NERFPLZ.LOL Elementz Interviews Crs Saintvicious on Changes | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

May 21, 2012

Elementz Interviews Crs Saintvicious on Changes

1 comment
In a recent interview by Elementz with Saintvicious, it appears some very startling news came to light: HotshotGG WANTED to go into jungle!

Furthermore, as the owner of the CLG team, he had the ability to make the changes as well. He wanted Saintvicious to lead a CLG B team, which is why Saintvicious switched over to CRS.

Full interview

This of course lends itself to two questions: 
  1. Is there a CLG B team in the works? When will we see them on scene?
  2. What in the world made HotshotGG even consider switching to jungler?

Well at least he can play me...kinda

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1 comment:

  1. CLG Didnt win a single tournament, mabey that will help.


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