Luckily, there are plenty of tried and true ways to get off tilt, and so we're going to have a double Top 10 this week, Top 10 ways being on tilt is like an addiction, and also Top 10 ways to get off tilt!

Addiction is a powerful thing, and sometimes hard to pull yourself out of. When you start losing massive amounts of LP in ranked, you might start tilting and experience many of the things below.
Luckily, there are plenty of tried and true ways to get off tilt, and so we're going to have a double Top 10 this week, Top 10 ways being on tilt is like an addiction, and also Top 10 ways to get off of it!
Why Tilt is Like An Addiction
- It's a slippery slope - Tilt can happen quickly, and without warning.
- Your judgement is impaired
- You ignore the advice of others
- You're not your "best"
- You can "stop any time you want"
- It's always just "one more time"
- You get bitter and angry at the world
- It feels like there's no way out
- You start to forget to eat and/or sleep
- You're in denial
Ways to Beat Addictions AND Tilt
- Play With A Friend - Being held accountable in a duo queue situation may keep you from tilting after multiple losses, but be sure to acknowledge you haven't been performing too well lately and need to step it up.
- Distract Yourself - Switch to an ARAM or focus on one thing in the game, such as "I will try and hit as much CS as possible".
- Work Out - It's a scientific fact that physical fitness helps your mental fitness as well. Working out gets your blood pumping and endorphins running, which allows you to feel better after a bad spree.
- Watch Some Streams - Distract yourself with some educational videos. See what you're doing differently from people that are performing well. Focus on single players, don't focus wishing his teammates were your teammates.
- Vent To Someone - Complain to someone about tilting, just let it out, if not in person, drop it in Twitter or a League of Legends facebook group. People may not be sympathetic, but it will make you feel better, especially if it's a screenshot of your teammates, AP Jax mid.
- Identify Your Triggers - Figure out what really sets you off, is it unorthodox picks? Is it when junglers camp your lane? If something makes you really mad, prepare yourself for it so it won't knock you off your game.
- Clean Your Environment - A clean environment minimizes distractions.
- Approach Each Situation With An Open Mind - Fiora mid? Tahm Kench top? Support Lee Sin? Well...I guess...if you're not going to dodge, then don't complain after the game starts. Feel free to complain after the game if they did poorly.
- Focus On Things That Matter - Focus on objectives and your own gameplay, your teammates are probably going to be bad, but it doesn't help if you're worse.
- Take A Nap - Sometimes a good restart is all you need. A nap internalizes the knowledge you've gained from these multiple losses and refreshes you for the next set of games.
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