Or how about Nidalee, a precision champion that's great at higher leagues, but awful in lower leagues?
Sure, skill plays a huge part, but there's also another aspect that people often ignore - Lag
Check out this old chart from below from Elophant:

Although it's a simple correlation, there's an old adage that rings true here:
For want of a nail the shoe was lost.In this case, it means that while there might be other reasons why your team lost a game (e.g. bot lane fed, trolls, afks) you should always put yourself at the most advantageous position.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
If you play a high precision, squishy champion, a single missed spear or sonic wave could decide the outcome of the game (and everyone knows how many we miss...)
Meanwhile, with Riot servers getting hit by massive lag spikes as of late, sometimes lag will come on suddenly and without reason, resulting in maybe just a second of failure.
So what should you do about it?
Solo queue is all about consistency. I've got two champions for you folks that are not only insanely strong, but the majority of people almost never bother banning them (even though I've put them in God tier for about 6 patches in a row, nobody believes me).
1. Wukong
It's only until recently that people have come to accept the fact that he's really good, although he's played more in jungle than top now. He's still only banned 3% of all games, even though the monkey's got the 3rd highest win rate in the game.
Wukong has invisibility, a gap closer, % based armor penetration, and an insane AOE knockup. If you manage to get Yasuo and Wukong on the same team in solo queue, it's basically an autowin.
Meanwhile, in jungle the new item changes have been very kind to him, and let him make up the gold difference between laning and jungling.
Gogo gadget monkey!
Meanwhile, in jungle the new item changes have been very kind to him, and let him make up the gold difference between laning and jungling.
Gogo gadget monkey!
2. Amumu
Ah yes...Amumu. The "Bronze Elo Champion". Also known as the "too easy to counter-jungle", "useless without blue", and "weak" champion at silver and gold Elo. Let's break down these common misconceptions:
1. Too easy to counter-jungle: Be ready to get counter-jungled, if I can jungle Fiddlesticks and Malzahar, you can jungle Amumu without fear.
2. Useless without blue: Actually, you can easily start red. If you get your buff stolen from you, then yes, like every other jungler you will be behind and your clear time will be slower.
3. Weak: Well, this is just blatantly false. His late game is one of the strongest in the game, and with his percentage based damage and insanely short late game cooldown on his bandage toss, the damage he can put out with liandries (although I don't recommend you rush this item), is absolutely off the charts.
TLDR; Play easy champions, win more games since when you lag it won't make a huge difference. Wukong and Amumu are OP and can easily carry you through to platinum.Thoughts? Got more champions you prefer? Comment below!
I agree with Wukong being really really strong. Ive seen some pretty intense wukong carrys. it all has to do with playing strong champions that dont rely on skill shots if lag is any sort of issue for you. i believe kayle is one of the strongest mid champions in the game right now, with her range and ult she counters almost everybody thats popular right now, and she has no skill shots at all. also comes with a heal and a built in slow, which just makes it easy burning through assassins.
ReplyDeleteKayle should be way more popular with her late game strength
ReplyDeleteWTF.... SSJ... this champs are my main, pls delete this post or they'll get nerfed...
ReplyDeleteGaren is pretty great too. Especially with his passive sometimes healing him faster than a Potion.
ReplyDeleteHe is a little clunky to last hit with, but otherwise ping doesn't affect any of his skills.
wat i got out from tis: play op manaless sustain champs
ReplyDeleteManaless champs also usually have the skill shots and/or the need to get close to do anything. Lag still might kill them. Also the 2 champs mentioned above are hardly manaless.
ReplyDeleteWukong has been hyped by SSJ as very good for more than half a year. You think this one Riot will do anything finally? I don't think so...
ReplyDeleteJust a technicality, but perhaps interesting: lag is not the same as delay.
ReplyDeleteLag usually means something like variable delay, or delay spikes, which makes your champion / the game much more unpredictable. Arguably, that is far worse than a constant but high delay. Looking at just the mean ping won't tell you the difference, we would need to see the distributions. So the question remains open: it is lag that causes the difference between players or is it just the higher delay?
no, the point is: don't play skillshot reliant champs, if you have high ping.
ReplyDeleteHow dare he say Amumu is op, its not like i use him in high elo and have a win rate of 70% with him.
ReplyDeleteI remember the time when singed and wukong were the only God tier on his Tier list lol
ReplyDeleteI remember the time when his God tier for top lane are only singed and wukong lol
ReplyDeletehttp://i1.ytimg.com/vi/kwygI2ZC5tU/maxresdefault.jpg - does this answer your question?
ReplyDeleteKayle, is in my opinion a really easy champion to carry with, and is not hard to play.
ReplyDeleteRIP burst kayle...
ReplyDeleteSlight nerf on Q ratio + buff of her heal + no mana needed for her ult...the slight nerf on her Q burst was highly understood on my part but if you play champ for their broken part...
ReplyDeleteI love how it says lag check and my ping (100ms) is way too high BUT it is literally the LOWEST you can get on the East coast....
ReplyDeleteThey can't nerf Wukong, there is simply nothing on him that can be considered OP. I mean maybe they can nerf his Q for a lower armor pen, but seriously that will destroy his kit altogether. I think Wu is a champ that can't be touched.
ReplyDeleteomg i have diamond ping... wtf challenger ping is tooo gawdly
ReplyDeleteWhen you have a great comment to add to the discussion, and you push tab and then backspace on accident. Life is hard.
ReplyDeleteIK I have yet to get under a 90 ping and i get 50mb at home
ReplyDeleteLook up nagle's algorithm, you'll thank me after.
ReplyDeletei agree it was needed. lategame q + lichbane proc = 100-0 most squishies. Even without the insane 1:1 ap ratio she still hits like a truck lategame. But i'd avoid using the words "slight nerf". A nerf from 1 to 0.6 scaling is not slight at all. thats huge.
ReplyDeleteDon't even complain lol... Hawaii gets like 300 ping with a super strong internet. It's just mental.
ReplyDeleteI thought like you but cannot apply to everything...(looking at nerf ratio of Teemoshroom!)
ReplyDeletekayles q nerf was just as big 0.4AP Ratio removed.
ReplyDeleteOn paper looks a lot but when you look at how Kayle was ...sort of anti fun to get a champ 100 to 0 without much to do...
ReplyDeleteI googled it, didnt understand a word. TRANSLATE PLZ
ReplyDelete31 minutes and 1 turret?
ReplyDeleteaaaaaaand now im having second thoughts about wanting to move there
ReplyDeleteAnd we have a prophet here. :c
ReplyDeleteExcept Nagle's algorithm is for TCP traffic and in-game LoL's traffic is UDP. The header size is already minimal.
ReplyDeletewhat about plat->diamond
And we have a prophet here
ReplyDeleteThat actually makes me feel better. On the East coast, i've been running 105-110 every game freakin out because i'm used to 35-45 back home.. lol
ReplyDeleteLeft Coast = Best coast. 14ms ping.
ReplyDeleteI'm on the east coast and I play with 68-80ms. Usually around 75ms. So I don't think 100ms is LITERALLY the lowest.
ReplyDelete40 ping oh yeah
ReplyDeleteI love wukong since i saw the list and buy him, played him in 3 ranked games and only lost once because team fed an Annie lol. Plus, i outfarm most top laners always and get fed.
ReplyDeleteThey already nerfed his Q slightly, a while back. I think peoples perception of Wukong is really warped. He's an Elder Lizard jungler. That means he is going to try to snowball hard. When he does snowball hard and builds lots of damage (Ex. Elder Lizard - Mobi Boots - Hydra - Last Whisper - Black Cleaver - Maw) he will probably one shot your carries and hurt your tanks a lot!
ReplyDeleteWhat runes/masteries/build are you using?
ReplyDeletemy ping is at 150 on euw and im diamond2 and its 250-280 on NA and im diamond3 there... its not all about the ping but i believe that if i had a better connection i would be much better...
ReplyDeleteMan, this was a long time ago. Lots have changed.
ReplyDeleteWukong is still a very strong top and midlaner, but his jungling is way past his prime. The mana you get back from jungle items isn't as significant as before, the armor shred from his Q got nerfed from 30% to 8% at lvl 1, weakening his early dueling and ganking very significantly, and the meta has shifted thanks to new items and champions.
I used to run very basic masteries/runes on him back then; AD quints and marks; magic resist blues, and armor yellows; masteries 21/9/0; your regular generic AD build. He still can work in the jungle; but IMO he should stay top or mid. He can deal with mostly anything there, and his kit makes him a very strong teamfighter. Just watch out for Darius.
Thanks for seeing such an old post and replying, I tried jungle wukong for a good 100 games and couldn't find a way to make up for his weak early game.
ReplyDeletethanks again!
*west coast... how is it that hard lol
ReplyDeleteTry LagMeter download it from Google Play
ReplyDeleteI still wonder how in the world can someone play LoL ping above 80.I have 50-60 but when it increases at 80-90 I rage like a bull because the difference is incredibly easy to notice and it fucks up my gameplay completely.
ReplyDeleteIt's noticeable, but not that noticeable. I mean 90ms is 0.09 seconds. Most people can't react fast enough unless your literally the top of the top. Honestly sounds like you have high network traffic, and your client is just registering 90ms because it updates ping every second or so...
ReplyDeletewtf.... and i thought that 200 ping was really good ping
ReplyDelete......No... It's 0.9 seconds................
ReplyDeleteThis is so hopeful, one of the best League resources on the web. Thank you for doing this
ReplyDeleteI play at 250, and it's kind of disturbing how much you can lag.
ReplyDeleteI play at 130 and is ok, when it hits 150 then i can't play like that
ReplyDeletethen use nocturne, malphite or jarvan 4
ReplyDeleteClearly weren't an Australian playing LoL on NA for like the 1st three seasons. 265 ping was considered normal.
ReplyDeletebought amumu just because he 1. was cheap and 2. Is sooooooo cute...*awwww*
ReplyDeleteI just wanna hug him and be his friend..
And then toss a bandage and tanturm everyone into the ground :>
amumu and me, a jolly cooperation.
I get 2,000 ping at times next secomd its 19 it gets more stable on my phone internet
ReplyDelete999 ping sometimes on home internet i have to disconnect then reconnect