NERFPLZ.LOL TheRainMan Leaves TSM House for Florida | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Apr 11, 2012

TheRainMan Leaves TSM House for Florida

1 comment
Directly after TSM's victory at IPL4, TheOddOne received a message from TheRainMan saying that he's peacing. Upon returning home, the TSM crew discovered that TRM had indeed packed up his belongings and left the New York house for warmer climate, without warning.

Below is TheOddOne's Vlog in which he explains how the events took place.

How will the TSM house fare without their Tier 1 chef, TheRainMommy? Only time will tell. However, TRM has stated that he has plans of staying in the TSM name, possibly starting up his own team as Team Baylife - TSM.

Maybe he's still here, just standing very very still...

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1 comment:

  1. Meaby he did as teemo's passive, lol..
    I'd like to get subtitles for the vlogs, english isn't my main lenguage, and it gets hard to understand if it isn't speaked clearly


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