NERFPLZ.LOL Patch 4.1 Incoming 1/15 (a.k.a. Ranked Resets?!) | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Jan 13, 2014

Patch 4.1 Incoming 1/15 (a.k.a. Ranked Resets?!)

About an hour ago, Riot NOC released the following tidbit of news on the NA forum with the title "01/15 - Server Maintenance: Patch 4.1":
On 01/15/14, starting at 01:30 PST, ranked queues will be disabled in preparation for patch 4,1. At 03:00 PST, the servers will be shut down and all games currently in progress will end in a draw and stats will not be recorded. We estimate the battlegrounds will be unavailable for 6 hours.
Although it's not stated for sure that divisions will be reset in the next patch, when the new patch number changes is generally also when the ranked season begins.



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  1. rVn LukkazxJanuary 13, 2014

    Provisionals again for everyone?? Then yes! excited! (If it can grant me a shortcut to silver that is)

  2. Hm it's a pity if it's the case i would have like to enjoy this momentum for some more training! But i guess we all have no choice whatever comes and jump into the carry lokomotiv ! tshu tshu!!! :) Best of luck for everyone (if Elo reset happen!)

  3. Don't know about that, but Riot said a few days ago that S4 will start later on (I remember that they said in about a month). Even though it would weird to have a 3 months long preseason.

  4. Indeed its insanely long! but in general they do major changes like changes they did on support or jungle to annonce the new season (S2-S3)
    Now except Eve Kassa nerf its just sound more has a balance patch than next season patch but well...

  5. I agree on that... I hope there are still some fix coming up before the start of the S4, tanks are just insanely broken right now... Unkillable and doing sh*tloads of damage too...

  6. Mostly Mundo & Shyvana they are unkillable with 1-2 "GOOD" CC & Ignite

  7. Shyvana is nice, but Mundo is just stupid atm. %dmg and slow with extremely low cd, no mana, and basically unkillable. You can counter him only with ignite, which has several minutes of cd compared to the 40/50 secs of Mundo's ulti...

  8. All the top lanes got smashed. Mundo and Renekton will dominate really hard.

  9. Cant wait! My goal for this season is Plat V (Silver 1 atm). It definitely is not out of reach in my opinion. I know I have the skill to be gold I just wasn't motivated enough in S3 but that will change this season!

  10. As much as I dont' wanna say it, i agree with you.

  11. You could always buy Morello/Executioners

    It's like you forget those items exist.

  12. No I don't, but you can't just build them on everyone. As an example: I play mainly Renekton top, and you don't want to build the executioner on him... Or on any other tanky top, since gives no sustain, and the crit is only useful on adc/auto attackers.

  13. the tierlist

  14. True, ask your ADC to build it perhaps, or your midlaner to build Morello (which, honestly, is a MUCH better item than executioners). If they cannot be beaten in lane, beat them throughout the span of the game.

    Shyvana has her own perks, seeing as how she has an instant engage and massive speed combined with a lot of AOE damage and disruption while Mundo is primarily single-target oriented.

  15. Yup really broken even now. You can build a LW or a BC but still not enough and even BOTRK is not enough since not everyone builds it. And still they do tons of damage like a carry lol. Plus they have cc and escapes.


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