Buffs: Brand, Cho'gath, Evelynn, Rammus, Twitch, Urgot
Nerfs: Amumu, Janna, Rumble, Xin Zhao, Yorick

League of Legends
Diana, Scorn of the
- Pending the completion of some further testing on PBE,
Diana will be released at a future date
Amumu - Nerf
- Cursed Touch (Passive)
- Duration reduced to 3 seconds from 4
- Tantrum
- Mana cost reduced to 35 from 50
- Bandage Toss
- Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1.0
- Curse of the Sad Mummy
- Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.8 from 1.0
Brand - Buff
- Pyroclasm
- Missile Speed increased to 1000 from 800
- Missile Speed no longer increases when hitting ablaze
- If Pyroclasm strikes an ablaze target, the next bounce
will now prioritize champions
Cho'gath - Buff
- General
- Magic Resist per level increased to 1.25
- Attack Range normalized to 125 from 130
- Rupture
- Cast time reduced to 0.5 seconds from 0.672
- Delay normalized to 0.625 seconds from 0.5 - 0.75
- Feral Scream
- Cast time reduced to 0.5 seconds from 0.6417
- Vorpal Spikes
- Width now increases based on Cho'gath's size
- Feast
- Now grants Cho'gath up to 50 additional Attack Range,
based on Feast rank and amount of stacks
- Cast time normalized to 0.5 seconds from 0.43
- Range increased to 150 from 100
Evelynn - Buff
- General
- Recommended items on Summoner's Rift now include Boots
of Mobility
- Shadow Walk (Passive)
- Restealth duration reduced to 6 seconds from 8
- Dealing periodic damage (ie: Ignite) no longer
prevents her from restealthing
- Agony's Embrace
- Cooldown reduced to 120/100/80 seconds from 150/120/90
- Devastating Charge
- Now more responsive when colliding with opponents
- Initial Movement Speed bonus increased to 25% from 0%
(still reaches max speed at the same time)
- Onslaught of Shadows
- Enemy flee speed is now higher based on how close the
enemy is to Hecarim
Janna - Nerf
- Zephyr
- Ability Power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 0.8
- Fixed: Janna will no longer sometimes retain the
passive bonuses while Zephyr is on cooldown
- Wild Growth
- Fixed: Now completes its effects even if the allied
target was about to take lethal damage at the time of casting
Rammus - Buff
- General
- Now gains 1.25 Magic Resist per level
Rumble - Nerf
- Junkyard Titan (Passive)
- Danger Zone damage bonus reduced to 25% from 30%
- Flamespitter
- Damage reduced to 90/160/230/300/370 from
- Fixed: Flamespitter no longer lasts slightly longer
than intended
Twitch - Buff
- General
- Base Attack Damage increased to 52 from 50
- Venom Cask
- Missile Speed increased to 1400 from 1300
Urgot - Buff
- Acid Hunter
- Damage adjusted back to 10/40/70/100/130 (+0.85 total
Attack Damage) from 50/80/110/140/170 (+1.2 bonus Attack Damage)
Xin Zhao - Nerf
- General
- Base Attack Damage reduced to 55.3 from 59
- Attack Damage per level increased to 3.3 from 3
- Audacious Charge
- Damage reduced to 70/110/150/190/230 from
Yorick - Nerf
- Omen of Famine
- Ravenous Ghoul will only heal Yorick for 50% the
damage it deals to minions
- Omen of Death
- Fixed: The Revenant no longer instantly dies upon
casting Omen of Death on an allied Evelynn
Proving Grounds
- Repositioned Health Relics so players are less likely to
unintentionally walk through them
- Adjusted Nexus turrets
- Nexus turrets reduced from two to one
- Nexus turrets now have an additional 20 Armor, 800
Health, and 30 base Attack Damage
- Experience curve adjusted so that levels 14-18 take
slightly longer to reach
- You can now reset the current audio configuration back
to defaults from the audio options menu
- Battle Training
- The "Buy Boots" quest will now properly fire
- The "Defeat the Lizard Elder" and
"Defeat the Ancient Golem" quests will now properly fire when
playing as Ashe
- The tip regarding Champion Ultimate Abilities will now
show up properly when playing as Ashe
- Soraka Bot and Nasus Bot will no longer get stuck
- Updated several Champion art assets including splash
art and icons for various Mordekaiser, Cassiopeia, Kassadin, Ezreal, and
Ashe skins
- Fixed: Summoner's Insight now correctly works with
Promote (now correctly grants bonus defensive stats)
- Fixed: Custom game bots now lane properly when allied
players are jungling
- Updated tooltips for Ahri, Annie, Jarvan IV, Leona, Lux
and Morgana
New Tribunal Feature
- Players punished by the Tribunal will now be e-mailed a
"Reform Card" which gives additional details about their case
It's about time those Rumble nerfs came in! This week has been terrible...Rumble OP? Everyone played him after Riot told us...
ReplyDeletethis is a nice blog you have here hope mine becomes just as great. Saw a lot of the buffs/nerfs coming, twitch buff was kind of meh.
ReplyDeleteThanks! They have to buff a little at a time though. Those tiny numbers add up fast! Don't want to make him imbalance the game :P
ReplyDeleteRumble OP? Sure he was, but now he's dead. 80 damage may not seem much, but with it his AP ratio was changed, and the 5% danger zone hurts alot. They should have nerfed him, but not by so much.
ReplyDeleteyea rumble is op evelynn needed to be buff brand well dont let him eat you in game beacouse he is op now