If you take the time to examine the many wonders of nature, you’ll find a fair number of animals that are remarkably well-adapted to their environment. It isn’t every day, however, that you run across a creature that can adapt to every environment.
Feast your eyes on this fine specimen here. Meet Kha’Zix, the Voidreaver – the most highly-evolved champion yet to grace the Fields of Justice. Maybe you’re marveling at the iridescent wings or the intimidating spike racks? Well, you’ll find that’s just one of many possible evolutionary paths your Voidreaver can take. Perhaps some adaptive camouflage and wicked, scythe-like claws might be more appropriate to your particular hunting ground. Whichever evolutions you choose to manifest, you’ll find Kha’Zix has just the tools you need to viciously slaughter unsuspecting prey.
If you’re the kind of assassin that’s always ready to adapt, evolve, and overcome, you’ll want to keep an eye on the latest addition to the Void lineup.Possible Skills:
According to the description, it looks like it will probably be a melee type hero with some sort of stealth ability.
It may also have a transformation mode like Nidalee or Jayce based on the description.
What do you guys think? Any guesses on what the new hero's skills will be? Comment below!
I think they are making a character similar to that of NightStalker from Dota. I could be totally out in left field with this, but that's what I'm getting. Maybe even similar to Rengar (2.0)? They did that with Sejuani going to Nautalus. Why not here too?
ReplyDelete-Scott (can't post from my account at work =p)
perhaps another champion like Udyr.
ReplyDeleteHybrid, stealth, jungler with assassin ulti i gues. But i think stealth will be some kind of camuflage.
ReplyDeletelawl this is funny because i found the leak
When do champs usually make it on the PBE? Also, I've downloaded the PBE, and i couldn't log in...Someone help this noob out!
How in the world is Nautilus similar to Sejuani. They are completely different champs.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Should have quoted ColbyCheeze on that. Not my thought neccessarily, however I still agree with it. Similar types of CC, ie. Her charge, he has a pull. Her aoe frost, his fountain. She aoe slows, he does aoe dmg. Her ult ranged lock down, his ranged single target knock up with knock up to everyone in the way. Seems similar to me, but got the original idea from Colby here:
ReplyDelete @1:35
lol that comment is completely taken out of context. the only point he was comparing them on was the fact that if you leave either of them in the middle of your team, they both do devastating damage. in that regard, naut is "sejuani 2.0" because he does everything else better. it's not so say that he's the same in every way, but that they both share won aspect and the vast differences in their play styles makes naut better. colby's exact thought was that they shared that one aspect and that naut had better initiate, better crowd control, and better defense. throughout the video he constantly indicates the differences between naut and other tanks, including sejuani. the only thing he compares to her is their w's (northern winds on sej does similar amount and type of damage as naut's shield). I don't think colby would agree with your analysis at all. you need to pay attention bro
ReplyDeleteAlso, the abilities for Kha'zix are out so your other theory was pretty wrong as well.
ReplyDeleteWell aren't you guys a cup of tea.