Lots of surprise buffs to a few heroes, including Teemo along with an unsurprising nerf to Shen.

Alistar - BUFF
- Unbreakable Will mana cost reduced to 100 from 150
- Trample damage increased to 10-27 per second from 10-23
Fizz - BUFF
- Base damage increased to 56 from 54
- Armor per level increased to 3.4 from 3.1
- Churn the Waters mana cost reduced to 100 from 150
Galio - BUFF
- Idol of Durand damage range increased to 600 from 575
- Fixed a particle issue with Transcendent Blades
- Fixed a bug where Grandmaster's Might passive attack canceled if the buff ran out during the attack animation
Lee Sin - FIX/BUFF
- Sonic Wave base damage increased to 50/80/110/140/170 from 45/75/105/135/165
Lux - BUFF
- Lucent Singularity
- Now additionally grants vision while in flight to its destination
- Now starts its cooldown when cast rather than when detonated
- Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 9
- Now displays a buff showing how long Lucent Singularity will last until it automatically detonates
- Finales Funkeln
- Now grants vision of the affected area during the spell and vision of enemy champions hit for a short duration afterwards
- Lux can no longer use Flash while casting Finales Funkeln
Malphite - BUFF
- Granite Shield now shows a cooldown timer
- Unstoppable Force
- Area of effect radius on impact increased to 325 from 300
- Malphite can no longer flash while using Unstoppable Force
Miss Fortune
- Strut now shows a cooldown timer
- Now has a passive cooldown timer like Ziggs and Shen
Olaf - BUFF
- Axe Throw
- Damage increased to 80-260 from 50-210
- Scaling changed to +1.0 bonus AD from +0.5 total AD
- Base cooldown reduced to 8 seconds from 10
- Cooldown reduction for picking up the axe reduced to 4.5 seconds from 6
- Ragnarok now provides 30/45/60 Armor and Magic Resist instead of 20/30/40 flat damage reduction
- Paragon of Demacia now shows you over its icon how many stacks you have
Shen - NERF
- General
- Base armor reduced to 19 from 23
- Vorpal Blade health scaling lowered to 1.5% from 2%
- Feint
- Energy cost increased to 50 from 40 at all levels
- Base shield value reduced to 70/115/160/205/250 from 70/120/170/220/270
- Fixed a few bugs with ability sounds
Teemo - BUFF
- Health per level increased to 82 from 77
- Move Quick's passive component now shows a cooldown timer
- Noxious Trap arm time reduced to 1 seconds from 2
Tristana - Tweak
- Detonating Shot target damage adjusted to 100/145/190/235/280 from 110/140/170/200/230
- Explosive Shot cast range increased to 625 from 600
- Fixed a bug where Ziggs’ Mad Scientist skin was leaving particles on the map
Items - BUFF
- Madred's Bloodrazor attack damage increased to 40 from 30
- Champion Kill messages are now more specific
- You can now activate a timestamp for game chat in the options menu
- When colorblind mode is activated, movement cursor is included with new color scheme (was not before)
- Announcer callouts no longer reference blue team/purple team, and instead should reference friendly/enemy team (ie. A friendly inhibitor is respawning soon/the enemy inhibitor has respawned)
- Champions will now attempt to run home immediately when disconnecting, rather than attempting to Recall
- Small monster camp sigils now restore up to 30 Mana in addition to Health
- Small golem camp
- Movement Speed increased to 300 from 180
- Medium Golem base damage increased to 59 from 54
Co-Op Versus AI
- Added Blitzcrank bot to the roster of bots in Co-Op versus AI.
- Improved bots' ability to last hit and reduced how much they push their lanes.
- Reduced the amount of gold given to bots on Summoner's Rift Intermediate.
- Added the ability for bots to call for help from nearby bots.
- Improved the precision of skill shots and ground targeted AoE abilities.
- Minor bug fixes with Leona, Lux, and Shyvana bots.
Original Source Post Here
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