Check out the listing below!
Mid Lane: Kayle
Jungle: Amumu
Top Lane: Nasus
Support: Sona
AD Carry: Sivir
Kayle's early game harass and late game damage potential are absolutely insane right now. This, coupled with the strong utility on her ultimate make her ideal as a mid lane mage. Although she can also be played top, since her E tends to push the wave she can be camped much harder up there.
Strangely enough, Amumu is only banned at Bronze Elo. However, considering he's in the top 10 win rates from Bronze through Diamond, you would think otherwise. With his insane late game utility after a bit of cooldown reduction, his presence is simultaneously a tank killer and squishy eliminator all wrapped up into one neat emo bundle.
Top lane's an interesting lane, since a lot of it depends on game knowledge and ability to trade. If you're planning on climbing through the ranks however, it's best to select someone very tanky for top lane since a lot of junglers seem to like running full offense for some reason. His ability to assist on a gank is very high, and he has enough sustain in lane to resist most popular top laners. Also, as everyone knows, an 800 stack Nasus Q is nothing to scoff at either.
Although Leona/Annie are the strongest late game support right now, I think that for most players Sona will do just fine. She's a great mix of sustain/poke, and if necessary also has killing power as well. The reason I don't think a straight kill lane is good for increasing your Elo quickly is because they tend to rely heavily on your AD carry. This means that in an all-in situation a few slow reactions might quickly snowball into a defeat.
Marksmen are actually in a pretty weak position right now, and I personally don't think that playing AD carry is quite the fast Elo gainer it used to be. However, if you're good at the position then certainly don't shy away from it. If you're into it, Sivir is your best bet and is rarely banned. Although her range is short, her waveclear is insane and can easily force back the wave even in a losing position.
Got more champions you think are great for climbing the ladder? Comment below! Also check out the solo queue list for more picks~
One thing i noticed, that except for support, all the other lanes have cheap champions( 450 and 1350 ip). Do you think that Janna or Soraka can be played replacing sona?
ReplyDeletei think you can replace sona with annie (4250 ip)
ReplyDeletesivir isnt near as easy as they say. Jinx is easier to me, I always win with her and I hav basically lost every game with sivir.
ReplyDeleteWow I'm amazed by how this list helped o.o just won a game with kayle and sona....aced both of them o.o even though sona is a huge KSer :b
ReplyDeletehow about Elise?
ReplyDeleteI think Elise is a somewhat higher skillcap champion that requires more game knowledge and technical skill to play. I wouldn't recommend it unless you're dedicated to learning her fully.
ReplyDeleteI was actually debating between Jinx and Sivir to pick as the AD carry, the reason I chose Sivir is because her ultimate can still greatly assist the team even if you've lost lane very badly. I personally find Jinx easier too, but it might just be because her animations feel more smooth.
ReplyDeleteThough Jinx is really strong, most people(In my opinion) don't know quite how to utilize her skills at the right time, especially the gun switch. Sivir is a lot more forgiving with her spell shield and ultimate. If you can learn spell shield efficiently, you can easily bait kills in lower divisions. Just my two cents.
ReplyDeleteI think he was speaking of an actual support, not a kill lane support.
ReplyDelete@Felipe Sona shines above janna and soraka mostly due to the ease at which to land her ultimate for kills in bot lane as well as her aura's for team fights. Janna and Raka are both strong in their own ways, but not as easy to face roll as Sona is. Sona also adds great poke if that's what you want in bot lane, especially against a lane with no heal.
How do i learn a champion fully? :)
ReplyDeleteUhhh amumu and nasus are banned all the time in lower divisions. just saying.
ReplyDeleteYou realize how dumb it is to talk about "KSer's" -- that just screams "I'll be in bronze forever."
ReplyDeleteTrain a lot :)
ReplyDeleteWatch videos over youtube
and learn to combo one target > engage > disengage most likely!
Kayle is just too strong. I bought Aether Wing just because it is my favorite skin, and it was worth it.
ReplyDeleteSince the nerf she isn't the same :)
ReplyDeleteI also believe that although Sona has heals and a strong engage, Leona is extremely strong right now. 3 out of 4 of her abilities are CC, and if you have a high-damage adc, bot lane can be deadly. She is also a great tank.
ReplyDeleteI hate ppl who complain about KS then rage quit...
ReplyDeleteKayle is a good way to get out in Mid. I'd say both Amumu, and possibly Vi for Jungle. Top Pantheon is also relatively good because he seems to counter the majority of the 'fancy' champs. Top Kennen is my main, but is a relatively safe choice because of his laning phase, and strong ganking ability later. Squishy when focused, though, similar to most ADCs. I'd also agree that Jinx is good for climbing, because of her scaling.
ReplyDeletebut... amumu ganks without ult are weak right? and very dependent on blue buff and vulnerable to counter jungling so pardon me but the ammumu here is confusing me. I know he is strong late game but in bronze lanes often need strong ganks early so ammumu might not be the best choice in low elo where you will need to carry jungle if you go jungle, and carry early and not unreliably like amumu.
ReplyDeleteNasus? wouldn't u want someone who can get really strong really quick? i feel like u would want a lane bully (darius, renekton, riven) so u can win before then enemy knows what hits them rather than the afk-farming dog
ReplyDeletehow about rammus?
ReplyDeleteNasus can only get stronger as the game goes on, renekton falls off. Even when everyone is at 6 items, nasus keeps farming his q and gets stronger and stronger and stronger. That and the fact that he could potientially do anywhere from 500-1000 damage on a 3 second cooldown late game (providing that he's not completely stupid and has a decent amount of q stacks. That damage plus his tankiness means he'll be around for a while dropping tons of damage
ReplyDeletePractice. Just like spade said, learn your champion's mechanics (for example akali, learn to q, wait for your q to get off cooldown, ulti in, pop q, q again, then e) (or an easier example pantheon, it could be a simple q poke, w, e, q as you run away)
ReplyDeleteSona's alot easier to play than janna. Soraka is easy to play but it takes knowledge to play her at an amazing level
ReplyDeleteShyvana should be on this, she's free elo if played right
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that she scales really well and is never banned in bronze but having no hard cc is usually a problem in bronze for some reason
ReplyDeleteYou forgot Kayle Jungle, shes pretty strong. I Won 12 of 15 games with it (from S5 to S1 currently)
ReplyDeleteMan I hate kayle mid, mainly since I play Yasuo mid......windwall doesn't do shit agains her :(.
ReplyDeleteMakes me a sad Yasuo
Could I please ask for 2 more champions that are also good & easy for TOP lane, jungle and mid lane?
ReplyDeleteYeah I agree. Even his ult is amazing, Rammus feels like a way better pick..
ReplyDeleteMines are Jax, Shyvana, Yasuo/Kayle/Cassio, Sivir and Karma :)
ReplyDeleteI bought Fiora just to counter Nasus, she completely destroys him!
ReplyDeleteNasus is easily countered against Yasuo. Although Nasus does sweep the game with his damage and tanking capabilities late game, shutting him down early game is a piece of cake with Yasuo and so delays his items for late game.
ReplyDeleteWell Nasus unlike Yasuo has a very weak early game, but nasus doesn't need kills to snowball all he needs is his Q stacks which he can get from farming under his tower. In late game when Nasus builds his stacks he is OP.
ReplyDeleteannie can stomp as support :) you don't always have to rely on your adc to do damage, and she can stomp at mid too
ReplyDeleteyeah, i agree, it feels like there is a delay in her autoattacks that makes it hard to cs sometimes i find,jinx just last hits really nicely for me. though i understand what you are saying completely, whereas jinx is easier and possibly more effective in the right hands, she isn't nearly as forgiving as sivir.
ReplyDeleteok, now i believe you. a yasuo did really unexpectedly well against me today. It was horrible, i got my q super stacked, but he was killing me before i could use it.
ReplyDeleteYasuo can push fast, VERY fast. All he needs is his Q and E. With Statik Shiv, he can get away to 200+ creeps faster than a normal solo top or bruiser or ADC can.
ReplyDeleteThat isn't necessarily a good thing as a nasus under tower can farm just as quickly as a nasus halfway down the lane. Really to push the lane against a nasus is the worst possible idea.
ReplyDeleteI play with her since s2 and I agree. Although I always take exhaust and rarely die :)
ReplyDeletei think vlad is a strong top lane choice. WHile the early game is generally tough if you get put vs a nasus or teemo...which is common in lower ranks you are guarantied an easy lane
ReplyDeleteExactly, you are just giving Nasus a safe place to farm.
ReplyDeleteWell when I face a Nasus I usually push my lane really really hard, so the minions would all be under the tower. This either cuts down Nasus' farms (tower steals) or force the enemy jungler to camp top, leaving bot and mid free. I 1v2 top all the time so my team can dominate the 2 other lanes.
ReplyDeleteit stops her q if you time it
ReplyDeleteSo I guess you aren't going to revise the list even though you stated that these champions are "hardly ever banned" when they clearly are. So here, take my 2 cents
ReplyDeleteTop: Renekton/Mundo/Darius/Olaf
Jungle: Rammus/Mundo/Kha (though a slightly more difficult pick he isn't too hard to get the hang of and can carry his entire team)
Must of been a pretty bad Nasus. Fiora does best Nasus at around lv3-lv5 with her combo but after Nasus gets bit of a farm under his tower (which is easy for him) + items there's not much Fiora can do.
ReplyDeleteNasus's wither (W) negates Fiora Burst of speed (E)'s attack speed plus adding the movement speed reduction to it. Nasus's ult gives him free HP so he can take some punishment from Fiora ult.
1 bad nasus 1 normal nasus and 1 smurf (withouth runes) nasus
ReplyDeleteafter lvl3 fiora wins, specially with lifesteal :)
we can try if you want
What about Thresh support instead of Sona I think thresh is really underlooked due to him still being reasonably tanky but still similar to leona
ReplyDeleteTop - Renekton or jax as they can carry incredibly hard and have a lot of utility
ReplyDeleteJungle - anyone who can clear fast and has good ganks at early levels
mid - annie, gragas, ziggs - anyone with good poke
support - tanky kayle - she has hard lane pushing, heal, speed boost, a slow, invincibility, and with something like an iceborn has a lot of damage even when building tank
adc - unless you are a very good adc i would even play it because you are relying on your team too tank and engage for you.