NERFPLZ.LOL Top Team Comps #61: Nasus Dream Team | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Jul 15, 2015

Top Team Comps #61: Nasus Dream Team

With the popularity of Susan (spell our hero backwards) on the rift today, I'd like to take a minute to muse about a dream team for our canine friend.

A good team composition must provide strong kiting and chasing power, good waveclear, and the ability to 4v5 while Susan gets her farm up to miraculous levels to one shot turrets and enemy champions. Check out the detailed pick explanation below!

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: A
Crowd Control: S
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 3
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: S
Poke Power: A
Pushing Power: S
Sustain: B
Synergy: S
Waveclear: S

Early Game: A
Mid Game: S
Late Game: S

S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad


With the popularity of Susan (spell our hero backwards) on the rift today, I'd like to take a minute to muse about a dream team for our canine friend.

A good team composition must provide strong kiting and chasing power, good waveclear, and the ability to 4v5 while Susan gets her farm up to miraculous levels to one shot turrets and enemy champions. Check out the detailed pick explanation below!


Sivir [Marksman] - When it comes to mid to late game waveclear, no AD carry save maybe Graves can compete with the speed and distance at which Sivir does best. Moreover, with Sivir's insanely powerful movement speed boost on her ultimate, she provides our beloved Nasus with the chasing power he so richly deserves.

Lulu [Mid] - Interchangeable with Morgana as a matter of preference, Lulu as a champion gives everything Nasus would want, including chasing, kiting, and survivability spells to allow the doge to perform at his peak. She also kites very hard on the run, which allows her to keep teammates alive during a 4v5 and boasts and impressive on the move waveclear power as well. 

Morgana [Support] - A champion that likely needs no introductions, Morgana allows Nasus to rampage to his heart's content without worry about anybody actually having the ability to stop him. Her ultimate and catching power also allows Nasus to run around enjoying the sounds of screaming enemy champions who can't get away.

Jarvan IV [Jungler] - As an excellent engager, Jarvan IV provides some armor penetration in the way of his Q, and also holds down escaping enemies while Nasus prioritizes which ones he wants to kill first.

Nasus [Top Laner] - The best Nasus-like champion in the game, Nasus allows this team to be the Nasus dream team. While other team members may be adjustable, I would suggest definitely keeping this one.

Key Concepts

  • This team will likely fight a lot of 4v5s. Be prepared and don't talk smack to Nasus.
  • This team should never gank for the Nasus lane unless it's a guaranteed kill or as a counter-gank.
  • When Nasus hits 600 stacks, he is ready to go god-mode. All hail god doge.


Beating this team involves having champions that split push harder than Nasus and can either beat Nasus in lane or outpush him if he decides to make a TP play.

Here's an example team that may succeed:
  • Annie [Mid] - As an AOE burst mage, she has the ability to possibly catch both Lulu and Morgana instantly with Tibbers stun and take out both targets at once. That takes care of those pesky utility plays.
  • Amumu [Jungle] - Single target CC probably won't work on this team. Therefore, bring the biggest AOE CC you have, yours truly, Amumu.
  • Kayle [Top] - With her mixed ranged burst damage, she can quickly make short work of Nasus and his towers. Her ultimate also allows full protection from Nasus Q even late game, which may be the crucial time needed for your AD carry to scamper to safety.
  • Sona [Support] - As one of the few supports that can sustain against poke and also deal a good amount of AP damage to hopefully get through black shield, Sona works well in lane as a short cooldown mage.
  • Vayne [ADC] - When it comes to staying alive and taking down the dog, few do it as well as Vayne. With her self-peel and invisibility, if I had my money on any ADC actually surviving Nasus chasing them, it'd be Vayne.

What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!

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  1. koolaidfromthehoodJuly 15, 2015

    can u do wierd picks on morgana jungle?

  2. True, perfect team revolving around a stak'D nasus

  3. Funny post :p
    I'll try this out

  4. Why not have janna as the counterpick for the support, I mean that her crazy heal will mean that susan cant touch anyone ever.

  5. Paul WeijtensJuly 15, 2015

    What about riven top? Focus on that early game advantage and keep sending nasus back to base!

  6. bardmain001July 15, 2015

    Another adc that would be able to get away from and kite nasus well is lucian. Ive heard his E removes wither and he can build BotRK to use with his passive to try to shread through nasus's defences

  7. Pedro CarvalhoJuly 15, 2015

    It used to remove all slows, but it was removed in the patch 4.13

  8. OblongOtterJuly 15, 2015

    "The best Nasus-like champion in the game" Ok I give you points for that, and really the entire Nasus explanation.

  9. Tristana also if she has her ult and her jump she has two ways to create distance. Of course with the low cool down on Wither she'll be screwed if she can't get to safety soon after.

  10. Healing doesn't help if he 1-shots you with the pimp cane Q. Morgana is already on Susan's team, but in blind picks a Morgana would be strong against him with her snare and black shielding the carry to prevent Wither.

  11. Few things in League make you scream in terror like being withered by a stacked up Doge. Of course there's always face checking a bush and finding a 10/0 Fiora.

  12. Nobel Prize for the Nasus thing.
    Also, what do you think about this team comp?

    Top: Shen
    Jungle: Pantheon
    Mid: Twisted Fate
    Support: Tahm Kench
    Adc: anyone

    I´ll let you think about it.

  13. That was last season LOL his E no longer removes slows.. Since mid season 4

  14. Flamestorm6July 16, 2015

    Doesn't have to be healing. This is Janna the queen of disengage. If Nasus is running to the carries a quick Monsoon and a lot of distance is created and you can still kite him for days with slows, speed buffs, talisman and howling gale knock ups

  15. Probably abusing the level 6 ults you can 5vs2 at bot, take dragon and possibly the two bot towers maybe. Go back to lane, repeat when ults are up.

  16. Ricardo AlmeidaJuly 17, 2015

    Maybe in low tiers, but a good Nasus doesn't let himself get stomped by Riven, Riven will most likely die to ganks/get ganked and on your first back you destroy Riven and you snowball her till she cries about how OP Nasus is. Then she roams, weak and useless, while you're 4/0 stacking free.

  17. Unless Morgana gives him the black shield ;-;

  18. Gabriel RengifoJuly 21, 2015

    Riven requires AD to effectively bully nasus out of lane. Meanwhile nasus can just rush Frozenheart and play it safe. He wont be bullied out of lane easily

  19. Gabriel RengifoJuly 21, 2015

    Can you do a list based around protect the Kog'maw? I never saw one of those again after season2 ended, would be nice to see another one atleast on paper

  20. If Shen ults TF or Pantheon while they ult, Shen can do a proper start.


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