SUGGESTED LINEUP Top: Nidalee Mid: Twisted Fate AD Carry: Graves Support: Soraka Jungle: Shen | ADVANTAGES:
- Strong Poke damage
- Global Presence - Good escapes - Good Waveclear | DISADVANTAGES: - Weak burst damage - Slightly squishy - Low peel - Low engage/disengage potential |

All of your lanes contain very strong pushers, which means you an easily shove a lane and group up for an objective while the enemy team is busy defending a tower. Shen and TF have strong global presences, which will also make the enemy team slightly more hesitant to engage into 1v1 or 2v2 fights. This means that after level 6, all your lanes can start playing very aggressively and pushing hard (or they can play passively and create a gank opportunity).
This team works well in solo queue where winning each lane is the key to demoralizing the enemy team and snowballing to victory. Be sure to always ward as much as possible in order to maximize your pushing efficiency.
If you see a team like this in solo queue, be sure to play aggressively pre-6. However, post 6 begin playing cautiously, ward up mid for TF ganks, and group up as soon as possible to take objectives/towers to minimize the enemy team's ability to split push all your lanes.
Got more ideas for team compositions? Ways to improve on this one? Post them below in the comment section!
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Trade nid for tryndamere plz