NERFPLZ.LOL Official Patch 4.2 Notes Released! | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Feb 10, 2014

Official Patch 4.2 Notes Released!

Check out the official release for Patch 4.2 below!


Buffs: Ashe, Maokai
Nerfs: Mundo, Teemo, Thresh, Yasuo, Yorick, Ziggs
Item/Spell Nerfs: Statikk Shiv, Perseverance
Tweaks: Xerath, Skarner, Evelynn, Kayle, Riven

Patch 4.2 Notes

Hey Summoners,
Riot Pwyff here with another League of Legends update! There’s a lot of new content in this patch, including the newly reworked Skarner and Xerath, so we’re taking it light with our other champion changes.
Looking at the overall content of this update, our goal is to create healthier gameplay patterns with champions who are particularly strong. Look at Kayle or Riven and you can see more optimal ways to play as (and against) them. At the end of the day, some of these changes are nerfs, but hopefully you’ll try to understand them (and try them out!) first. Anyways, on with the notes!

LoL Client Updates

Repair System

With our improved repair system, any 3rd party modifications to the League of Legends client are at risk of being deleted if they cause the game to crash. Be careful!
  • If you crash out of the game due to corrupt or missing data, the League of Legends patcher will automatically fix that bad data the next time you open it (so you don’t crash again)
  • Soft Repair will not delete custom item sets while repairing your install


The League of Legends ticker is an important communications tool for service status, so we’re upgrading it to deliver information better, faster and more clearly.
  • Upgraded the notification box to handle more service status messages while also providing more information where necessary

Game invites

We’re taking a closer look at game invites and making some general quality of life buffs when it comes to setting up premade games.
  • Updated the layout of the invite, start game, and quit buttons in the team invite lobbies for better clarity

Journal of Justice

Since the Journal of Justice has been out of publication for a while now, we're removing its link from the client. While the JoJ will be missed, we're exploring future storytelling methods for League of Legends.
  • The lore tab (aka the feather) has been removed from the front of the LoL client


Pick Order

We’re making pick order more consistent in ranked play. In most cases the skill gap between players on a team is not significant enough to justify granting the top player first pick. Basing pick order on a behind-the-scenes number isn’t a great experience - not to mention there are some odd side effects for duo queue players - so we’re taking a different approach.
  • All players will now have an equal (random) chance of being first pick
  • For players in a duo, if either player is chosen as first pick, the team captain will be assigned first pick and the other member of the duo will get whatever position the captain received from the randomizer

Vision System

Improving the in-game vision system is on our current hit-list, so you will see more updates to the vision system in the future.
  • Fixed a bug where units in the same brush would sometimes be invisible even if they were in your line of sight
Additionally, we’ve made some progress in our long battle against the minimap visual bug demons. Completely solving the issue is a larger project we’re hoping to tackle, but these changes should significantly improve the situation.
  • Fixed a number of minimap visual bugs. While this isn’t a complete fix, it should improve things overall.


We’re continually updating the visual fidelity of LoL across the board! In this patch, we’ve buffed up a few icons and spells.

Icon Updates

The following icons have been updated:
  • Soraka’s ability icons
  • Ashe’s ability icons

Particle Updates

The following summoner spells have been updated:
  • Flash (particles and sound)
  • Clairvoyance (particles and sound)
  • Ghost (particles)
  • Revive (particles)



Xerath is getting a complete overhaul of his kit along with new particle effects, ability icons, VOs and some new animations. Read below for the full details.
This rework isn’t driven by a concern for power levels. Instead, like a lot of our reworks, it’s focused on delivering a unique, cohesive champion theme. Xerath’s theme has always been the arcane sniper with huge damage potential. Give him time and the right target, and he can precisely pick off his victims. That said, with Xerath’s old kit, he had so much spell penetration and rapid-fire abilities that players would often just dump all of his damage on the nearest target. We believe his new kit delivers on a better champion fantasy.


BASE MANA :: 250 (+45 per level)  238 (+47 per level)
BASE MANA REGEN :: 7 per 5 seconds (+0.6 per level)  6 per 5 seconds (+0.65 per level)
ATTACK RANGE :: 550  525
VISUAL :: Attack animation has been shortened slightly

Passive - Mana Surge

Every 10 seconds, your next basic attack restores between 30 and 195 mana. The amount it restores scales with your character level.
EFFECT :: Attacking an enemy champion restores double the amount of mana

Q - Arcanopulse

FIRST CAST :: Begin channeling, gradually increasing the spell's range from 700 to 1400 while slowing down movement speed by up to 50%. Xerath can move while channeling.
SECOND CAST :: Damage all enemies in a line for 80/120/160/200/240 (+0.75 ability power) magic damage
COOLDOWN :: 9/8/7/6/5 seconds
MANA COST :: 80/90/100/110/120
RANGE :: Channeling increases the ability's range from 700 to 1400 over 1.5 seconds
EFFECT :: Xerath can hold a full range Arcanopulse for an additional 1.5 seconds
EFFECT :: While channeling this spell, Xerath gradually slows his movement speed by up to 50%

W - Eye of Destruction

AOE DAMAGE & SLOW :: Calls down a ground-targeted blast of energy, dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.6 ability power) magic damage to all enemies caught within the blast and slowing them by 10%
CENTER OF BLAST :: Enemies caught in the middle of the blast instead take 90/135/180/225/270 (+0.9 ability power) magic damage and are slowed by 60/65/70/75/80% instead
COOLDOWN :: 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
MANA COST :: 70/80/90/100/110
RANGE :: 1000

E - Shocking Orb

SKILLSHOT NUKE :: Fires an orb of raw magic in a straight line. The first enemy hit takes 80/110/140/170/200 (+0.45 ability power) magic damage and is stunned for between 0.75 and 2 seconds (the stun duration is based on how far the orb traveled)
COOLDOWN :: 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds
MANA COST :: 60/65/70/75/80
RANGE :: 1000

R - Rite of the Arcane

ULTIMATE :: Xerath roots himself in place and gains three shots of Arcane Barrage, a very long range magic artillery that does 190/245/300 (+0.43 ability power) magic damage to all enemies hit. Xerath can cancel this effect early. Half of the cooldown is refunded if no shots of Arcane Barrage were used.
COOLDOWN :: 130/115/100 seconds
MANA COST :: 100 at all ranks
RANGE :: 3200/4400/5600


We gave Crystal Slash a stacking attack speed buff and moved its slow over to Fracture, which in turn lost its heal mark mechanic. Crystalline Exoskeleton’s movement speed bonus now ramps up over 3 seconds instead of instantly and Impale will root the target during the windup animation.
We’re giving Skarner a moderate rework to bring him slashing and impaling into the modern day. Our goals are to improve his overall counterplay, make Fracture a more useful skill and bring him up to current jungle standards. These changes shouldn't have a dramatic effect on Skarner's overall play pattern but they should make his kit feel more cohesive overall.


BASE ATTACK SPEED :: lowered by 1%

Passive - Energize

EFFECT :: Unchanged

Q - Crystal Slash

EFFECT :: When a target is hit, Skarner gains an 8/10/12/14/16% attack speed buff that stacks up to 3 times
SLOW :: No longer slows  moved to Fracture

W - Crystalline Exoskeleton

COOLDOWN :: 18 seconds  16 seconds
MOVEMENT SPEED BONUS :: from 15/17/19/21/23%  16/20/24/28/32% (now ramps up over the first 3 seconds)
BASE SHIELD AND ABILITY POWER RATIO :: 70/115/160/205/250 (0.6 ability Power) increased to 80/135/190/245/300 (0.8 ability Power)
EFFECT :: No longer provides an Attack speed bonus

E - Fracture

COOLDOWN :: 10 seconds  14 seconds
EFFECT :: Targets hit are now slowed by 30/35/40/45/50% for 2.5 seconds
MISSILE RANGE :: 800  1000
MISSILE WIDTH :: reduced slightly
MISSILE SPEED :: lowered slightly
EFFECT :: Heal mark removed

R - Impale

ROOT TIMING :: Impale now roots the target during the windup animation
VOICE OVER :: Skarner will no longer prematurely celebrate with his catch lines ("NOW I’VE GOT YOU!") unless he has successfully grabbed a target



We reduced Hawkshot’s cooldown at later levels and changed its bonus gold to 3 at all ranks.
Basically, we wanted Hawkshot to feel more valuable at rank 1.

E - Hawkshot

COOLDOWN :: 60 at all ranks  60/55/50/45/40
BONUS GOLD ON KILL :: 1/2/3/4/5  3 at all ranks

Dr. Mundo

Mundo’s cleavers got skinnier.
Designers keep watch over Mundo with skinny cleaver change. Now Mundo get no corporate bonus for bad cleaver. This separate good Mundo from great Mundo.

Q - Infected Cleaver



The closer Evelynn is to her target, the faster her Hate Spike projectile travels.
We still like the notion behind our last Hate Spike change, but we’re not really happy with how it feels in game. Adjusting the ability’s missile speed still rewards enemies for keeping their distance, but also rewards Evelynn for getting up close and personal.

Q - Hate Spike

MISSILE SPEED :: Re-adjusted missile speed to more consistently hit close targets (now has a high initial missile speed that rapidly decelerates as it travels)


We lowered Reckoning’s AP ratio while raising the AP ratio of Divine Blessing’s heal. We also added an AP ratio to Divine Blessing’s movement speed bonus and removed Intervention’s mana cost.
Once she gets ahead, Kayle's burst damage can be overwhelming to play against. While we're taking away some of Kayle's up-front burst, the utility scaling on Divine Blessing should help her and her team get INTO (and out of) THE FRAY.

Q - Reckoning


W - Divine Blessing

MOVEMENT SPEED BONUS :: now scales with ability power (+7% per 100 ability power)

R - Intervention

MANA COST :: 100/75/50  none


We lowered Riven’s base health regen and increased the power of Valor’s shield.
We’re reinforcing one of Riven’s core philosophies: she's a champion who should rely on mitigating or avoiding damage to be successful. Enemies who harass Riven should feel rewarded for hitting her when her defenses are down, while Riven players can feel better about using her buffed shield to prevent that damage in the first place.


BASE HEALTH REGEN :: 5.5 per 5s  2.5 per 5s

E - Valor

SHIELD :: 70/100/130/160/190  90/120/150/180/210


Flamespitter looks… okay.
Rumble now spits real flame instead of meatballs.

Q - Flamespitter

VISUAL UPDATE :: Spell effect has been updated


Thresh’s very long range basic attack is a powerful threat in lane, so this change introduces a little more vulnerability to his kit.




It now takes more movement to generate flow and Sweeping Blade gives less flow when Yasuo dashes. We also reduced Last Breath’s cast range.
We made some general quality of life changes to Yasuo in patch 4.1 , but as players begin to master him, we’ve seen how strong he is when played to maximum effectiveness. We looked at areas where we could reduce some of that power without messing with his core playstyle. We were also unhappy with how Yasuo was using Last Breath to engage in fights by teleporting from thousands (and thousands) of miles away.

Passive - Way of the Wanderer


Q - Steel Tempest

VISUALS :: Now passively displays a range indicator around Yasuo when Steel Tempest's Whirlwind is available

E - Sweeping Blade

PASSIVELY GRANTS FLOW WHEN HE DASHES :: 4/8/12/16/20%  3/6/9/12/15%

R - Last Breath

CAST RANGE :: 1300  1200
BUG FIX :: Fixed a bug where Last Breath could sometimes be used beyond the maximum range


Hexplosive Minefield will deal less damage to minions as they hit successive mines. Short Fuse’s base damage and AP ratio were both reduced at lower levels.
Our changes to Ziggs in patch 3.13 turned him into monster when it comes to pushing and counterpushing. While we like the philosophy behind the change, Hexplosive Minefield is a little too good as a wave clear tool, letting Ziggs play passively without any repercussions. The Short Fuse change has a bunch of numbers, but the TL;DR is that it’s just a small nerf to Zigg’s early game harass.

Passive - Short Fuse

BASE DAMAGE ::20/27/34/41/48/56/64/72/80/88/96/105/114/123/132/141/150/160 (20 +7 at levels 1-5 / +8 at levels 6-11 / +9 at levels 12-17 / +10 at level 18) 20/24/28/32/36/40/48/56/64/72/80/88/100/112/124/136/148/160 (20 +4 at levels 1-6 / +8 at levels 7-12 / +12 at levels 13-18)
RATIO :: 0.35 at all levels  0.25 ability power at levels 1-6, 0.3 at levels 7-12 and 0.35 at levels 13-18

E - Hexplosive Minefield

MINION DAMAGE :: 100% from all mines  40% damage for each mine they hit beyond the first

Minor Changes and Bug Fixes

In our ongoing effort to create a more consistent League of Legends viewing experience, we’re standardizing certain elements of our user interface. Players using the old legacy floating combat text prior to this change will be assimilated into the collective player experience. Beep boop.
  • Removed legacy floating combat text
  • Added ticks to Vilemaw's health bar
  • Fixed a bug that stopped the HUD from scaling while the game was paused


R - Shadow Dance

CLARITY :: Akali's Shadow Dance stacks can once again be seen in her buff bar


R - Spider Form

COLLISION SIZE :: Fixed a bug where Elise's spider form size was smaller than intended for gameplay collision purposes.


R - Vengeful Maelstrom

BONUS DAMAGE :: Fixed a bug where bonus damage stored was lower than intended (now 25% higher)


E - Song of Celerity

TOOLTIP TEXT :: Fixed a bug where the tooltip improperly showed Song of Celerity as having a .04 AP ratio for both effects - only the slow should have a .04 AP ratio
HASTE RATIO BUG :: .01 AP Ratio  .02 AP Ratio
SLOW RATIO BUG :: .02 AP Ratio  .04 AP Ratio


SPELL EFFECT :: Fixed a bug where Toxic Shot could apply some spell effects like Tribute or Spell Weaving


GHOUL IMMUNITIES :: Yorick's ghouls are no longer immune to slows (both Movement and Attack Speed)


Statikk Shiv

PASSIVE CRIT :: Passive now only critically strikes when the associated attack critically strikes

Warden’s Mail

UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel

SLOW BUG :: Fixed a bug where Annie’s Tibbers, Malzahar’s Voidlings, and Elise’s Spiderlings were not being affected by the slow

Randuin’s Omen

UNIQUE Passive - Cold Steel

SLOW BUG :: Fixed a bug where Annie’s Tibbers, Malzahar’s Voidlings, and Elise’s Spiderlings were not being affected by the slow



Perseverance as a mastery is incredibly powerful in comparison to other equivalent masteries - particularly once you get your first big HP item - so we're bringing it more in line.

HEALTH REGEN :: 0.7%/1.35%/2% of missing health per 5s  0.35%/0.675%/1% of missing health per 5s

Summoner’s Rift

The changes affect Summoner’s Rift Only


Back in Patch 4.1 we made this change to directly counter fast push strategies in competitive play. Reducing the timing to 8 minutes from permanent is more in line with what we wanted to accomplish, so we did just that.

Top and mid lane outer turrets


Twisted Treeline

These changes affect Twisted Treeline only


Same changes that exist on the Crystal Scar

Q - Taste Their Fear


Evolved Enlarged Claws


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  1. no one really got nerfed its exacly the same 0-o

  2. Why can't they stop nerfing thresh?

  3. Michael ThompsonFebruary 10, 2014

    There's a reason why he's such a contested pick in the LCS. Thresh has a lot of CC and utility that gives him a strong edge over other conventional supports like Janna, Sona and Soraka. Their ability to CC the enemy is much weaker and they make up for it with other elements of their kits. Thresh, on the other hand, has a ton of CC and can harass from a fairly good distance. In essence, this is Riot trying to balance his CC with the ability to deal damage. All the nerfs are just trying to get his damage/CC balance right. With all that CC, there should be fewer opportunities for Thresh to deal a lot of damage himself.

  4. Mario BarnabaFebruary 10, 2014

    Did Yorick get buffed? Am I reading this incorrectly?

  5. i thought they were nerving the dorans shield?

  6. SSJSuntasticFebruary 10, 2014

    That should be a nerf

  7. Soraka is just underpowered, in my opinion, and Sona can do very wall against thresh, if she is an experienced player. I think janna would loose this match-up, blitzcrank too; but a champion countering another champion is normal.
    Also, supports like taric, leona and annie are great against thresh. I think alistar is a good choice too. So I see no reason for they keep nerfing here all the time :(

  8. TL;DR: Thresh is just too good at...well everything.

  9. What are your thoughts on the nerf to perseverance? Do you think it's going to knock out the tanky champions (renekton, shyvana, mundo, nasus) and allow for more aggressive top laners when the new patch comes around? :>

  10. No not my Xerath D:

  11. God Tier for Patch 4.2 planned ?

  12. Yeah, you better nerf Yorick, my dear Yorick becomes more useless every patch :C At least they don't nerf Galio :P

  13. Isn't thresh a counter to Leona?

  14. Probably not exactly where they want it yet. Must be still testing but it's been changed on PBE

  15. The Void is coming :)))))

  16. Xerath Rework: HERE WE GO BABY YES YES YES

  17. I get Annie, but how does leona and taric counter thresh???
    Thresh E counters Leona's E, and his ult stops an engage which is what Leona's ult is for. Plus the ranged advantage.
    Taric is a skill counter, plain and simple. A good thresh can disrupt his abilities, and a good taric will stay back and wait.
    As for Sona good against Thresh? BS!

  18. To quote a comment from by Tristam CP:

    "Sona's low base health and pittance for defenses means that any substantial burst damage champion can serve as a counter for her. Thresh is no exception to this rule, with Death Sentence serving as a means to slaughter her by dragging her back towards your carry. The notion that people are stating to counterplay this, which is to stay back and poke with Hymn of Valor is potentially the correct line of play, but it ignores the fact that without the ability for Sona to position aggressively, Hymn's poking potential decreases and potentially pushes the lane."

  19. by sheona I mean't sona

  20. I think that a change of 0.2% of your missing health per second isn't very big... maybe more than that is needed to change the meta of the top lane.

  21. Your argument on Taric is valid, so no comment there. Though it's all about skill nonetheless...
    As for Sona, it's not a matter of range. Here's a quote from Tristam CP from "Sona's low base health and pittance for defenses means that any substantial burst damage champion can serve as a counter for her. Thresh is no exception to this rule, with Death Sentence serving as a means to slaughter her by dragging her back towards your carry. The notion that people are stating to counterplay this, which is to stay back and poke with Hymn of Valor is potentially the correct line of play, but it ignores the fact that without the ability for Sona to position aggressively, Hymn's poking potential decreases and potentially pushes the lane."
    TL;DR: Sona will have a HARD time.
    Leona's stuns don't count if she can't use them effectively. Since Thresh is mainly by his ADC as a good Thresh will, there's a ranged disadvantage, despite the now recent nerf, Thresh still simply engages quicker and from longer distance. Leona doesn't have a escape and can't stop a Thresh Death Sentence+Lantern+Flash+ally clicking Lantern+burst
    Another factor in play is the ridiculous synergy with Thresh and other ADCs, especially highlights like Jinx, Sivir and Draven. Also the ridiculous combo with Ashe creating virtually no escapes.

  22. Um... that's a whole 1%....

  23. I love the new Xerath! :>

  24. Yes, 1% per 5 seconds, in 1 second it's 0.2%

  25. Szymon DziewanowskiFebruary 13, 2014

    Lol u think statik got nerfed? LOL! its for sure not nerf. or maybe buff. now it crits 100% when your attack crits and 0% when your attack doesn't crit. Thats for sure better than each statik hit got % of your critical strike chance...

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  27. No, you still have to charge it like before, but it doesn't crit on first hit, but only when your attack also crits. That also means it will hit less often in total. It is a nerf and potentially a pretty big nerf as well.



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