NERFPLZ.LOL Ahri the Nine-Tailed Fox Preview | NERFPLZ.LOL -->

Dec 6, 2011

Ahri the Nine-Tailed Fox Preview

Finally...some attention! I SHALL BECOME HOKAGE

After a few months between the last sighting of the nine-tailed fox, Riot finally released some insight as to her release date:
Greeting Summoners!

Back in the end of september, we announced The Nine Tails Fox much to the excitment of our community. Well the time has finally come and after much anticipation, we wanted to reveal the gameplay style for Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Ahri’s gameplay style revolves around mobility and managing position to aim her spells. When played properly, Ahri darts around teamfights, picking off wounded stragglers and harrying soft enemies

This is largely accomplished through her ultimate, which allows her to dash multiple times before going on cooldown. Ahri can either use all three quickly to chase, burst, or escape, or she can spread out their uses to keep enemies guessing and juke around the battlefield. Combining this with her high magic damage and her Seduction ability to lock enemies down, she can strike from unexpected angles or bait enemies into overcommitting to disadvantageous situations. 

Ahri’s major gameplay decisions are based on her assessment of risk/reward. Her burst is high, but must be in short range to maximize it. This creates a dynamic that requires her to endanger herself to reach full potential. Play it safe and have more light damage, or commit and go for the kill? Use your dash for damage, or save it for escape? The choices are constant with these opposed strengths and weaknesses.

Her kit is really designed to appeal towards opportunistic players who prefer characters with a lot of action, and especially players that like to lull enemies into overconfidence, only to capitalize and punish them. Ahri’s dangerous, seductive nature is something we’re happy to deliver for players who like to toy with their enemies before destroying them.
Frankly, I'm a little disappointed in this hero. She looks exactly like Akali, but with skillshots and the ability to use her dash to escape as well as attack. However, disappointment in her skillset doesn't mean I won't be playing her, for she might actually be one of the most fun champions released. Unfortunately, her balancing will definitely take a patch or two.

Definitely stay away from ranked on the week that she's released, or be sure to ban her in every game.

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  1. why would you ban the character that hasn't even come out yet? lol

  2. Riot has a tedency to give new heroes some very broken skillsets as of late

  3. Or you can pick her and faceroll!!


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