A few hours ago, Riot released visual updates for both Alistar and Tristana, two of our favorite (and only) completely free champions to get via YouTube for Alistar and Facebook for Tristana! Since a picture's worth 1000 words, check out the official details below:
Champion Update: Alistar
The champion update guys had a closer look at Alistar and decided it was time for a brush up! We’ve just finished shampooing and shearing, clipping and steering him through the champ-up workshop, and he’s finally ready to stampede with style.

As with a few other recent updates, Alistar didn’t actually require a massive gameplay or thematic overhaul, meaning we could focus on the Minotaur’s visuals. His update’s packed with new models and textures for all of his skins, and while we had him in the shop, we also tweaked a couple of the big guy’s animations. Now Alistar will cycle through different run types as he speeds up and slows down, and you’ll actually see him trampling enemies with his passive! You still can’t milk those, though.

Champion Update: Tristana
BY FIZZNCHIPSLet’s talk Trist! Originally released a megling champion before uh... they all went away... we’re solidifying Tristana as a yordle while giving her a new model, textures, voicework, ability effects and some targeted kit changes. Yep. Kit changes. Along with number tweaks, Tristana’s E active has gone to join the Heart of Gold and Philo Stone in ye warehouse of olde eqyppmente, and she now has a completely new way to shoot, explode, etc her opponents. Here’s how it works.
E – Explosive Charge

Passive: Whenever Tristana kills a unit, her shot explodes, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
Active: Tristana attaches a charge to a nearby enemy unit or turret. After a few seconds, the charge detonates, dealing damage to the target and all nearby enemies. Attacking the target with basic attacks amps the charge up, making it deal extra damage as it explodes. Tristana can also Rocket Jump onto a target with Explosive Charge for extra damage.
We grabbed a couple of the champion update guys to go through the update and talk about some of the specific changes we’re implementing.
Gameplay notes by Vesh
Old Trist was a late game powerhouse who didn’t really have clearly defined weaknesses. Her power dipped in the mid game, yeah, but when you look at other super powerful late game carries (think Vayne or Kog’Maw), she just didn’t have the same Achilles heel-type glowing red spots for her enemy team to pew pew at. She had insane range and speed with her basic attacks, and even when she did get caught, she had a decent knock back AND a lengthy jump that let her GTFO. Changes were needed, and after deliberating with the rest of the champion update designers, we decided to cement Tristana as a daredevil reset carry who gets bonuses from (rocket) jumping into fights while removing some of thesafe strength she had in her kit.
Now, instead of operating as an uber safe right-clicker, new Tristana’s power is windowed, with huge power spikes when she’s played to meet specific goals. Her basic attack speed still increases per level, but the boost is lower than before. This makes Rapid Fire actually important, as she’s not just switching from stupid fast attack speed to soul-crushingly fast attack speed. Her Rocket Jump now deals lower base damage, but can deal way more if she stacks up Explosive Charge on her target before landing on their face.
Implementing Explosive Charge brought about a few interesting new combos, too: now you can plant your explosive charge onto the enemy frontline tank, pump up the charge with a few basic attacks, then knock them into their allies with Buster Shot. A bit like a Zilean time bomb and Lee Sin kick in one combo. Explosive Charge is pretty central to her playstyle: by landing the ability on the right targets and making smart use of Rapid Fire, good Trist players will maximize her new E’s detonation before Rocket Jumping in to start off her trademark reset rampage.
Art notes by IronStylus
Tristana was one of those older champions who was – as Vesh has put it – a bit of a blob. Like Twitch, she had a limited rig, meaning our animators couldn’t add much in the way of personality to her movement, and she was generally starting to look a bit dated next to the more recent champs. We started looking at Tristana through the champion update lens and knew we wanted to bring in a wholesale change, updating her model, textures, rig, and animations until she felt like a unique part of the yordle family.
That’s right – she’s now officially a yordle, too! Working from the standards we set with Heimerdinger’s update, we knew we wanted to push her proportions so that she physically represented her character and theme. Heimer’s a genius, so has a bit of a bobblehead and wobbles around as he walks. Tristana, on the other hand, represents the yordle take on a super cannon commando. Her appearance is slightly more feral and nature-themed than before, with wilder eyes and animalistic ears that steer her away from little girl territory and towards yordle status. Tristana’s cannon is now a full expression of her, too, thanks to exaggerated animations that we’ve added to the cannon itself whenever she uses Rocket Jump or Buster Shot.

Source 1, Source 2
Thoughts? Comment below!
SSJ you can actually get Garen and his Dreadknight skin for free via twitter.
ReplyDeleteActually didn't know that, thanks for the heads up! Just got it ~ For people wondering where, it's available at https://twitter.com/leagueoflegends/status/447126845276696576
ReplyDeleteOn s@20 they showed some red posts that explained Ahri will receive some buffs to compensate and make her more of a kiting mage... Off the top of my head I read increasing base damages on her spells, and maybe giving a move speed boost while Q is in the air. They mentioned buffs could be utility not necessarily damage. Also talked about removing the dfg-like aspect from her charm. I'd like to see them either replace it with maybe a damages debuff on charmed target or add a slow to her foxfire, but we'll have to wait and see what they put up on pbe
ReplyDeleteOther champs hurt by dfg removal are Veigar and Annie and riot mentioned they would get some lovin as well
I dont think the "free Tristana" is still there
ReplyDeleteCant find her anywhere (or at least I cant find a Code that is working)
The link at the top of this post should still work
ReplyDeleteWrote up some thoughts on it here: http://www.nerfplz.com/2015/01/thoughts-on-removal-of-dfg-in-patch-52.html
ReplyDeleteAWESOME :-)! SO NICE!!! I love the visual updates!!!!!! HD Goodyness and details. tristana is such a hot little Yordle girl! :D
ReplyDeleteI hope that tristana will still be the monster that she is. and still have huge range and safe ownage like before.
Black and Golden Alistar looks WAY better now ! (same for Matador and Longhorn, but to a lesser extent). All Tristana skin looks 100 times better (even if I think I prefered the old Rocketeer gun).
ReplyDeleteOverall, it feels like a BIG nerf to AD tristana late game potential (it's not like she was amongst the best adc anymore :S). The dumbest change is here "a daredevil reset carry who gets bonuses from (rocket) jumping into fights while removing some of the safe strength she had in her kit." Meaning you just created a suicidal little useless shit that will jump in the middle of TF to die more quickly :). As AD tristana, the jump was to escape. Period. She is ADC, not bruiser or assassin. Same for Corki Valkyrie (is he the next target of this dumb kind of change? probably). So she will just keep some nice early trade and pushing (turret) potential with the bomb..and that's it..Welcome to the Twitch tier little yordle ;)
With the ult cooldown being lowered to 60 seconds at all ranks and the new e having a .9 ap scaling do you guys think AP trist will be viable after this remake?
ReplyDeletee get bonus damage with autos,w get bonus damage based on e stacks.....her ult definitely need to deal low damage or she will be seriously too strong
ReplyDeletei think her laning phase will be much better,E's mechanic will probably let her win easily autoattack wars and with the bonus damage on W i will be scared if she decides to burst me down with ult.
ReplyDeleteLate game his kit is still destinated to fall of except for Q and you don't need to use W as an offensive spell because probably it will deal less damage than an autoattack.
A tristana with a better early game but worse early game imho
Wait and see :)... the question is going to be : how much they really buffed her early compared to her late game nerf? And I think that she could be badly impacted. Answer 21/01
ReplyDeletehello matti
ReplyDeletei want to reply to you only because there is no PM feature on this disqus comment system...
anyway i wonder... do you want to know how exactly i am using/ playing the darius? so you can try it too?
sure, tell me for fun if want
ReplyDeletetp and ignite... why no flash or ghost? because that tool is for early... if you master how to avoid the gank then no problem... always be in the army of minion... they will regret how dangerous to gank you.... if less than 6 minions... be more cautious and wait something happen...
if you are playing against rumble teemo any ranger... try to push early as possible to pressure/fear their mind... they are too squishy... if too dangerous then farm under the turret... make sure Q is in their zone... you missed... you screwed up...
i went offensive because of darius kit... defensive is okay but not damage for teamfight what you will be frontine... you will peel more damage than you thought... huge help for teamfight
mainly reason darius is too strong because of first column of offensive... it boost huge damage what darius is doing... dangerous game also helps reset his ult early... never know...
double edge is bah... too risky against ranger...
warlord is a joke on darius...
9x Greater Mark of Armor Penetration
1x Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration
9x Greater Seal of Scaling Health
9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
2x Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed
it synegry with phage and dragon level 3... really well with swiftness boot and raptor too... less kitable... with Q.. it will able to zone the teamfight so well... if its too easy oppoenet then chase and taunt... come back if unsafe... sometime you have to have B plan...
start with sword and 3 potions... except clothe (against carry to build into FH and or thormail... depend on your play)
mainly item is phage bami hexdrinker boot...
to avoid to complete item if you have more than 3 free slots...
for example.. well doing : phage > boot > bami > hexa > raptor (or warden mail if adc/jungler are too strong) > kindlegem or giant belt > ohmwrecker ( or randium omen) > complete any of BC or maw or sunfire...
i usually take sunfire as 5th or 6th because of armor+ health... level 14 or below sunfire cape is not useful... chain vest too)
full item
swiftness boot /bc /maw /ohm wrecker > randium omen > sunfire
get mecury boot against 3x or more CC like amu, lux, jinx
against heavly AS/ AA... take (fh : quin/vayne/kay/etc) or (thormail : always against nasus/fiora/yaso/gp)
against heavily ap (hexdrinker mercury boot and sv)
more AP melee
replace randium omen with SV...
more AP ranger
replace bami with SV
anyway have fun ;]
ps. you can have 21/9/0 if you dont like fleet of feet... replace MS rune too... it will be slow early...
look like nerfplz disapproved... i will re-post...
tp and ignite... why no flash or ghost? because that tool is for early... if you master how to avoid the gank then no problem... always be in the army of minion... they will regret how dangerous to gank you.... if less than 6 minions... be more cautious and wait something happen...
if you are playing against rumble teemo any ranger... try to push early as possible to pressure/fear their mind... they are too squishy... if too dangerous then farm under the turret... make sure Q is in their zone... you missed... you screwed up...
i went offensive because of darius kit... defensive is okay but not damage for teamfight what you will be frontine... you will peel more damage than you thought... huge help for teamfight
mainly reason darius is too strong because of first column of offensive... it boost huge damage what darius is doing... dangerous game also helps reset his ult early... never know...
double edge is bah... too risky against ranger...
warlord is a joke on darius...
9x Greater Mark of Armor Penetration
1x Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration
9x Greater Seal of Scaling Health
9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
2x Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed
it synegry with phage and dragon level 3... really well with swiftness boot and raptor too... less kitable... with Q.. it will able to zone the teamfight so well... if its too easy oppoenet then chase and taunt... come back if unsafe... sometime you have to have B plan...
q > w > q > e > q > r
q > w > q > w > r
w > e > w > e > r
comple last e
why? max q will waste mana too much... unless you rush fh...
w made so useful during duelist...
its not easy to read and remember this... just simple... complete q and w but at rank 4 w take e AS rank 2 E because of more teamfight... you want grab more often than level 1... and ofcurse more armor pen....
rank 5 of q
rank 4 of w
rank 2 of e
rank 2 of r
start with sword and 3 potions... except clothe (against carry to build into FH and or thormail... depend on your play)
mainly item is phage bami hexdrinker boot...
to avoid to complete item if you have less than 2 free slots...
for example.. well doing : phage > boot > bami > hexa > raptor (or warden mail if adc/jungler are too strong) > kindlegem or giant belt > ohmwrecker ( or randium omen) > complete any of BC or maw or sunfire...
i usually take sunfire as 5th or 6th because of armor+ health... level 14 or below sunfire cape is not useful... chain vest too)
full item
swiftness boot /bc /maw /ohm wrecker > randium omen > sunfire
get mercury boot against 3x or more CC like amu, lux, jinx
against heavly AS/ AA... take (fh : quin/vayne/kay/etc) or (thormail : always against nasus/fiora/yaso/gp)
against heavily ap (hexdrinker mercury boot and sv)
more AP melee
replace randium omen with SV...
more AP ranger
replace bami with SV
anyway have fun ;]
ps. you can have 21/9/0 if you dont like fleet of feet... replace MS rune too... it will be slow early...
it needs nerfplz's approve again...
wow darius disabled due to e... probably thats why?