NERFPLZ.LOL Ranked Disabled - "Dr Terrible" Summoner Spell Cooldown Hack | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

May 3, 2012

Ranked Disabled - "Dr Terrible" Summoner Spell Cooldown Hack

If you woke up like I did this morning, you'll have noticed that ranked is disabled this morning. The reason for this is that a user found a hack that allowed him to place more points into masteries than you should be able to. Here's a video from Reddit where he's placed 7 points into "Mastermind", which gives 15% cooldown, and effectively reduces his summoner spell CD to 0.

As you can see in the video, his flash and smite CD are instantaneous and allowed him to make the game a living hell for the enemy team.

Here's another video of a guy spamming heal and straight up taking the other team's towers and nexus


You thought Urgot was OP before? Well...

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  1. Pretty hilarious.

    Also, while it's cosmetic, term probably should be "bug" and not hack.

  2. Actually it is a hack i don't see how no cd = cosmetic

  3. I should get Riot points for that, biggest waste of my time. Sorry I don't think you deserve 10k RP for 3:30 of your time. You will get your ELO back and that is it.

  4. This is where a silence would be useful and ignite.

  5. can you help me i downloaded the RP hacking file but i no idea what do do next please help

  6. It doesn't work, delete it and scan your computer for malware :P

  7. Fuck need password.

  8. I need the passwort too....

  9. Password is: qwertyuiopasdfghj

  10. Marco MarquesOctober 12, 2014

    how i installthat?


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