NERFPLZ.LOL Weird Picks #23: Support Trundle (FOTM) | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Jul 30, 2015

Weird Picks #23: Support Trundle (FOTM)

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Hi everyone and welcome back to the latest in the Weird Pick Wednesday series! This week we're again looking at something of a weird pick/FOTM hybrid that's shaking up the scene lately. About the most trollish pick you can muster up, let's check out the details behind support Trundle!

First popularized this year by Yellowstar of the EU Team Fnatic, playing Trundle in this role focuses on his powerful slow and stat stealing ability.


Hi everyone and welcome back to the latest in the Weird Pick Wednesday series! This week we're again looking at something of a weird pick/FOTM hybrid that's shaking up the scene lately. About the most trollish pick you can muster up, let's check out the details behind support Trundle!

First popularized this year by Yellowstar of the EU Team Fnatic, playing Trundle in this role focuses on his powerful slow and stat stealing ability.

How to Play
Runes: Armor Quints, Attack Damage Reds, Flat Health Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 21-9-0, Standard Support Masteries
Abilities: Q, E, W, E then prioritize  R > E > Q > W
Core items: Sightstone, Face of the Mountain, Boots of Mobility, Frozen Heart, Standard Tanky support items (Locket, Randuin, etc.)

Why It Works

Built-In Sustain Via Passive
Every time a unit near Trundle dies, he gains back a percentage of his health. When combined with relic shield, it becomes very difficult to force him out of lane, even after poking him for a while.

Massive Low Cooldown CC
By maxing his Pillar of Ice (E) first, Trundle eventually gets up to 50% AOE slow that interrupts channeled spells and acts as impassable terrain. It also grants sight, making it very good for facechecking bushes (or pillar checking).

Tank Stat Drainer
Although league is quickly moving away from the tank meta at the moment, Trundle does excellently against many popular tank champions such as Leona and Nautilus by stealing their armor and magic resist, then adding them to his own. He also deals percentage based damage using this ability, which means he can dish out real damage as a peeler against diving tanks.

Potential Pitfalls

Weak Against Mobility
Since Trundle only has one type of CC and is very obvious in his engagement methods, he tends to suffer against extremely mobile champions that can kite him and avoid ever getting hit.

Weak Against Poke Damage
Again, as a champion with zero poke damage, no team sustain, and no range, he does extremely poorly against poke oriented team comps, unless his own is a very good all-in comp and isn't relying on Trundle as the sole engagement method.

Still A Bit Trollish
Despite some increased popularity and a very strong showing in the win rate category lately, Trundle is still largely seen as a poor choice as a support. The result of you picking him can be a lot of animosity on the team until he gains some popularity, so you'll definitely be the underdog and prime target of all blame if anything goes wrong.


Support Trundle works well against champions that need to run straight at you in order to engage (e.g. Sivir). he also does great against tank based champions and I think he's definitely viable and should be added to the tier list. I'm still not convinced that he's a "strong" pick necessarily in the current meta and may just be a statistical anomoly, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

Suggested Rating: Mid-Low Tier 2

What do you think about Support Trundle? Comment below!

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