So what's so great about Lux?
- She's super fun to play
- Can snipe from half a screen away with her 40 second CD ultimate
- Can 1v2 heroes with ease (as long as they're not assassins)
- High amount of CC
- Strong burst damage
- Strong poking/pushing power
Why don't people usually play Lux?
- She runs out of mana quickly
- She's completely skillshot reliant (similar to why people used to not play Ezreal)
- Low mobility
- Weak early game
As you can see, there's a pretty big skill barrier to why people don't play Lux...according to her usage rate is still only about 12%, as compared to more popular AP mids like Katarina at close to 19%.
Here's some footage of Froggen wrecking face at Dreamhack with Lux by soulsmurder:

I'm not just a little girl you know...
Thoughts on Lux? Post below!
Lux was 1st mid champ I played. As you said she uncredibly fun to play and very rewarding. Also very easy to help other lanes thanks to amazing laser, which is relativly easy to land.