I may be blind...but I can smell a newbie from a mile away.
Well, I just had someone in my ranked game who's never used any summoner spells except for exhaust + ghost since level 1 since he never figured out how to change them. Therefore, I'm writing this blog post in order to save some older players, give helpful tips to intermediate players, and teach the youngsters a thing or two.
By clicking on your summoner spells in the game lobby, as long as you are level 12 and above, you get all these pretty spells to play with!
Updated December 18, 2011
AD Carries:
Updated December 18, 2011
AD Carries:
This is another viable squishy combo. This will help you take down fleeing enemies, help you deal extra damage, and stop AD junglers from destroying your face.
If you see someone with this combo, ask your friend to walk up behind him and shank him in the back because there's no way he's getting away. Only use this in low level games.
Mid/Top Laners:
This combo is sometimes seen for squishy mid-laners who want to be more mobile, or intend on being harassed very heavily early game causing them to go back to base. May also be seen on the Top Laner to be more mobile.
This combo is seen on heroes like Singed, who lane top and thus need Teleport to jump into teamfights at Dragon, and who get a natural synergy with running around real fast.
This is another viable squishy combo. This will help you take down fleeing enemies, help you deal extra damage, and stop AD junglers from destroying your face.
Support Summoners:
This is your classic support hero combination. If you have this combination, chances are you'll be stacking Gold per 10 items, doing little to no last hitting, and warding the entire map so that your team can kill things and not die.
This is the new support hero combination. Mostly seen on heroes like Soraka or Sona, this works since Heal now scales well in late game, and Flash is not a necessity for most support heroes.
Outdated Summoner Sets:
This combination used to be popular for top laning tanky DPS, but teleport has been shown to be a far better summoner for the top laner since he's the farthest from dragon which is where all the fun action takes place.
This is your classic squishy combo. Squishies need to survive because they're squishy. Get this to increase your chances of surviving ganks and farming to tell the tale. Nowadays people run Exhaust since it's more useful in teamfights.
Those troll summoner spells xDDDD