NERFPLZ.LOL Which Champions are Strongest When Mastered? - December 2014 | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Dec 24, 2014

Which Champions are Strongest When Mastered? - December 2014



Winning in solo queue is a complex affair. There are so many variables involved outside of player control such as lag, that consistency plays a massive part in climbing the ranks.

However, in an ideal situation with teammates that select champions that reasonably synergize with you, which champions offer the most bang for their buck when mastered? 

What Makes a Champion "Strong"? 

  1. Ability to dodge or negate spells and attacks; 
  2. Higher than usual damage rewarded for landing difficult skillshots; 
  3. Difficulty to kill; and/or
  4. Ability to damage enemies who can't damage you back, usually through one of the following methods:
    • Durability
    • Untargetability
    • High Range
    • Crowd Control effects
  5. High potential damage output
Although some champions may overlap, the criteria above is used and the following criteria that we use for solo queue is omitted
  1. Ease of play; 
  2. Synergy with popular champions; and
  3. Margin of error.

Strongest Mid Laners

Zed [Damage/Outplay]: In terms of team utility, Zed essentially has none. He is a pure damage and outplaying machine, and efficient management of poke, clones, and all-in timing is crucial to pull off that sweet ultimate + nuke + fade away back into the shadows. However, pulling off amazing plays with him is probably one of the most satisfying things you'll ever do in League of Legends.

Katarina [Damage]: In terms of raw damage potential Katarina is bar none, the strongest snowball champion in the game. The second she kills or gets an assist off one champion, her damage effectively increases by an instant 50~100%. This combined with the fact that 75% of her skills are AOE means that she WILL get a reset and your team WILL die.

Leblanc [Damage/Utility]: A good Leblanc is absolutely indispensable. Surprisingly, it's her ability to poke with distortion that separates a good Leblanc from a bad one (there are no mediocre Leblancs, but plenty of bad ones). She is an extremely high risk, high reward champion, and her most popular skill order puts her right in the middle of the fray to maximize her AOE damage output. However, with good timing and skill management, she can also lure out dangerous spells via her poke before she goes all-in to burst down a squishy.

Cassiopeia [Damage]: Although Cassiopeia does provide some utility, the reason why she's got an insane skill to reward ratio is simply because of her damage potential from landing her noxious blasts. If she can manage her blasts combined with her Twin Fangs, her cheesing power is through the roof. That being said, her mechanics and short cooldowns essentially make her attack almost as fast as an AD carry (with spells).

Syndra [Damage/Utility]: With her high range, short cooldown AOE stun, Syndra has the potential to be one of the most devastating mid laners in the game. If a Syndra hits with her nuke on every cooldown, almost any champion will die before even hitting the level two mark. Meanwhile, she scales well into late game and has the ability to delete a single player at almost any point in the game with a point and click ultimate.

Honorable Mentions: Ahri, Akali, Azir, Fizz, Karthus, Orianna, Yasuo. These champions are tried and true, and often have the ability to dominate solo queue by themselves. However, at the moment their damage output isn't quite as strong as others in their pool in the current patch. I would keep them tight on the radar though, as they're strong contenders in their own right.

Strongest Top Laners

Azir [Utility]: Azir's kit offers an insane amount of damage and utility if he can position himself and his soldiers correctly while managing cooldowns. Late game, his soldiers have the ability to kill squishies almost instantly after spawning and charging. He also offers a lot of champion displacement, and can block a lot of "jumping" skillshots (eg. Lee Sin or Kha'zix) via his ultimate.

Gnar [Utility]: Gnar's kit offers a ton in terms of kiting potential in ranged form as well as CC in his mega Gnar form. If players are able to understand the potentials of both forms and engage/disengage while managing his rage bar, he's definitely one of the strongest champions on the field at the moment.

Jayce [Damage]: Jayce's damage output is through the roof in terms of poke potential, and can safely take down enemy champions from far outside the fog of war. Not only that, his AOE dueling power is immense against tightly clumped up melee champions (read: supports trying to peel). A fed Jayce can clean up an entire team by himself with one quick dunk or whittle them down slowly from sniper range.

Lissandra [Damage/Utility]: Lissandra's ability to outplay via her untargetability combined with her long distance initiation/mind game power gives her extremely high utility. This, in sync with her strong AOE damage output means that she can shred down targets extremely efficiently when combined with her teammates. 

Rengar [Damage]: Rengar is basically a split-pushing god once he gets ahead top lane. His teamfight power isn't nearly as good since he'll have to rely on his pick power, but in a 1v1 or even a 1v2 situation, his ability to jump through walls and gap close from every bush gives him insane cheesing power. As a manaless sustaining champion, it's also very difficult to force him out of lane if you fall behind, and 1v1 it is very difficult to recover from an early game advantage.  

Honorable Mentions: Riven. Nidalee
These two champions have great utility and definitely have their perks. Riven with her insane ability to outplay via cooldown management, and Nidalee with her ability to jump through walls. However, in their current state I don't think that they give quite as much as the 5 champions above. 


In terms of junglers, skillcaps champion-wise are fairly low and many are highly effective in jungle. However, there are a couple stand-out ones who do require higher skill to play effectively.

Fiddlesticks [Damage]: Few junglers (or champions for that matter) have the ability to make an entire team run or die at almost any point in the game. Fiddle is one such champion, and through his ultimate, has the ability to change the tides of a game by himself. However, because of his weak constitution, he needs to be careful in terms of when and how he engages. Getting interrupted or instantly bursted down before using Zhonyas is enough to make bad Fiddles completely ineffective.

Jarvan IV [Utility/Damage]: Jarvan IV currently stands at the apex of junglers in Patch 4.21 and rightly so. If mastered, we have here a champion with two built-in flashes, an AOE knockup, tons of passive stats from his skills, and one of the most unique forms of CC in the game through his ultimate.

Lee Sin [Utility]: Some of you may be surprised that Lee's not higher up considering how much free press he gets from pros. Lee's ability to dodge skillshots and make insane plays is highly touted worldwide and rightly so. He can do it. Although nerfed many many times in the past, his kit still remains highly versatile and gives players the ability to make crazy plays.

Master Yi [Damage/Outplay]: Master Yi's main draw as a high skillcap champion lies in his alpha strike, which effectively negates whatever was just thrown at him. Additionally, Master Yi's renowned base backdooring abilities make him one of the best come-from-behind; I'll-win-this-myself; and feed-game-win-game champions in the game. 

Strongest Supports

Janna [Utility]: Janna is close to being indisputably the best support in the game in terms of sheer utility that she provides by herself. Through both her tornado and her monsoon (ultimate), Janna has the ability to block a massive number of champion "jump" attacks mid-air, including but not limited to the following:

Lee Sin, Akali, Kha'zix, Tristana, Corki, Lucian, Jarvan, Ahri, Fizz, Pantheon, Shen, Wukong, Xin Zhao, Vi, Fiora, Amumu...the list goes on and on.

Not only that, but she provides nearby teammates the ability to simply be faster than enemy champions whether it's for running away or for chasing down. This combined with the ability for her shield to deny death and also give an insanely strong damage buff cements her as a top tier support.

Thresh [Utility]: Where Janna is the queen of preventing plays from happening, Thresh is the offensive version, and king of making plays happen. His lantern and hook make him essentially the best support initiation in the game, as he can bring a friend with him during his initiation as a free gap closer. Additionally, all the champions listed above that Janna can block Thresh can also block with his flay (although with a shorter range/window of opportunity).

Blitzcrank [Utility]: Where Janna and Thresh keep teams ahead of the game, Blitzcrank has the ability to take away leads from even careful enemy teams. With his hook, he has the ability to create advantageous teamfights without needing to get close enough to the rest of the enemy team. This, combined with his speedboost makes it so that he can get the job done.

Strongest Marksmen (AD Carries)

Ezreal [Damage/Utility]: Technically speaking, if you were to hit every one of his Qs on enemy champions every time it came off CD except when they flashed or otherwise dodged it on purpose, Ezreal would be the most broken AD carry in the game, bar none. Luckily, most people seem to only be able to hit around 20%, if that.

Lucian [Damage/Utility]: It's no surprise to most that Lucian would be on this list, as his ability to auto attack reset, dash around, and deal massive damage from afar make him an ideal AD carry. While he's much more balanced with the slew of nerfs Riot hit him with, he's still got high potential.

Sivir [Damage/Utility]: Where Ezreal and Lucian feel smooth to play with the complicated mechanics, Sivir falls short in the quality of life department, and often feels the pain of her somewhat slow boomerang and sometimes clunky auto attack reset animation from her W. However, when mastered her burst damage is absolutely outrageous, and can easily chunk someone like Sona down to half in a single combo at level 3.

Draven [Damage]: Draven has the strongest level 1 burst damage in the game bar none. 1v1, he will beat everybody. If he's able to all-in level 1 with a creep advantage, he essentially wins his lane then and there, provided he catches all his axes.

Vayne [Damage/Utility]: I guess no list would be complete without Vayne. As a short range AD carry with insane late game but mediocre early game, Vayne happens to be the favorite of cheaters worldwide, and for good reason too. As a champion with the ability to dodge skillshots on the fly, a geometrically based stun, and auto attack animation cancelling as her core driver, when mastered, her utility and damage is indeed absolutely through the roof.

Honorable Mentions: Corki, Kog'maw. These two champions have strong, ranged damage output. However, their nerfs have reduced their effectiveness in terms of damage.

Thoughts on other champions who should have made the list? Comment below!

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  1. Is this the long-awaited high elo tier list?

  2. I definitely agree. EzReaL, Lissandra, J4 mostly.

  3. What do you think of Rumble top? He's a highly contested pick in the LCS and although he's very difficult to pick up and play, if you can master his heat cycle and consistently get off good Equalizers you can single-handedly win your team a fight.

  4. NoxianSpidercrabDecember 24, 2014

    Bar none. Someone please explain.

  5. Basically, no other champion in the entire game can out-burst Draven at level 1. That's what he's saying. The reason? His Q is potentially on a zero-second cooldown, and assuming you've taken mostly AD runes and masteries and started Doran's blade, it can do massive amounts of damage as soon as you take it.

  6. Exevier EtcheverryDecember 24, 2014

    Agree with all, except Yasuo... And in my opinion...
    Top: Fiora, Irelia and Leblanc AD.
    Jungler: Elise.
    Mid: Anivia.
    Support: Zyra and Vel'Koz.

  7. If Azir is one of the strongest top laners why isn't he in the solo q tier list then?
    And rengar top istier 2 but he is mentioned to be a good top laner?

  8. SSJSuntasticDecember 24, 2014

    Added Azir top to the list, Rengar top is bad in solo queue.

  9. He is decent in jungle. Top thats kinda harsh and there are many matchup where he will need you to be skilled to play him :)

  10. You lost me at Leblanc AD

  11. Wow, just, wow. I actually didn't expect Ezreal, I mean, I know he is OP if he manages to hit every single skillshot, but not the most broken AD, now I'm going to practice my sniping abilities B^)
    Off topic, but which Support would be the best Ezreal's partner? I'd say Nami (dat Q nuke) or Braum (insta stuns and huge safety)

  12. Braum is great, because if i remember right Ez Q procs braum passive. But i like the Sona/Ez comp. Its just perfect, and they both can harass champs if the champs are pushed under tower.

  13. Id put orianna above most of those picks, for her supreme utility and AOE damage.

  14. Why only HM for Ori? I feel like shes the best Utility midlaner in the game, and her damage is quite insane.

  15. SSJSuntasticDecember 24, 2014

    Although Orianna's very strong, she doesn't actually have anything in the way of hard CC or juking abilities. Because of that, I think that she plateaus earlier in terms of what she's capable of.

  16. where's shaco in the jungle

  17. CommonSenseGuyDecember 24, 2014

    Shaco needs buffs.

  18. Michael ThompsonDecember 24, 2014

    Lies. He already obnoxious enough that buffs aren't necessary. XD

  19. While I agree that Sona/Ez is strong, I think Nami can do more than Sona (Nami empowers 3 attacks, while Sona just 1; Nami has more AoE in her ult)
    However, If I were in bronze (Gold is not that far tho) I'd like a Sona over a Nami

  20. CommonSenseGuyDecember 24, 2014

    Rework or something.

    I love and hate his kit.

  21. CommonSenseGuyDecember 24, 2014

    Gold has 70-80% better players than Bronze to be fair.

  22. CommonSenseGuyDecember 24, 2014



  23. But at Lv 1 though? I agree the godyr probably has a better level 2, but if we're assuming that Draven has the opportunity to kite, Udyr would need to start Bear stance to start the trade on even grounds and then he sacrifices the damage from Tiger/Phoenix during the trade. So yes, I think Draven does outburst Udyr at Lv. 1.

  24. Shaquille SimonDecember 24, 2014

    What about jinx? Her lane pushing ability is way too strong. She wipes turrets out likes its nothing. Plus she can kite effectively and catch the people just outside of her range with her Rocket launcher.

  25. Dunked By ViDecember 25, 2014

    I think that Jinx isn't here because there isn't much to master of her because she has no out play potential or anything she just does a butt ton of damage with some skill shots that are easy to land. #rightclicktowin

  26. KingoftheSocksDecember 25, 2014

    I quite like the Ezreal Karma synergy. The poke is unreal

  27. Eeeeeeeeeeeeh, It's still a low elo to me :P

  28. The champs listed above are highskillcap champions. You are in bronze cause your mechanics are less good than others, that said, high skillcap chams are to hard. Play your point and click champs to gain rank (fiora, ww is still very good, akali, amumu for his insane teamfight etc.) thats the easiest way to climb ranks imo

    For midlande i would say Talon, Akali and Annie. Those are easy to learn and are easy to carry with.

  29. But when you master Rengar he is a really laner?

  30. Shaco's damage is outrages. His drawback is his teamfight vs aoe combs. To non aoe combs his tf is good, he oneshots adc's with ease. The skill in shaco lies in your ability to stay viable to stay relevant throughout the game

  31. Check ssj's post about ad leblanc

  32. So if you master Rengar he is a really good pick for top?

  33. Such content going trend?...
    Sorry but im not a guy thinking i can shift the meta by myself but i love better ideas...what i think its that making people play sup in soloQ is becoming less a problem but that jungler or top at least one has to pick a rather great defensive pick (tho top is the best for it for the substain...) everyone want to pick something full HAM a Riven Pantheon Yasuo etc...
    And when you see topic like that and you get out of a game with a guy called "Butthurt Shaco" playing Shaco top tank trust me you will hate those ideas! :)keep the lol in normal or custom and serious business in ranked :) Poka!

  34. Not that i would ever go ad leblanc. Ap is wayyy better

  35. Hey SSJ, like the new theme tho, just wanted to know if u could tell what would be the most efficient role to master in solo q?

  36. I do agree nami would be better, but i just really like the ammount of damage sona has. Plus im just a fan of her. Especially her and ez, like the op botlane it was in season 3

  37. Usually it's not all mechanics why someone is in bronze because other bronze players have poor mechanics too so the way to get out is to understand how to carry games and champion strengths and weaknesses. Bronze to Gold it's about taking advantage of the other teams mistakes and capitalizing on them.

  38. Morgan FreemanDecember 25, 2014

    Why do people keep calling Master Yi a noob champion?

  39. Why is Zac in the image on the top lane lol?

  40. SSJSuntasticDecember 25, 2014

    I think support is the most efficient since it requires more game knowledge and less raw skill.

  41. SSJSuntasticDecember 25, 2014

    Mid lane I'd recommend malzahar. The key is to always get your w under a champ before ulting them. For some reason I see even diamonds failing to do this properly, but it's not that hard and absolutely crucial.

  42. thanks for replying this, great page! :)

  43. Rithvik NalamalapuDecember 25, 2014

    Ok ty :)

  44. Rithvik NalamalapuDecember 25, 2014

    SSJ, one more question, my cousin is looking to do the same thing but he mains adc. In terms of mechanics he's worse. Do u have anyone? Sorry for the disturbance. Thank you

  45. CommonSenseGuyDecember 25, 2014

    and I'm D4, but i'm not ignorant to group gold w/ bronze

  46. Thats right, but it is easier to take advantage with easy to play champions.

  47. SSJSuntasticDecember 25, 2014

    I think that he should try out graves, as he's a much more caster based adc. He could also try ashe for her game changing ultimate. However, she has no escapes and has a smaller margin for error.

  48. SSJSuntasticDecember 25, 2014

    Thanks, come again soon!

  49. SSJSuntasticDecember 25, 2014

    Which one do you think is zac?

  50. 700 ranked syndra matches

  51. I have played a lot of Syndra. I can tell you the main source of power lies in the ability to cast while moving. And to set up spheres in advance; for instance when you're returning to lane. Place 'Q', walk over it, and place a new 'Q', pick up old sphere with 'W' throw and stun 'E'. New Q, ult.

  52. Cause his dmg is insane and people think his only skill is hitter the r and q bottem. They forget about the aa reset that his meditate gives or to lower a high dmg nuke from the enemy

  53. Rate my match history

  54. Rate my match history; Syndra
    ign: Dar Fas

  55. Rithvik NalamalapuDecember 25, 2014

    All right ty. Great site btw.

  56. MasterOfMetalDecember 25, 2014

    why is it that Yi was the only champion that surprised me, I was expecting to see all high skill cap champs

  57. MasterOfMetalDecember 25, 2014

    really though, I used to play a lot of yi, and while I see all champs as relatively easy, I found that the only hard thing to pull off with yi was to not use your q till they flash or try cc you

  58. Yeah, im not in high diamond so i usually just get fed easily with yi or die trying. When you are fed, you just steamrole the game

  59. Nicolas CageDecember 25, 2014

    Master Yi is far more high-skillcap than he's actually credited for. His Q and his W are both insane playmaking abilities that take quite a bit of thought and practice to use at their maximum effectiveness.

  60. Yeah, a friend of mine was stuck for a while but carried himself to gold. Some others just think that killing champs is the way to go, wich, most of the time, is not the case. I jave been 1/6 as a jungler or toplaner but still managed to carry by pressure and objectives.

  61. Nicolas CageDecember 25, 2014

    Hey @SSJSuntastic, what's the deal with Azir top?

    How would you build him? Also, Teleport or Ignite in lane?

  62. SSJSuntasticDecember 25, 2014

    Azir top just has a lot of range to bully out the majority of top laners as long as he doesn't get close enough to take damage of his own. I tend to want teleport on top laners for play making abilities, especially in case the enemy team decides to run a split push strategy.

  63. I'm not saying Gold is as bad as Bronze, I'm just saying that Gold players still don't have great mechanics/skills, that's why I'd rather have an inexperienced Sona instead of an inexperienced Nami

  64. KingoftheSocksDecember 25, 2014

    Watch cow sep. I mean the fact that he's an american that's climbed the Korean ladder (to diamond I believe) using pretty much Yi only (and some full ap singed, Teemo and Nunu jungle). Yi is pretty high skill cap using above silver because of his balls deep no escape playstyle and his full auto attack playstyle

  65. KingoftheSocksDecember 25, 2014

    As I'm very fond of Rengar how would reccomend building a top lane Rengar. Rush Hydra I would imagine and split push mainly? Normally I just tp gank with my ult and assassinate as many people as I can, then again I only play it in normals for fun mainly.

  66. in low elo as master yi you just build crit and go kill everyone since no one will give a fu*k.
    In high elo is very different,experienced junglers will perma counterjungle you and in teamfight they will just throw all their crap on you until you die.
    also his q is easy to spam but have you ever tried to dodge a skillshot or follow enemies' movement abilities?

  67. Mahdi El MourrakouchiDecember 25, 2014

    I think Kalista should be there.

  68. Tomas Joel RodriguezDecember 25, 2014

    I think Karma would do for the Mid's and/or Supp's. Her damage output is beast when going full. She has utility with her binding, which if hits with Mantra, she heals herself. A AOE shield + MS buff.

  69. theres no Swain. This makes me sad

  70. What about Shaco? On, Fiddlesticks and Lee Sin players aren't even in the top 30, while there are consistently 2 to 3 Shacos there..

  71. Hey ssj I am a silver player and im looking on some more top lanes that are worth maining, i have a tendacy of playing a champ and then keep playing different champs and i am looking for a champ to setlle down with top lane any suggestions.

  72. Eduardo Fortino Velderrain ValDecember 26, 2014

    Hail the supports!

  73. Oh wow I'm stupid, I thought Azir was Zac because of the purple coloured skins.

  74. Dude, you cant go wrong with Riven or Gnar :)

  75. Hey SSJ, Irelia wouldn't be a honorable mention in top, If mastered, her dueling/ outplaying potential is insane, against almost everybody in top lane, a good irelia can even beat her hardest counters easily (panth, Darius, even Renek)

  76. CommonSenseGuyDecember 26, 2014

    I honestly disagree. Being Gold is a big deal.
    Maybe I'm still used to Season 3, but eh.

  77. Josh ThurlowDecember 26, 2014

    I agree with this. I recently started to play Irelia more and more and she really is quite a powerful champion.

  78. Josh ThurlowDecember 26, 2014

    I'm a silver myself. What type of champs do you like playing? I personally really enjoy Gnar whom I've recently picked up. Nidalee, Riven, and Irelia are 3 of my favorites.

  79. Steve MaddenDecember 26, 2014

    Whats with malphite/akali top ?

  80. I've tried some games with Swain... and I would say no Swain in such list makes me happy !

  81. SSJSuntasticDecember 26, 2014

    Malphite and Akali are both fairly simple to learn and explain, they're highly effective, but oftentimes people have the ability to outplay them but don't have the skills to do so.

    Malphite is the prime example, being that his ultimate is beyond destructive and very simple to land for Malphite players. At the same time, any player with flash off cooldown *technically* has enough time to dodge it at any point in the game, but rarely happens.

  82. I agree but i may be biased becasue I play irelia, but yeah she beats anyone afterher early game

  83. SSJSuntasticDecember 26, 2014

    It depends on your playstyle. I prefer to play her with Iceborn Gauntlet and Spirit Visage.

  84. Josh ThurlowDecember 26, 2014

    I love Nidalee. I recommend her :). She's very fun. If you don't mind, I'll let you know my build.
    Trinity force, defense boots or CDR boots if ahead, Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage, and Maw. Last item depends. You can get a BOTRK which is good.

  85. Aaseem D. KapilDecember 26, 2014

    I really liked your list but I would like to say that Quinn makes a great ADC and coupled with Valor has the potential to assassinate other assassins. I usually build Ghost Blade and Blade of the Ruined King as core items and they are enough to take down enemy ADC, support and jungler with help from my support. Yes she has short range and doesn't have huge burst ultimate like Tristana, Corki, Ezreal but her potential is as good as if not better than Sivir, Ashe, Vayne and Draven.

    With the introduction of Kalista; I believe tanks are viable again for example: Braum, Shen, Sejuani, Jarvan, Garen can not only stop the enemy ADC and support single-handed, their inherent tankiness allows them to take a lot of punishment from enemy ADC without dying early game which isn't possible for Sona, Soraka, Janna and one trick champions like Blitzcrank. Having 2 tanks in a team can mean the difference between winning or losing the game.

    As for jungle, with the new updates to SR and jungle items Sejuani is a force to be reckoned with as she can clear camps at insane speed while losing only fraction of health as compared to other junglers and be able to gank at level 2 or 3 at close to full HP.

    Sorry for the long post, hoping for a comprehensive reply.

  86. Azir is an annonying poker for short range champions, and his kit is suitable for fancy plays (like Zed, Riven or LB).
    But top lane is a hard lane where the gank will be most effective (long distance, single target, hard to recover even just died once), a good top laner should have good escape or well-sustain tankiness. Azir escape is not very reliable so it requires player skill, I think.

    Regarding Rengar, I think it's like a "wildcard" place for people to insert some good bet of them. The author here picks Rengar but you may think of Riven, Swain, Wukong, or Fiora, ... or J4 ;-)

  87. Keyword is "tried". Once you master Swain, there isn't a single champion that can stop you

  88. You may not have time for it, but it would be helpful to have a tier list or something for champs when mastered.

  89. Thanks @SSJSuntastic and @Josh Thurlow for your help

  90. I played swain most of my season 3 with about 100 games and I used to think that too but I found myself stuck with the fact that if you get behind with swain you are practically useless. On top of that he is easily built against, just build a something that applies grievous wound, or pick a champion who has grievous wound.

    One champ I have played a lot of for season 4 is anivia underrated but helped me climb fast and hard. Plus I find her useful whether you are behind or ahead. On top not many champs can counter her. At least to my perception.

  91. What about lux? or is she too easy too counterplay?

  92. And about twitch? The best adc ever.

  93. Hey SSJ what are your opinions on top lane Hecarim? Who else would you suggest to learn for top. I have better game knowledge than mechanics, although would like to master a champion

  94. There are plenty of people she can't beat after early game. Lots and lots of people. You don't pick her for the 1v1 potential, you pick her because she can build tanky and do damage and crush carries mid/late despite having a simple lane phase.

  95. I bought Janna and Sivir, now I'll buy Fiddlesticks, Azir, and LeBlanc

  96. What about Graves???????

  97. I recently fell in love with Malzahar -- is he a good champion to master?

  98. Well, the reason I was happy because I will have time to practice him to master without worrying about nerfs or rework. His kit has strong sustain and decent poke, hence will be strong candidate for my curr style: absorbing damage whilst dishing out considerable amount as well.
    There were times like I found Skarner jungle strong, but next patch he was nerfed that strong point. Another time with Maokai, another time with Alistar - they're all "OP borderline" for 1 patch ...
    There are a few other champions as well. I was always feel confident to have those champs in my team. And when I started to practice the champ, there was nerfs incoming in PBE, which applies some weeks later and I found that champ is nearly unplayable.
    (Before: easy to use champion X to crush that champion Y 5-0. After: the heck I did so well but why so hard to kill, just one error and he stomped me 1-4 :( omg now I understand what they told about Olaf or Taric then...)

  99. Hansford annDecember 28, 2014

    My name is Handford Ann,i base in Canada want to share my wonderful testimony on how i got back my ex-lover of my life back, who i sworn to be with until when he left me to another woman for no reason and i try to make things work for both of us yet things where getting worse and i love him so much and there is nothing i could do to get my ex back until i met a testimony share by Maria from USA on the internet talking about a powerful spell caster who brought his ex lover back within 48hours and i decide to give it a try and to my greatest surprise he also did it for me just as he did for Maria and i have a lot of people complaining of fake spell caster but this one i met was a real spell caster who help me to solve my problem i have no solution to,i introduce many of my best friends that have a similar problems,and their problem were solve with the great help of dr.Trust.they get back their ex within 48 hours.i am so happy that my ex is back to me again,and the most surprise,is that our love is very strong,every day is happiness and joy. and there is nothing like been with the man you love.i am so happy my love is back to me with the help of Dr.Trust.if you have similar problem i will advice you to contact him ,he is there to help you and put a smile on your face ask he did to me and email([email protected] or [email protected] call +2348156885231) what will i have done if not the great help of Thanks Handford Ann from canada.....

  100. Hansford annDecember 28, 2014

    My name is Handford Ann,i base in Canada want to share my wonderful testimony on how i got back my ex-lover of my life back, who i sworn to be with until when he left me to another woman for no reason and i try to make things work for both of us yet things where getting worse and i love him so much and there is nothing i could do to get my ex back until i met a testimony share by Maria from USA on the internet talking about a powerful spell caster who brought his ex lover back within 48hours and i decide to give it a try and to my greatest surprise he also did it for me just as he did for Maria and i have a lot of people complaining of fake spell caster but this one i met was a real spell caster who help me to solve my problem i have no solution to,i introduce many of my best friends that have a similar problems,and their problem were solve with the great help of dr.Trust.they get back their ex within 48 hours.i am so happy that my ex is back to me again,and the most surprise,is that our love is very strong,every day is happiness and joy. and there is nothing like been with the man you love.i am so happy my love is back to me with the help of Dr.Trust.if you have similar problem i will advice you to contact him ,he is there to help you and put a smile on your face ask he did to me and email([email protected] or [email protected] call +2348156885231) what will i have done if not the great help of Thanks Handford Ann from canada.

  101. sivir and katarina don't need any "mastering"...their kits are stupidly straightforward and easily adapted to

  102. ShakeYourBaconDecember 28, 2014

    Quinn is not a great adc in my opinion but a way better top and mid laner. She falls off much harder if she goes bot lane. But she can be a really good counter to some other ADC's. Also to have 2 adc it would depend on what the other 3 teammates are.

  103. Deadpool ShenDecember 28, 2014

    What about Nasus? I mean come on! he's the king of late games.

  104. SSJSuntasticDecember 28, 2014

    He's actually the king of mid game, his late game falls off since he doesn't get as much farm and doesn't have strong scaling abilities.

  105. What about Jax top and Leona support?

    Jax top is - given one can manage relentless assault - pretty lethal. Counterstrike is a guaranteed stun for ganks aswell. And his mid/late with Trinity and BotrK is solid, too.

    Leona just seems to be such a solid support, and later on with a good ult she is very decent in

  106. what about zyra? i think she is really strong and her potential is real good

    and anivia, you should think about her too

  107. And why no Morgana support.

  108. Viva la VoidDecember 28, 2014

    I'm wondering, what is your opinion on the potential of Kayle(under the same criteria)? She has the potential to go in any lane or jungle as either a carry or support, utility and sustain through her W, and when built for damage can shred entire teams without putting herself at too much risk. In addition, a good Kayle ult can completely counter some plays, or will at least negate a burst intended on removing someone from the fight.

  109. Hey, are u going to update this list somehow due to new patches or METAs in future? (when they get out or change ofcourse)

  110. Josh ThurlowDecember 29, 2014

    adapting and mastering are 2 different things. Kat is a great example of: easy to learn, hard to master. Tell me this: if she's so straightforward, in a fight, with resets, what one ability should you not cast and why.
    and for Sivir, I see mostly bad sivirs.

  111. Josh ThurlowDecember 29, 2014

    I haven't seen a decent Quinn for a while now. Who would you say she does well against? I haven't played her in forever. Also, her ult has a huge amount of burst, that I can say she has going for her, she really is kinda annoying.

    Tanks are very much viable, I don't think they ever were not viable, maybe just not popular. But thresh is tanky. Thresh and Janna have 2 really good things for them though: the ability to outplay, and able to setup plays. They can both peel really well too. Janna is able to hardcore reset a fight, saving carries. Thresh can set up some huge opportunities. Having 2 tanks can help, but couldn't have someone there that easily protects a carry, be just as good?

    What setup do you use for Sej jungle then? She is so fucking strong, but I cannot do a clear like that.

  112. Jarett 'Panda' LogliaDecember 29, 2014

    This is quite possibly the greatest list you have ever done.

  113. XxInfinityxXDecember 30, 2014

    How come Caitlyn isn't counted as a "strongest adc?
    " The best lane bully, 2nd largest range not including abilities, and that headshot with a statikk shiv + a crit is half of the enemy adc's or apc's health.

  114. Aaseem D. KapilDecember 30, 2014

    Yes, she is not played often. Other than myself, I only ever see 2 or 3 Quinn in a week when she is not on rotation. Just like Draven who is strongest at level 1, Quinn is strongest at level 2. With her AA, E, AA, Q, AA combo she can annihilate any ADC. She struggles against Caitylin and Tristana due to their range but any other ADC can be easily dominated by her. I usually find her great versus Vayne, Lucian and Corki as Quinn's ultimate allows her to run away from them and get back in the fight with E. Her burst on Ultimate isn't high unlike Jinx, Ashe, Ezreal and Draven but her Ultimate serves as a compliment to her Godlike chase and destroy abilities much like Garen.

    I must say that I have never played with anyone higher than Gold I on EUW server but even when I fight support mains with their Leona, Thresh, Janna, Blitzcrank, Karma, Lux, Morgana, Annie and Braum; I am able to make my ADC dominate the lane with minimal communication in Solo Queue. I just ask them to follow through each and every single engage even if they just get 1 or 2 AA on enemy Support or ADC. Yes some of them can "create" plays with well timed hooks, grabs, roots, stuns, slows and AOE ultimate attacks; but never have I come across a Support or ADC who is willing to take Garen's Judgement, Nautilus' Dredge Line, Sejuani's Flail of the Northern Wind, Shen's Vorpal Blade, Zac's Elastic Slingshot, Mundo's Infected Cleaver or Poppy's Heroic Charge (I hope you get the idea). I believe that the meta that dictates that Support carry the ADC and ADC carries the support is unnecessary. Thresh, Leona, Janna might be God Tier supports, but late game they have no kill potential... and serve no more than meat shields for their team which can be done by any tank who have the possibility of not only surviving a 1 vs 3 situation but might also be able to get enemies low enough for team mates to kill whereas a supports might only manage to run away. Secondly, all the supports have very supportive ultimate which again serves no purpose other than yet another form of Crowd Control. There are many times when the whole team dies and only the support lives because they are back liners giving enemy teams free shots at inhibitors and nexus turrets which is not the case if any of my mentioned champion lives through a bad team fight. I hope I have made my point clear, would love to hear some of your opinion on the points raised by me.

    I build Ranger's Trailblazer Juggernaut on Sejuani giving me fast clear time. Coupled with a Fire Cape, Liandry, Spirit Visage/ Banshee's Veil and either Rylai or Frozen Heart depending on what is required. Her build is quite expensive but with her fast jungle clear speed she can not only invade enemy jungle a lot but also gank two lanes in quick succession without losing much health. I have also tried it with Magus and Devourer on Trailblazer but Juggernaut works best.

    Looking forward to your reply.

  115. Aaseem D. KapilDecember 30, 2014

    Quinn does well top lane but she gets wrecked by Gangplank, Irelia, Post 6 Renekton, JAYCE and Ryze. Mid lane Quinn gets wrecked by Zed, Ahri, Malzahar, Fizz, Leblanc... Bot lane Quinn wrecks everyone other than Caitlyn and Tristana unless they have a bad case of stupid. 2 ADC is never an option... your team will have not 1 but 2 squishy targets and even the best tanks can only peel for one of them and if either one of them dies... down goes the team DPS.

  116. I'm glad I read this, good points you bring out, BUT I think Nami should be mentioned.
    Her skillcap is high and she can easily poop you out of lane, spamming W at lvl 1. I've seen many Nami's solo carry as well as I have carried by my self. She can land a glorious ultimate with a bubble as follow up and win a teamfight right there, or her abilities can be dodged. Definitely a high skullcap sup if you ask me =)

  117. Josh ThurlowDecember 30, 2014

    Ah. Well, maybe I will give Quinn a try again then. Thank you for that input. It just seems her ult does so much, I almost beat her and then boom... down comes a hail of damn arrows. QQ GG

    Meaning you are a damn good support, and I commend you on that. Depending on your elo, you may not find an adc/support that will do that well in bot. Also, no one is ever "willing" to get snatched up, but sometimes it's unavoidable. No kill potential might be a problem in certain situations. But w/e a support does (carry vs tanky/peel) they all have their role which contributes in its own way, for the same goal. Now playing a tanky/peel type such as Leona, Braum, or Thresh, the good thing is: your carries are safe. Downside is, as you said, no kill potential. I've seen some tanky/peel types straight up carry the team on their backs because of the fact they do their jobs so well. Now, as a carry support the ups and downs are switched for the most part. The pro being kill potential, they are significantly strong and powerful, I've seen a team wrecked out by a Sona or Zyra on many occasions. Now, while they do have some CC, it can be minimal. So the con is if they can't output the damage, they lose, and their carries are exposed to the enemy. While they have the damage, they're squishy too. So just cuz they have the damage to defend against the remaining enemies, doesn't mean a tower dive won't happen.

    Also, which champions are those you mentioned? The ones from the first post? Garen, Jarvan, Sej, Shen, and Braum? Garen's issue is he has one CC, on one person. and to apply it, he kinda just has to run at them. It's like Voli, not very optimal. Also, no poke, and his ult is built to kill. Braum is good. Jarvan I imagine is probably a damn good support. Unless you miss your combo... then you're X_X. Sej has no poke, and until 6 I imagine it's very hard for her, post 6 it's probably a kill if she lands her ult. Shen I haven't seen in a while, only works against those with short range.

    How do you remain as healthy as previously mentioned lvl2-3 though? I usually have a hard time clearing a 3rd camp. I'm usually on red team. Start gromp, go to blue and smite, then wolves. What are your runes and masteries and how do you avoid so much damage? I will post what I have, maybe some pointers? I've found a setup I enjoy, but the early clear struggle is strong lolol.

    All in all thank you for the wonderful discussion, I too look forward to your reply now.

    Here are my Sej runs. (all Sej matches) (my now preferred Sej setup) (old Sej)

  118. Alistar is powerful in current meta.

  119. Where i should train these champions? (several of them i havent even played them yet, and actually mastering them takes a lot of time) Im Platinum IV in LAN

  120. lucaslallstarsDecember 31, 2014

    When you say nidalee do you mean ap or ad and what build path?

  121. Josh ThurlowDecember 31, 2014

    for top, it'd be an AD build I'm guessing. I like to go trinity force into tanky. Usually getting a Frozen Heart and a Spirit Visage to boost my CDR. Boots depend on the game. If doing very well I get CDR and on very rare occasion the Sorc boots. I've found hexdrinker to be very good too. I can post my history to show you my builds if you'd like

  122. Josh ThurlowDecember 31, 2014

    Go into a custom, just to view their skills and get a quick feel. maybe run through an AI bot game or customs with friends. Then just do normals.

  123. Josh ThurlowDecember 31, 2014

    Since there is no answer. It's your Q. Reason: it is her only ability to have a cast time. So when you Q, then E and ult and W, you get a reset, just E and W. Only use Q if you use E and W and they're not dead.

  124. Malzahar is a very good champion. Probably the reason why he isnt on the list is because he is easy to play at a low level.

  125. Laurin KlausnerDecember 31, 2014

    Its about champion who are very strong when mastered. There is not much of Jax to master like a combo or a special outplay-technique.

  126. Ceramic RabbitDecember 31, 2014

    Um I think his ability to two shot towers makes his late game pretty good.

  127. Ceramic RabbitDecember 31, 2014

    Two adc is never an option? You realize that corki and ezreal mid are both being played in OGN and LCS

  128. Josh ThurlowDecember 31, 2014

  129. and we are talking about who is strong or? The purpose of this list is not who is stronger, thats the whole point.

  130. Not just in terms of strength, but in my eyes, just a better teamplayer

  131. PublicArtilleryJanuary 02, 2015

    Remember that they omitted the synergy of the champ and that Jinx doesn't have a high rewarding enough bell curve to be included.

  132. Well the same could be said for Lucian and according to his tier list, Lucian isn't even viable in the current meta (Tier 2 along with Ez, Vayne, and Sivir). Also, you can't forget Corki. I don't understand why he isn't there either. He's pretty hard to master, and according to said tier list, he's God. I guess I'm just not understanding the reasoning of this list.

  133. And how could I have forgotten Twitch? Smh

  134. Josh ThurlowJanuary 02, 2015

    As SSJ listed with each champ, it's just what they have to offer, but only if you manage to master them.

    What I think it's saying is this: By mastering said champ, you can utilize what area they offer. Vayne is T2, but yet one of the strongest and most sought out ADCs. Why? Because of how amazing she is only when mastered. The tier list is how good the champ is at the Bronze-Gold "average player" skill level, w/out requiring the ability to seriously master the champ, it's just what the base powers a champ has to offer.

    Also, Corki is an honorable mention. Twitch could be a good honorable mention at least.

  135. I'll take that explanation. Cheers mate

  136. Damian NasoJanuary 02, 2015

    With the new jungle my favourite champion, wukong, will never be the same as season 4 and i cannot find a jungler who is as good or as wukong in the new jungle. i know that no one has his abilities and clones but i just dont know what to do with my life as a league player right now in the jungle. Maybe with the 4.22 changes he will be a bit better but right now i just cant play him effectively. If anyone could suggest a champ to play that has a good engage and not a difficult time in the jg then please tell me :D
    p.s not j4 or amumu. im open to any ideas

  137. Lulu and Vel'KozJanuary 02, 2015

    He's too auto attack reliant and can be bursted down easily by bruisers or any hard cc

  138. xin is imho top tier right now. start w and either double golems or gromp with a smite and win. level e first, yes e for the camp clear, build the attack speed jungle item then a botrk then tank after that, hes very very good.

  139. I have actually found wukong to be a much better jungler with this new patch. Start Gromp, get blue, do wolves, then back, and I win almost all of my games with him

  140. Tier 2 does not make it automatically break the meta I'm a zed main he's tier 2 yet I win a large majority of my games

  141. Kha'zix is great ! Early is kinda hard tho but as soon as you get fed, you've won. Otherwise you can try vi who is insanely strong

  142. Just got an issue with Gnar, Lissandra and *toplane*-Jayce listed and the likes of Irelia/Jax excluded. Spamming skills to survive strikes me as less hard to master than choosing good trades and executing them well, and both these things are significantly harder and more rewarding on the last two. Lissandra is without doubt strong and even more fun in the current meta, but both her laning and TF are far from hard to master.

    Listing Janna as a hard-to-master support also seems weird. She is extremely forgiving to play and just by being around and shielding adc/teammates, you did a lot already of what a janna is supposed to excel at.

    The one slightly impactful Ezreal I recently saw was a dia III player in a platinum match, and even that guy was 90% excellent support Zyra and 10% Ez.

  143. Imo I believe Hecarim should be added to the jungle list. Like fiddlesticks, he's not highly picked or used but if you've ever played against a Hec main you'll never look at the pony the same way again. The way he carries games from an early lead is insane and has great team-fighting potential due to his ulti, which can also be used to engage. I also believe Nami is a great support to add as she provides a lot for the team as well as a descent laning phase with some sustain :3

  144. I think rumble should at least get an honorable mention in top lane.

  145. Damian NasoJanuary 03, 2015

    Could you maybe give me a short description on how to play him? what runes and masteries do you run?

  146. You literally make no sense? Are you bronze? Lucian is still played in high elo. The nerfs didn't make him bad. Maybe for average players. not good players. He will still rail you if he uses kit right. I'm guessing you think tier means something? anytime I see a zed or lucian or any tier 3s in my elo they do just fine if not damn good.


  148. he's just mad he got outplayed by a katarina.

  149. I've never seen anyone wreck as quin. And I'm plat 2. Rarely I'll see a quinn top or bot and they aren't bad players. But just not as good late game as other adcs/hyper carry. quinn is a strong dueler, but teamfights lacks and top shes good if ahead but still not much presence in a teamfight. In lower elo I could see where she would be good. But there is just better picks man.

  150. Nicol VegasJanuary 04, 2015

    where's riven?

  151. in the honorable mentions for top lane

  152. I'm surprised not to find Orianna in the number 1 spot on mid. A mastered Orianna is probably the strongest champion in the game from wherever you look at it. It doesn't help she doesn't really have a counter.

  153. disqus_uc8SPs7S3iJanuary 04, 2015

    I'm surprised that Kalista didn't make the list. Because of his jump she has insanely outplay potential as an ADC. But I guess she just doesn't have a strong enough damage curve to be listed?

  154. Bro, you are... I just... Sigh.

    I was thinking his "Mastered" list was in lieu with his tier list, which is why I questioned it.

  155. Ryan GrandeJanuary 04, 2015

    I feel the same way, I just started playing jungle and I've carried myself with wukong from silver 3 to gold 5 promos. His damage and play making abilities are insane. I follow the same initial jungle path as him. I go 21-9-0 masteries, AD and armor runes. Make sure on your first back you get trailblazer for the sustain

  156. TheboywhosleptinJanuary 05, 2015

    Yeah you play him by right clicking things. I don't really think he count's for this list considering he's one of the easiest champs to play so there isn't a skill cap there to be mastered. Riot for a long time considered Wu to basically be the tutorial champ of the game.

  157. disisdeathwingJanuary 06, 2015

    rengo top?
    i would say he is better in jungle.

  158. Rafael A. PereiraJanuary 07, 2015

    SSJ, where is Trynda on this list? He fulfill most of requirments and is insanely OP.

  159. French BathtubJanuary 07, 2015

    Are these champs listed from Strongest to Weakest? And what list do you think players should be using more of? This or your other solo queue tier list?

  160. Pompous jxnJanuary 08, 2015

    Shaco doesn't even get an honorable mention for jungle?

  161. Jacob InmanJanuary 08, 2015

    Right? He can dodge many skillshots with his ult. (Cait ult, Karthus ult, etc) and his boxes can be a free 60 second ward. His shiv has 100% ap and ad ratio (i believe) and his q can be played as an escape or create plays. I also expected shaco to be on this list as well :(

  162. Jacob InmanJanuary 08, 2015

    I main hecarim and he can be terrifying if played right

  163. YES RENGOD!!! I KNEW IT!!!!

  164. I think the problem is that Hecarim, while a terrifying snowball champion, has a pretty tough time if he is set behind. Even though he can turn the tide of a fight with an ult, it still isn't as impactful as a well-placed Crowstorm.

  165. I don't usually contribute to things like this often but I truly believe that Shaco deserves a mention here too.

  166. What Happened to Rek'Sai jungle?!?!?!? Hes the best Jungler ever!!

  167. RPDSurvivorJanuary 10, 2015

    I'd argue for Malzahar being one of the honorable mentions listed above for mid. He's got fantastic utility and a great kit for dealing with teamfights and 1v1.

    I understand his strengths and weaknesses very well and why he does not make it on the best of the best for mids. His ability to change entire teamfights based off of a well positioned Q or R gives him some serious versatility and that's why I think he should be at the most (for this post) and honorable mention.

  168. LORD of ITHACAJanuary 11, 2015

    lost faith in this website when they don't even mention an Elise in the jungle...

  169. I am truly surprised to see that kalista is not on this list.

  170. I think cho gath mid should be listed as he is very tanky with 6 stacks and has a q that does around 1000 magic damage at fullbuild and an ult with 1000 true damage and it is very easy to get stacks with the low cd of the ult vs. minions

  171. Brent LangdonJanuary 12, 2015

    I get the idea of people like Zed, Syndra, Azir, Thresh, Vayne etc. It is a little hard to understand why Master Yi and Blitzcrank are on a list of champions that need to be mastered. I understand that effectively winning with any champion and any role take a lot of skill and/or knowledge, but Yi and Blitz seem to be two of the most point-and-click champions available. (Yea, Blitz’s grab is not easy, but it is much easier than Thresh’s and his grab does not commit you to an all-in like Leona). Thoughts?

    Is Blitzcrank viable at higher levels? [asks an unranked player that mains support] I find Blitz annoying to play against, but I find that it is pretty easy to keep him in check if you just punish him during the cooldown window after he misses a hook. It just seems that there are lots of better supports that can actually support.

  172. Leone Mastro Lindo RanziJanuary 12, 2015

    Don't follow the meta, Rengar is a better top than jungler, IF MASTERED , you have a free kill always at your disposal and, on occasion the enemy jungler will come at level 3 and net you those free 400 gold, if they are retarded make it 700, oh and you can farm creeps too. Zone like a boss if you are ahead and tp/ult bot for a free double once you are ahead/ to recover. I play rengar jungle just if i can't play toplane, because really, in comparison he sucks.

  173. Yo, i'm a toplane rengar, imma roam mid and kill you every 90 seconds, have fun with your mobility.

  174. lol what type of reply is this :D we need your opinion about why she isn't in there

  175. Иво ИвановJanuary 13, 2015

    Irelia not on the list? Faith in humanity LOST!

  176. You think that if you aren't korean you just can't reach elo faster with this list than the solo queue tier list?

  177. I belive the guy here does not even have an idea of what he is writng...
    No, im not bronze... Im platinum I and im not crazy... Some champions description and top listed ones are extremly wrong.

  178. SSJSuntasticJanuary 13, 2015

    I think your keyboard has a few sticky buttons, otherwise the only other thing I learned from your post is that you're platinum. What exactly is the point you're driving at again?

  179. If you master nasus he can be amazing

  180. He means that this list is mainly for champions that take a lot of time to master, and can fall behind if you're not skilled with them. The solo queue list is more for champs that are easier to dominate your role with

  181. I used to be a tryndamere main... I would agree with you, except that tryndamere is easily countered (teemo, most cc tanks, darius, etc) so he doesn't always pay off, even if you're highly skilled

  182. because a blitz who can consistently hook a carry during a teamfight will carry games. however it's hard to get to the point where you can do that.

  183. Lady NevelainJanuary 14, 2015

    Depends more on team and his soulbind champion, so op in duo, not so much in #Yolo420BlazeItQ

  184. Platinum isn't much to brag about. The author who wrote this makes good points.

  185. Hey Brandon there is an other problem : in the solo q tier list, champion like reksai was considered op but she get nerfed and her damages are lower, so this list with Ezreal, Thresh, Master Yi which they aren't considered op aren't affraid by a possible nerf who will destroy the champion when you master them because winning the solo q is by spamming one champion for a long period isn't it?

  186. gnar? rly? i killed him so easy today with trundle

  187. wukong onlyJanuary 17, 2015

    I can tell that player hasn't mastered gnar.

  188. Still waiting for an answer. :(

  189. Timing of yi's q and w are huge and something a lot of players overlook. Watch cow-sep or some diamond 1 master yi montages

  190. Morgan FreemanJanuary 18, 2015

    Anyone know any good late game jungle gods? I've been playing Rengar but I feel as if he gets 1 shotted late game and destroyed

  191. Roma10TottiJanuary 19, 2015

    ''Strongest champ when mastered'' Its supposed to be a hard champ, Malzahar is the midlanes definition of Warwick...

  192. RPDSurvivorJanuary 20, 2015

    Warwick is supposed to be a hard champ?

  193. What is diffrence betwen this and champs from Solo Q Tier List? This needs more time to master?

  194. The only answer i can give you is this :

    Winning in solo queue is a complex affair. There are so many variables involved outside of player control such as lag, that consistency plays a massive part in climbing the ranks.

    However, in an ideal situation with teammates that select champions that reasonably synergize with you, which champions offer the most bang for their buck when mastered?

  195. This isn't a "strongest champ to play" it's a "what is the theoretical best champ in the game at 100% effectiveness"

    Perfect example from the list is Ezreal. If you were to land 100% of Q's on ezreal his damage in post-game lobby would show over 100k. But you don't, simply because that's not how the game works, you miss skillshots. The list shows who is the best in the game if skill was a nonfactor, basically.

  196. Explain pls.

  197. He means that Warwick is not hard, so is Malzahar.


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