Everyone has their own personal playstyles, sometimes more than one. Some people like to be on the front lines mentally and e-physically, whereas others like to take arms with the glass cannon squad. In solo queue, a successful team is a solid mix of 5 likely very different agendas. However, everyone playing their roles strongly leads to success. Which one of the following do you fit into?
Communication Styles
1. The Leader
The leader makes the calls, most importantly when to push and when to take objectives. Some leaders are vocal, whereas many others can get by with simple smart pings. Key components to being a good e-leader are:
- Ping intelligently, not excessively;
- Respect opinions from your teammates;
- Command respect through success; and
- Know when to step down and become #2.
2. The Follower
As most of you probably know, there are leaders that don't command the respect of their teammates, but insist on leading anyway. These are not good team players and generally find little success in solo queue. Others prefer to follow and win through strong team work. Good points to remember as a follower are:
- Follow through with "the plan", don't half-heartedly do something and then say "I knew that was a bad idea afterwards;
- Identify and support the opinions of the most "successful" leader; and
- Keep the leader alive (boosts morale).
3. The Meta-Breaker
The meta-breaker is that Teemo mid lane and that Rengar support. These people are not necessarily the people you want on your team, but can be very successful in solo queue regardless as long as they know the following:
- Be kind to your teammates, they're already mad at you for your pick; and
- Doing "average" isn't good enough, your teammates will still blame you regardless.
4. The Split-Pusher
Similar to the meta-breaker, these tend to be every team's most hated player. They refuse to group for teamfights, and constantly have a need to be the "star" player. However, they also tend to be highly effective in solo queue and can easily carry a losing game.
- Again, don't blame your teammates for dying, they already hate you;
- Don't complain about getting ganked, watch the map, they're always ganking;
- Don't die, and especially don't die and complain about your teammates not taking objectives.If you can survive long enough and draw enough people into your lane the rest will take care of itself.
5. The Map Controller
Finally, some team players! Map controllers are generally either the jungler or support utilizing wards, pink wards, and sweepers to ensure that the team is able to keep up the pressure on the map. To be a good map controller, make sure that you also do the following:
- Try not to 1v1, with the amount of gold you're sacrificing towards map control, you'll likely be behind on items.
- Pinks and Red Trinket are extremely valuable, try and watch where the enemy is warding so you don't waste charges; and
- Always carry one pink if there's an objective available, and TWO pinks if the enemy has a champion with invisibility.
6. The Initiator
Initiation is an art, not a science. Good imitators:
- Are wary of everyone's cooldowns, both on you and your enemy's team;
- Are wary of the spacing between your team and the enemy team;
- Understand the vision control that each team has; and
- Make the call and take ownership of it.
Don't intentionally ping around the objective instead of on the objective, TAKE OWNERSHIP!
7. The Follow-Up
Follow-up players can be leaders or followers, but they still need to be aware of the following:
- Understand if you're mostly burst damage and expendable after your ultimate;
- Understand where dangerous assassins come from, and make sure you can get your damage off before dying; and
- Focus on spacing, concentrate on keeping proper distance between your team's CC/Peel and enemy targets and dangers.
8. The Peeler
Oftentimes, the peeler, initiator, and assassin tend to be very interchangeable roles depending on how fed each champion is and who's playing what. If your ability to carry a game is far less than that of your squishy backline, then peeling is a must to ensure victory.
Remember, it's not the job of the squishy to stay near you, it's your job to stay near them.
9. The Assassin/Diver
This class is oft at odds with the peeler. On one hand, if the squishy dies then maybe "this guy is a terrible peeler". On the other hand, maybe this other guy is just an amazing assassin.
Keys to remember when playing this role are:
- Know how important your damage is to the team compared to the target you're aiming to kill;
- If you die, does your team still have enough damage to follow-up?
- Do you have enough burst damage to be an initiator?
- Are you percentage based damage or flat numbers based damage dealer? Percentage based "divers" may do better as peelers.
10. The "Carry"
Finally, The Carry. The Carry is essentially any, or possibly all the above roles combined. In order to truly carry, you have to be the person your team counts on to make the right calls, to survive anything and everything, and finally, to dish the pain, put your team on your shoulders, and pull your 0-50 bot lane to victory.- Be a God. Don't try and make low percentage crazy plays. If you're fed, don't die and give them your spree.
- Be a God. Draw enemy players to your lane and walk away from battles you can't win. Take out the puny ones who dare challenge you.
- Be a God. Keep your lane well warded and continuously push, this will cause your lane opponent to bait his teammates into coming to your lane and feeding you more kills.
In order to be the best carry you can be, both your team and the enemy team must respect and fear you. This gives hope to your worthless teammates to prevent the surrender and to also strike fear into the hearts of your enemies.
Reading this is like reading my final draft of an essay where I knew I had like 2 paragraphs to start with that I stretched out into a 2000 word essay
ReplyDeletelololol da truth
ReplyDeleteI feel just reading everything on this website should minimally get you gold hahahaha. We have to advertise this website! LOL.
ReplyDeleteThe way to win games and climb from broNze:
ReplyDeleteStep 1: get me fed
Step 2: gg ez
Sadly, I don't carry often QQ.
ReplyDeleteBut, I'm happy to say I'm a reliable person to count on. So I'd say I'm Follower and Follow-up for sure. Idk about split pusher, I try to help my teammates when I split, but sometimes I don't know when to push and when to not.
A lot of this is spot on. Unfortunately in silver league there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians. People bark orders and pings. Some just ignore them completely and go farm in the jungle instead of taking objectives after team fights. But all in all one thing to remember. Ppl overestimate their own skills and 75% of league players below platinum think they are better than the other 75%.
ReplyDeleteI'd be No. 7 :3
ReplyDeleteI prefer to play instinctively and opportunistically rather than plan things lol
Hmmm... I usually tend to do the obvious calls, like when you trade objectives; top for dragon or bot turret, etc. And I like to be very aware of whats going on in the mini-map. Im not a role model to follow, just saying.
ReplyDeleteI hope the math skills of these 75% are better than yours xD
ReplyDeleteWell this site helped me a lot to climb from bronze to gold
ReplyDeleteLol. Is this endlesswonder?
ReplyDeleteI'm a leader and a meta-breaker. Though trying to get rid of my meta breaking habits. I'm often the one who makes orders on the team, making me a pretty good leaser. :/
ReplyDeleteSmart pings could have a thread unitself. If you simply ping the enemy champion whenever you see most necessary, ex., mid-lane roaming river. Anytime you see the enemy jungler... The difference being that pings marking the enemy record the data. Your teammates are able to see which opponent was pinged and there are delays on the mini map. This gives your teammate a few extra seconds to process the information. It's the opposite of lazy. Make sense?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be a total noob but what is "peeling?" and what are some good peeling champs? Thanks :)
ReplyDeletePeeling is when you cc people for the carry either to protect them or allow then to get a kill nautlis blitz and morg are some good peelers
ReplyDeleteif my bot lane would be 0/50 i doubt we can win
ReplyDeletediver and split pusher, my biggest issue in league is that i don't no my limits, like when i am 0 and 3 and still try to duel the 16 and 2 draven, well you get the idea (hey sometimes i get him, sometimes i don't)
ReplyDeleteQuite insightful, if I do say so myself young doge.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot 11. The Feeder.
ReplyDeletebut everyone feeds sometimes
ReplyDeleteI strongly disagree with nautilus and especially with blitzcrank being peelers, they both engage a fight and dont have a whole lot that can stop a diving assassin. Morgana is great though with her black shield, binding, and ultimate. Some other champions I might call strong peelers are champions with good disengage such as janna, alistar, and braum.
ReplyDeleteThresh is the best peeler thanks to his kit
ReplyDeleteJanna and alistar could easly make a disengage if used wrong "Jannas R and Alistar W"
Lenoa and Braum are not bad either
Well some times I carry games with 20+ kills, some times i feed with 20+ deaths
ReplyDeleteThink of "peeling" in league like "peeling" a banana. You need to peel a banana's layers in order to eat it. Likewise, in order for your carry to be effective, you need to peel off the "layers" (people that want to kill your carries).
ReplyDeletepeeling consists in protecting your carries from enemies,in order to do that you can use your cc or simply bodyblock skillshots.
ReplyDeleteEveryone with good cc can peel but only few got dedicated peeling skills,i can name you braum and thresh as 2 of the best peelers i can think for now,yeah leona and morgana coulb be great peelers but their cc is much better for engage rather than peeling
Blitz is kind of trashy as a peeler but naut is amazing. Position yourself so that enemy front line is between you and the enemy ranged. Ult the ranged, laugh at the volibear flyin' through the air, drop e on cd, cycle auto attacks across anyone trying to get to your bb, use hook as extra cc on main threat. Yes naut can also initiate quite well, but he is amazing at peeling
ReplyDeleteI am the split pusher or the Leader. Yup. I hate it when I play top and my enemy top laner has Teleport and they tryhard TP bot/mid and even though I usually say SS/Ping MIA/SS and try to warn them too. They still say I shoulda came help even if I dont have teleport and blaablaablaa. Meanwhile I am pushing turret, destroying the enemy turr et and even continue if enemies dont show up
ReplyDeleteI think I fit every role here, just never all at the same time.
ReplyDelete"Don't intentionally ping around the objective instead of on the objective, TAKE OWNERSHIP!"
I'm super guilty for this, because I always thought pinging around the objective allowed me to dodge any toxicity from my teammates. (Woohoo SoloQueue.) Maybe the way I do it is acceptable though?
1. Ping around the objective ~2-3 times.
2. Wait 5 seconds.
3. Send "On My Way" Ping on objective.
4. Teammates think I'm following someone else's order.
5. Everyone follows up since they think at least two people are working together for the same objective.
Should I still do this or start to take ownership? This method works for me roughly 80-90% of the time.
"If it ain't broke don't fix it"
ReplyDeleteI dont honestly know what the heck this even means. This ''dont intentionally ping around the objective''. I dont get it lol. dont understand. I ping what I want and I ping the objectives when need.
ReplyDeleteIf you're performing well then definitely take ownership of it, if you're not but think that movement's a good idea then that might be a good way to go about it.
ReplyDeleteMy role? The Carry, of course.
ReplyDeleteReally, though, I tend to perform best when focusing on map control, initiation, and peeling. I'm definitely more of a Leader than a Follower in my games.
Lol the click-bait style article names. I like them though and you gotta get more visitors somehow. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteAt least it's all on the same page :P
ReplyDeleteAlso, it's not bad to extend the leadership to champ select. Always be political. If you notice an early ad mid say something like "it might be good for us to get an ap top or jung", ask the adc what kind of supp they like even if you don't plan on doing it yourself. Just be polite and MOST people will be responsive
ReplyDeleteIf i had to think of my role, i'm the damn split pusher that never kill but destroy all ur turret. The same one that then u try to gank, u find him running away at mach speed
Lol carry them "worthless teammates"
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the most common role "The Feeder"
ReplyDeleteim the carry, with the exception of assasins(i dont play these type of champs)
ReplyDeletei also dont put much ward, i should improve on this.
my strength comes from minions control, jungle pressure, map pressure, teamfight forcing.
Map control! I main support/jungle and I like the keep the map lit up (as much as you can with one person). Even when I mid or top I always try to have a vision ward up and stealths if I have the extra gold after back.
ReplyDeleteIf i play amumu, what should i do? Initiator or peeler? Or depend on both teams compositions?
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower communication-wise, most the communication I do is giving our leader advice while still letting him/her make the final call. As for playstyle I tend to be an initiator or follow up, either way I tend to like being the front liner of my team's composition.
ReplyDeleteBeing the Leader is like being a mother, you will suffer for the mistakes of each one of your teammates, your brain will be overwhelm with all the flow, picks and deccissions of the game, if your teamates screw the game they always count on you to do the job..... But in the end when they succeed just because they trust you and do what they were told to do, and they thank you for being a good captain: is the best feeling in the world :')
ReplyDeleteLeaders like me will understand (gotta love those bastards :'b )
i fit into split pusher, initiator, and map controler
ReplyDeleteAmumu is all about the initiation. Q in(hopefully on a carry), ult and follow them around and make them hate life because percent health dmg. That's not to say if you see an angry volibear charging your fed adc that you shouldn't q back onto him, but amumu is great to start fights with.
ReplyDeletesame here
ReplyDeleteNot only you will suffer for the mistakes of your teammates, you will throw games thanks to a bad call.
ReplyDeleteLeader or Initiator, depending on which champion I am and our team comp
ReplyDeleteIf you ping on an objective it says "[Name Here] has targeted the [Objective here]"
ReplyDeleteIf you ping around the objective nobody knows who said it.
If you're intentionally pinging around an objective, it means that you are trying to get away from being blamed for bad plays. Saying "Take Ownership" means to tell the team you are the one who is wanting to go to the objective.
Feeders aren't truly players. They don't really want to win the game.
ReplyDeleteIf you're talking about that one person that feeds on your team, but you think they are trying to win the game, that doesn't happen every time. Everybody makes mistakes, and if you're against someone like Draven, a few kills will lead to the whole team calling the ADC a feeder, because Draven snowballs so hard he is unstoppable once he gets a few kills.
Leader here. And also the other points, but not always.
ReplyDeleteInitiator for sure. I love running into their shit and destroying them lol. Depends on who I'm playing to be wary of their cc. (Eg, when I'm kat I for sure pay attention to the main cc)
ReplyDeleteThe Carry, dat works all the time
ReplyDelete+1 for this. I hate slideshows...
ReplyDeleteLeader/Initiator. Because one must lead by example. Want your team to not be afraid and dive a match-up you KNOW you can win? Sound the horn yourself and the rest will follow.
ReplyDeleteI'm just a map controller and a Follow-up when i'm damage. I play support a lot and i go out of my way to ward dangerous areas. When im the follow-up i make sure that following up is paramount above all else.
ReplyDeleteAssasin,split pusher..but i believe i always do it right. As far as communication goes im more of a loner. What i means is that i try to have most shit done without asking any help, or following calls. I its bcuz the champs i play..
ReplyDeleteAnd your rank is?
ReplyDeleteI am totally the meta breaker, full AP Ezreal works like a charm, and when I am counter-picked, I can break the meta and go bot lane and let the teams ADC or support deal with the asshole that counterpicked me instead
ReplyDeleteMy guess is low gold.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Iskandar from fate zero lol
ReplyDeleteLeader and Map Controller
ReplyDeleteVery fun article. I'd like to believe we all have a potential "carry" mentality inside of us. Be a god. That's my new motto.