NERFPLZ.LOL Top 10 Most Frustrating Things That Happen In Solo Queue | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Apr 17, 2015

Top 10 Most Frustrating Things That Happen In Solo Queue

Ever have that one guy in your game who you're SURE is trolling, but can't quite tell if he's actually trying to win? Does that guy claim to be a challenjour "smurf"? Is it one of those "I will carry by myself type people? Or maybe he's actually really trolling...either way, here's my Top 10 list of the most frustrating things in solo queue:


Ever have that one guy in your game who you're SURE is trolling, but can't quite tell if he's actually trying to win? Does that guy claim to be a challenjour "smurf"? Is it one of those "I will carry by myself type people? Or maybe he's actually really trolling...either way, here's my Top 10 list of the most frustrating things in solo queue:

1. Teemo Support

Teemo support. You're not sure if he's planning on building sightstone this game, but you're pretty sure that if he shoots that Leona one more time he's going to get what's coming to him.

Maybe he's been sitting at the enemy buff for a few minutes now...invisible...meanwhile, the enemy jungler shows up and kills you while he's waiting. Oops.

2. Losing to Teemo Support

Somewhat on par with actually having Teemo support is LOSING to Teemo support. Strange...he only has a liandry, why is my ADC getting 2-shot by mushrooms?

Why won't anybody on my team buy a pink ward? How is he placing so many with 0% CDR...


3. Heimerdinger Support vs Blitzcrank

It appears that we've pushed all the way to their turret. 

Well as long as neither of us gets pulled we should be okay...

4. Getting Trapped by Jarvan Ult...

...from your own teammate

5. Trundle with 40% CDR and Tear

His only purpose appears to be interrupting your teammates from ever completing a recall

6. Getting Backdoored by Tryndamere and Master Yi 


7. A Successful Nunu Counterjungling

Have you ever tried jungling in an empty jungle?

8. An Unsuccessful Nunu Counterjungling

Have you ever seen a Nunu whose only purpose in the game appears to be to provide bloodboil for an underfed AD Carry?

Maybe you even have a Teemo ADC...

9. Morgana Blackshield

Have you ever tried breaking a Morgana's shield with Vi? I've never broken one in less than 5 seconds. Maybe you were more successful.

10. Terrible Janna Ults

Sometimes, you just gotta pop that button...

Got more of your own to add? Comment below!

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  1. Michael ArcherApril 17, 2015

    BuzzFeed: Leauge of Legends edition

  2. SSJSuntasticApril 17, 2015

    Ya got me

  3. I have a nice one, you fucking stomp everylane but then the ennemies regroup as 5 with their fucking op team comp (#fuckthismeta) malphite gragas chogath leona (with ofc warmog as first item on all of them) and you just there trying to kill them but you cant so you just got aced since the tankiest shit you have in your team is a roa nidalee =)))))

  4. Eihab KayedApril 17, 2015

    When blitz pull Amumu in the middle of your team, Aniviea put a wall the save the enemy or Alistar headbutt there ADC away or my personal favorite when they your teammate are gonna break the meta with MF jungle and ADC Heimerdinger

  5. I have a nice one, you fucking stomp everylane but then the ennemies regroup as 5 with their fucking op team comp malphite gragas chogath leona (with ofc warmog as first item on all of them) and you just there trying to kill them but you cant so you just get aced since the tankiest shit you have in your team is a roa nidalee.

  6. Dragonblade TalonApril 17, 2015

    When you have a knock back on your team which saves enemies

  7. Adolf HitlerApril 17, 2015

    4 afk pls

  8. Romao SabandarApril 17, 2015

    Blowing all your spells and your lane opponent walks away with 20hp.....

  9. NotEnglish But Spaghetti :DApril 17, 2015

    6. Getting Backdoored by Tryndamere and Master Yi

    i'd rather prefer kiss a cactus

  10. Srikar MylavarapuApril 17, 2015

    Blitz crank pulling karthus into your team

  11. flash ult ignite and enemy lives with 2 hp

    or losing 5v4

  12. People who don't bother to learn their lane roles before calling it, and will call a lane after somebody already called it.

  13. I love it when I get away with small HP, so a tryhard who went for a kill didnt get me... especially if flashed and QWER'd. lol.

  14. love it when I do that, I mean im the enemy getting away. hah

  15. calico jonesApril 17, 2015

    When you barely walk away alive from a team fight and you happen to walk into a warded bush to recall and get hit with a Jinx/Ez ult or Nid spear. It has happened to me too many times to even be funny anymore.

  16. what i find the most horrible is when a "challenjour" smurf actually carries, i'd rather have him feed so i can rub it in

  17. shaco shaco shaco u gotta love that clown

  18. This is just wrong and i dont even have to say why

  19. Aaseem D. KapilApril 17, 2015

    Double backdoor is nowhere as good as triple backdoor with Yi, Tryndamere and Jax while Warwick secures 5th Dragon and Udyr secures Baron.

  20. The scenarios where you get the best feelings automatically turn to ones that give you the worst when the tables are turned and shxt is happening to you...

  21. When you have to play defensive as an adc but your support uses all spells offensively while you farm. Then you have to stop farming to save your supports tail only to have them stay on the offensive. Then they get themselves killed and troll you for not keeping them alive.

  22. disisdeathwingApril 19, 2015

    where is the nasus backdoor?

  23. disisdeathwingApril 19, 2015

    and ap nunu is a thing
    dont ruin my ulti over 9000 dream

  24. disisdeathwingApril 19, 2015

    then enemy team surrendered because your nasus is backdooring their nexus while grabbing a triple.
    league lyfe

  25. disisdeathwingApril 19, 2015

    i do this all the time

  26. disisdeathwingApril 19, 2015


  27. Romao SabandarApril 20, 2015

    that moment you walk with your team to Baron and get instakilled by Nunu....not only you but the whole team xD

  28. Lol never seen the 40% CDR Trundle. Even without tear its hard to go oom on Trundle unless you're really trying too. The successful Nunu counterjungling is so much fun when I'm Nunu... not so much when I'm playing support and my teams Udyr keeps pinging for help cuz all his buffs magically disappear

  29. Romao SabandarApril 21, 2015

    4. Getting Trapped by Jarvan Ult...

    Hahahaha got this last night. Was playing Lucian and fed as hell. So Jax and Jarvan both decided to ult jump on me. Dash out & Ult and it was GG xD Hella funny to see

  30. Romao SabandarApril 21, 2015

    What about Tristana when you try to land your Seju Ult.

  31. Romao SabandarApril 21, 2015

    Like they say on "TV" Win lane doesn't win game :)

  32. I always came here for information about the tier list and insight on the game. I hope you dont turn this site into a "10 things blabla" Facebook like shit like everything else. Its not even funny using nunu twice and posting a video that is super old. Stop this 9fag humor.

  33. Troy LewisApril 27, 2015

    #11 Skillshot failure; Blitz and Thresh don't land a single hook. Nidalee can't land a single spear ever.

  34. When two people fight over mid in the lobby and we end up having a duo mid :/

  35. Black cleaver is opMay 02, 2015

    i think you forgot riven players.


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