NERFPLZ.LOL Next Champion: Diana, Scorn of the Moon | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Jul 26, 2012

Next Champion: Diana, Scorn of the Moon

A new champion sneak peek has been released! She looks kinda Irelia to be honest. The lore could be interesting though, she's got some relation to Leona.

Not all creatures of the night are the sort that lurk in the shadows. A select few leap headlong into the fray, leaving enemies begging for sunshine. Shunned by the people of the sun, Diana turned in isolation to the cold power of the moon’s glow. She hurls herself into the heat of the fight, wielding her crescent blade and unleashing lunar energy with merciless ferocity. If you’re awed by the darkness of the night, but never one to hide in the shadows, you’re sure to be drawn to this knight of the moon and her relentless pursuit of vengeance.

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  1. So excited for Diana.

    Leona is among my top 3 favorite champions, and even with the "lore" falling by the wayside this kind of storytelling is EXCITING!

  2. That kopesh looks pretty sweet - might be interested in her, but let's wait for her skillset from PBE.


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