NERFPLZ.LOL FOTM Report: Thoughts on Rek'Sai - Nerfplz? | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Dec 26, 2014

FOTM Report: Thoughts on Rek'Sai - Nerfplz?



After starting off at a fairly balanced 49% win rate the first week of release, Rek'sai has quickly garnered attention as her win rate spiked to the #1 spot at 54%. However, the question is it too early to call foul or is she really just THAT op?

Source: Lolking


At first glance, it appears that 81% of the time, she's played as a jungler with smite, whereas 19% of the time she's played as a top laner.

Personally, I think that Rek'Sai with teleport is EXTREMELY overpowered simply because of her dueling ability combined with crazy map control. However, it appears that it's only played 7.2% of the time.

Instead, let's take a look at her jungle specific traits:

Jungle Items

As you can see from the picture above (click to enlarge), it appears that most people choose to go with Stalker's Blade - Warrior or Stalker's Blade - Devourer on a fairly 50/50 basis. However, Stalker's Blade - Warrior enchant appears to have the upper hand when it comes to winning by a slight margin.

You'll also note that Hydra is hugely popular on her, and of course any melee champion that has some innate built-in attack speed or auto attack reset benefits greatly from building it. Rek'Sai in particular synergizes extremely well because of her Q: Queen's Wrath (3 AOE attacks) and her E: Furious Bite (auto reset).

Ganking Power

It comes as no surprise to anyone that Rek'Sai's ganking power is through the roof, especially with a knockup combined with her ability to burrow through a lot of long distance walls, such as the video below by eXo Effusively. This gives her a very high effective range, which combined with her CC leads to high rates of success.


Overall, I agree that Rek'Sai is insanely strong right now because of the following:
  1. Relatively simple to use;
  2. Deceptively long effective range;
  3. Amazing synergy with items that are currently very strong;
  4. Great map control;
  5. Sustain, Manaless, ranged poke, multiple gap closers, global range, auto attack reset, true damage, AOE CC...okay maybe we should have seen this coming...
Thoughts? Comment below!

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  1. Yup I think she is OP or borderline OuPee. When comparing to others at least you cansee how guud she is, awesome.... crazy rekt sai. rekking peeps. rekt sai

  2. Her map control is CRAZY and this is just enough. Everything else is just making op more op, lol.

  3. Expecting a nerf (?)

  4. I could swear Rito will nerf Rekt SAI. could have sworn.... i think so that they will. Rito games

  5. CommonSenseGuyDecember 26, 2014

    Her top lane dueling power, mobility, and sustain are out of this world.

  6. Alfred DunnerDecember 26, 2014

    Mistake detected; 81% + 29% = not 100% haha.

  7. Jungle 81% of the time, top 29% of the time? That adds to 110%. You might want to fix that. :)

  8. SSJSuntasticDecember 26, 2014

    Whoops, fixed

  9. Great list, by the way. I've been utilizing it for quite a few months and have found it very accurate most of the time. Your appreciation for Talon before he was popular convinced me you knew what you were talking about. ^^

  10. SSJSuntasticDecember 26, 2014


  11. Rayan HawkinsDecember 27, 2014

    i have won all games vs rek, her early/mid game is crazy but late is quite useless.. or maybe were just bad rek sai, i dunno

  12. bad reks get a 2nd ad item after warrior and cant burrow properly.

  13. I know right??????? Her early and mid game is the BOMB...

    I won against Riven in lane early game and even some of mid game. BUT THEN! She suddenly just REKT ME in 1vs1 even if I have minions advantage.....

    She just falls off damage :/ and stuff like that...... Late game not SO useful without good teamwork and utilizing the knock up and then rekting enemy with help of team

  14. At low elo (bronze low gold and silver) rek sai sucks so hard. that is cause rek has tank like abilties but he is squishy so if u cantg play him well u die at the start of the teamfights and u cant do crfap.. tho he is good at pickoffs and skirmishes

  15. BoltOfSpadesDecember 28, 2014

    I disagree with that, but I'm more concerned that you think she's a boy.

  16. I Rek'Sai support.

  17. Dustin MullinsDecember 31, 2014

    I Find Rek'sai to be strong at all points in the game, especially when making use of her built in sustain, map control, and split pushing capabilities. Played her both top and Jungle love her in both.

  18. Sim not ModJanuary 01, 2015

    Reksai top with Doran's blade.. I don't even have to go home unless I can buy expensive items. Placing tunnels all over top and tunneling round and round until their ganker gives up, and punishing lane enemy when they try to stand on one of my tunnels.

  19. Junyeong YangJanuary 01, 2015

    at low elo rek sai sucks because the player sucks

  20. Yes and there are the first Rek'Sai hackerbot scripts as well. This champion was broken before people stared to automate his combos. Also the scripts will make it easy to see in burrow mode -.- rito

  21. See I'm bronze 3 and have been bringing ranked with reksai and I'm on a hot streak with a 100% win rate I'm gonna be going for bronze 2 tonight and hopefully silver before ranked resets so I find the argument that she's bad at low elo invalid I've only played her and I went up a division almost 2 in a day.

  22. If u get warrior I pref devoured then get hydra then tri then spirit visage and finish with last whisper or frozen mallet depending on there comp (also get merc treads somewhere in there)

  23. Sir Awesome-OJanuary 04, 2015

    FUCK THIS CHAMPION. After Azir I had at least some hope that Riot would go into the direction of hard to use hard to master. But NOPE Rek'Sai came along. Can outtrade everyone, more mobility than lee fucking sin, Insanely tanky and has insane dmg and CC and to make the shitfest even shittier she is so fucking easy to play.

  24. Rek'Sai so needs nerfed. When multiple people play her for the first time and get 30+ kills, that is a champion that needs nerfed big time.

  25. Iraq LobsterJanuary 07, 2015

    do you think rek'sai will be nerfed beyond the ap scaling reduction? after nerf do you think she will still fit in the god tier top/jungle?

  26. To be honest, being countered by one champion which is Heim, who is annoying to face in general, doesn't mean she doesn't warrant a nerf.

  27. That has to be so broken

  28. No, you're right. A couple weeks to a month of testing Azir proved that he immediately needed a nerf, right?

  29. Rek will get nerfed but however i hope thay dont change her too much becouse if thay do she gona suck in jungle, sustain yes but it is also easy to counter her. lets nerf kata or akali or vayne or fiora or even draven damige or darius... fuk it lets nerf all of there champions -.- thay all good if you know how too play them but can be really bad if you dont... nerfing = taking the fun out of the game.. im just saying!

  30. you did not include loos rate with items, you only include one gank at bot (wich you had to flash for) and you did not include who she counters and who counters her. Old Re'sai was DESTORIED by udyr.

  31. please move him to god tier

  32. Ayman NahasMarch 25, 2015

    fuck i forgot

  33. Did last nerfs affected top lane rek sai a lot ?


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