Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: B
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: S
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: A
Synergy: A
Waveclear: B
Early Game: A
Mid Game: B
Late Game: B
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: S
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: A
Synergy: A
Waveclear: B
Early Game: A
Mid Game: B
Late Game: B
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
This team comp brings together some of the most egocentric champions on the rift, including a self-proclaimed emperor, a chick who punches first and asks questions later, and a dude who wants to rename the entire league. Will they get along? I suppose it depends on the players...Champions
Draven [Marksman] - Mr. League of Draven himself, Draven's currently in a decent spot as far as marksmen go. His all-in early game is one of, if not THE strongest. This goes well with Alistar's level 2 all-in combo. With some proper communication and good flashes, they can easily first blood almost any lane.
Azir [Mid] - The emperor of Shurima, you need to have the most confident (cocky) player on your team play him. As an extremely high skill cap champion, the urge to continuously suicide trying to knock back enemies into your team means only the strongest willed emperors can play this...emperor.
Alistar [Support] - "Mess with the bull and you get the horns" - A powerful sustain and all-in type support, he works well in coordinated team comps, and has one of the shortest cooldowns on his initiation spells compared to other supports.
Vi [Jungler] - "Punch first ask questions later" - may not work at school, but on the rift it doesn't do half bad. A decent ganker pre-6, after she hits 6 she can pick up some super easy kills bot lane with Alistar and Draven as her follow-up.
Dr. Mundo [Top Laner] - A champion that DGAF, Mundo goes where he pleases. As Azir needs a dive buddy with all the diving he's bound to do, having a strong support cast of divers helps him achieve his potential. When it comes to diving and tanking towers, there are few that do it better than Mundo. He also brings some much needed poke to the team, although it's nothing to write home about.
Key Concepts
- This team requires high coordination, as it's fairly low on both poke and burst damage early to mid game;
- If one person goes in, everyone should follow. NO REGRETS!
Beating a dive team like this usually works by stacking peel and poke. You could beat them at their own game, but that takes an awful lot of energy.
Here's an example team that may succeed:
Here's an example team that may succeed:
- Talon [Mid] - With the amount of dive that this team has, it's easy to forget that their main damage is likely coming from one person, whether that be Azir or Draven. While the rest of the team is busy diving, Talon can quickly entire the scene, take out their only way to do damage, and laugh all the way to the bank.
- Nidalee [Jungle] - Master of poking and counter-jungling, she can quickly become the ultimate nightmare for Vi and her team.
- Kayle [Top] - I know this is the second week I've put in Kayle here, but honestly I'm imagining her vs this team and Mundo in general and finding it absolutely hilarious. With her early game bullying and late game death denial, she's ideal for this team.
- Janna [Support] - Master peeler herself, Janna often leaves Vi standing alone in the middle of the entire enemy team.
- Vayne [ADC] - Again a repeat of last week, Vayne really is in a strong position right now and counters both Alistar and Mundo very well.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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Seems like a cool team to bad I never have a 5 man team willing to play these champs QQ
ReplyDeleteYou should make a theme comp like Team Demacia or the classic Team Yordle. Team Void also seems like it would be pretty strong
ReplyDeleteI notice Talon seems to be appearing a lot in the Countering part of these team comps lol
ReplyDelete"Talon can quickly entire the scene, take out their only way to do damage"
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to add "and then die instantly afterword by getting chain cced, making it a 4v4"
and suddenly kayle uses her ult and nobody dies
ReplyDeleteWell, the thing is, it's worth giving up burst damage champions for sustained damaged champions in teamfights, almost always.
ReplyDeleteThe Draven or Azir is worth knocking out early because it means your team is going to have a stronger damage output over the course of the teamfight, even if the assassin gets blown up immediately after doing his job.
And that isn't taking into account the fact that this team is very dive-oriented; the enemy team doesn't have many mechanisms for dealing with Talon unless they put Alistar on peel duty, which forces them to give up a lot of their diving strength. If Alistar isn't there to protect the backline, Talon's fully capable of instantly bursting one target and cleaning up the other pretty quickly.
These comps are getting pretty lame....