-9-21, Standard Support Masteries, or 21-9-0, Standard AP Laner Masteries
Abilities: W, E, Q, W then prioritize R > W > E > Q
Core items: Sightstone, Boots of Mobility, Zeke's Harbringer, Rylai, Liandries,
Masteries: 0-9-21, Standard Support Masteries, or 21-9-0, Standard AP Laner Masteries
Abilities: W, E, Q, W then prioritize R > W > E > Q
Core items: Sightstone, Boots of Mobility, Zeke's Harbringer, Rylai, Liandries,
Why It Works
Built-In Percentage DamageElise's late game scaling works well as long as she's tanky enough to survive and dish it. With a built-in 8%+ in poke damage and 8%+ in execute damage, she's able to stay relevant throughout the game as long as she isn't getting one-shot.
Low Cooldown CC
At max level, Elise's cocoon is actually 1 second shorter cooldown than Morgana's snare, but with 1 second less in total CC time. However, Elise has the added bonus that her stun (vs morgana's snare) doesn't cost more mana as you level it up.
Diving Power
Although she tends to be squishy early on, Elise has very good diving power. In a laning situation, she can easily start up the dive, and then drop aggro instantly with her rappel.
Power Strength
Although in a 1v1 situation it's somewhat difficult to reliably land Elise's volatile spiderling on enemy laners, as a support she has more of an opportunity to control the bush and send her spiderlings from distances enemy laners can't escape from.
At max level, Elise's cocoon is actually 1 second shorter cooldown than Morgana's snare, but with 1 second less in total CC time. However, Elise has the added bonus that her stun (vs morgana's snare) doesn't cost more mana as you level it up.
Diving Power
Although she tends to be squishy early on, Elise has very good diving power. In a laning situation, she can easily start up the dive, and then drop aggro instantly with her rappel.
Power Strength
Although in a 1v1 situation it's somewhat difficult to reliably land Elise's volatile spiderling on enemy laners, as a support she has more of an opportunity to control the bush and send her spiderlings from distances enemy laners can't escape from.
Potential Pitfalls
Low Pure Utility
Compared to other laners, Elise lacks utility and plays at a similar level to Nidalee support, relying on a single skillshot and all-in power.
Squishy Without Snowball
As a champion who's somewhat item reliant, Elise does tend to fall off if she doesn't get the ball rolling early. Additionally, if you decide to go 21 offense on her, she gets even less gold than usual and quickly falls behind traditional supports in terms of game impact.
Early Mana Drain
During the early phases of the game, supports tend to rely on their AD carry in if they're melee and want to all-in. If they want to simply poke, they'll have to do so at a range. In Elise's ranged form, although her spells aren't too expensive, her ability to spam them drains her of mana very quickly. You'll have to carefully ratio your resources in order to secure kills.
Compared to other laners, Elise lacks utility and plays at a similar level to Nidalee support, relying on a single skillshot and all-in power.
Squishy Without Snowball
As a champion who's somewhat item reliant, Elise does tend to fall off if she doesn't get the ball rolling early. Additionally, if you decide to go 21 offense on her, she gets even less gold than usual and quickly falls behind traditional supports in terms of game impact.
Early Mana Drain
During the early phases of the game, supports tend to rely on their AD carry in if they're melee and want to all-in. If they want to simply poke, they'll have to do so at a range. In Elise's ranged form, although her spells aren't too expensive, her ability to spam them drains her of mana very quickly. You'll have to carefully ratio your resources in order to secure kills.
Support Elise is definitely better after her buffs, but is very skill reliant and likely not exactly worth playing in a serious match just yet. However, similar to Nidalee support, she's definitely very fun to play and can get plenty of unexpected cheese kills.
Suggested Rating: High Tier 4
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