NERFPLZ.LOL Next Champion: Zaun Amorphous Combatant ("ZAC") | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Mar 7, 2013

Next Champion: Zaun Amorphous Combatant ("ZAC")

Check out the newest set of sneak-peak pages from the "Zaun Amorphous Combatant" or ZAC for short. It looks like some sort of creation made by Singed and is a slime based champion possibly?

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  1. Looks like the post should read Combatant not Experiment.

  2. It's been made by Dr. Mundo, check out the mac launch video, it is in his lab.

  3. SSJSuntasticMarch 08, 2013

    Thanks, it was a long day :P

  4. SSJSuntasticMarch 08, 2013

    Mundo fronts the money, but we all know who the real brains behind the operation is!

  5. Yordle Jungler, yes, yes?! :3

  6. Looks like this new champ will have three forms...
    probably at the beginning looks like a slime (first shape from second paper)
    and will transform once he reaches lv 6, 11, 16 (wait... then there should be 4 forms)
    can't wait for more information!!! and when this champ launches, Wukong will be 4800ip ^^

  7. They datamined the recommended items, looks like its gonna be a tanky AP jungler

  8. vickthesickMarch 08, 2013

    passive: If caitlyn puts a trap on the ground, ZAC runs immediatly into her, attracted by her delicious cupcakes.
    (range: all the map.)

  9. vickthesickMarch 08, 2013


  10. lol not even slightly

  11. Yeah, saw it when his next images got shown. Kind of disappointing. Tried him on PBE, he's.. okay. I can imagine making great ganks with this guy, but I just can't seem to like him.

  12. yeah he's alright but i can't seem to get past the health cost for abilities it's a cool idea but in any long fight or team fight he's gonna be at a big disadvantage because he has to kill himself to defend.

  13. Well, one of friends bought him. And he's already wrecking everyone with him. He's one of the few I've seen do well with him so far. Every one instantly buying him and going straight to normals. It's as awful as people trying F2P champs for their first time in normals and Karma. xD

    Tho I have to say, they've made some really nice ganks with Zac. A maxed out E makes it hard to avoid taking damage from him with how close he gets to you. Mostly they either die or get really low on HP.


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