Tier 1: Rammus, Yorick, Singed, Irelia, Kog'Maw, Heimerdinger, Sion, Mordekaiser, Talon, Wukong, Soraka (AP), Ahri, Poppy, Warwick, Ziggs, Kassadin, Blitzcrank
Tier 2: Karthus, Ryze, Malphite, Janna, Shaco, Riven, Jarvan IV, Urgot, Amumu, Maokai, Sejuani, Nasus, Pantheon, Nocturne, Akali, Garen, Lee Sin, Olaf, Nidalee, Udyr, Ezreal, Karma, Nautilus
Tier 3: Gangplank, Vayne, Swain, Taric, Tryndamere, Xin Zhao, Fizz, Leblanc, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Kennen, Rumble, Graves, Fiddlesticks, Galio, Teemo, Kayle, Cassiopeia, Skarner, Nunu
Tier 4: Eve, Alistar, Jax, Leona, Sona, Katarina, Mal'zahar, Lux, Anivia, Annie, Brand, Tristana, Renekton, Trundle,
Tier 5: Xerath, Vladimir, Zilean, Shen, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Sivir, Dr. Mundo, Cho'Gath, Volibear
Tier 6: Corki, Caitlyn, Ashe, Master Yi, Orianna, Gragas, Veigar, Viktor,
Feb 16, 2012: Updated for Nautilus Patch
- Warwick changes made an already very strong Dominion hero even stronger.
- Ziggs has become a very popular bottom lane pick, and with the passive increase in mana regen on dominion, he really shines here. This combined with his ability to poke over walls makes him very strong.
I think Rammus should be in his own tier. TOO STRONG
ReplyDeleteHow is Heimerdinger Tier 2? His stupid turrets make it so it's like 100% defended!
ReplyDeleteMost of the Tier 1 heroes can kill Heimer instantly if he's alone, which means his turrets won't have the time to ramp up.
ReplyDeleteThanks man, just got first place in my first dominion game with Rammus, ended 11-4 with most tower captures/defends :D
ReplyDeleteMorgana is missing from the list?
ReplyDeleteGood call, haven't seen many Morgs in Dominion, but I'd theorycraft her to be low tier, no movement speed boosts, low 1v1 capabilities, and low burst damage. Her signature magic shield also won't be very effective against all the burst AD tanky DPS in the current Dominion metagame.
ReplyDeleteThanks for pointing her out though! :)
Kassadin and Irelia are at least tier 1
ReplyDeleteI agree that Irelia should be moved up a little maybe to Tier 2, but Kassadin doesn't seem that strong to me, maybe higher tier 3 above Ezreal, idk my 2 cents
ReplyDeletewhere is xin sao?
ReplyDeleteWhoops, Xin got lost somewhere while I was moving heroes around. He's in Tier 2, good burst and CC with decent sustainability. Thanks for the comment :)
ReplyDeleteWarwick is in there twice. Tier 2 and 3.
ReplyDeleteI think Jax should drop down to tier 2. Since he isnt very useful until lvl 6. And if he has died before hitting 6 hes in even more trouble.. late game he picks up though
ReplyDeleteThanks for catching that warwick mistake, every time someone posts it makes the list better :)
ReplyDeleteBenik, I agree that this is the case in the regular summoner's rift mode, but in Dominion the game pace feels a lot faster, so Jax seems to reach his late game soon enough for him to be a strong contender. His early game definitely isn't as strong as some of the other Tier 1 heroes though, this is true.
I suggest you move skarner up.. he pwns dominion
ReplyDeleteThere's no Twitch! He's tier 2!
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely right, I actually had him there before, idk why heroes are disappearing left and right! Twitch is understandable though, he stealthed off my page :[
ReplyDeleteWhat tha fuck, Karma tier 6? U serious? I don't think you ever seen Karma in Dominion.
ReplyDeleteUrgot tier 6? Something is seriously wrong with your list. You better check those tier 6 champions bro.
Karma is shit tier lololol Tier 6 too high for Karma
ReplyDeletenidalee is twice
ReplyDeleteI have played morgana recently in dominion.
ReplyDeleteShe is good if u know how to play with her.
You NEED promote if u play her and your role is to defend your bottom and push enemys bottom.
She is good for defend cuz of "aoe interruption", also she can ensnare someone when he is in range of tower. She is also quite tanky mage so she can surive longer at tower.
Ofc she is great to push tower with minions, I dont need to explain why.
So with this strategy you are defending bottom alone and 4 other teammates are fighting @ top. But if you are not a noob then it will be 1v2 @ bottom cuz of your constant pushes with superminions and 4v3 @ top = easy game ; ]
I second this guy, Morgana is real good in Dominion if you know how to use her right. Definitely metagame changing with her pushing skillz cuz everyone only wants to kill heroes and backdoor.
ReplyDeleteAnivia + Karthus + Mal r way better than Morgana in Dominion in my opinion :-/ and they can get promote too
ReplyDeleteI don't know how you made this. You should make this based on two factors. How well they fight 1vs1, how well they defend against multiple people. Lee, xin and teemo should be all tier 1. They do have great mobility with high dmg output. Also Teemo's mushroom dmgs constantly, preventing them from capturing. Not good as shaco still should be tier 1.
ReplyDeleteAll squish chams can't be in tier 1~2. Unless they have a great escape tool. for ex. Akali. I don't get why yi is in tier 2.
ReplyDeleteMaster Yi Alpha Strike clear wave like nobody's business with extra creep damage and backdoor so easy. I have 80%+ win rate with Yi :)
ReplyDeleteYa Teemo should definitely be Tier 1, idk about Lee and Xin though, GP just eats his oranges and owns their face
ReplyDeleteAll good points. The reason why Xin and Lee aren't Tier 1 despite their strong 1v1 skills is because Tier 1 is full of heroes like Rammus, Jax, and Gangplank, and they simply can't hang.
ReplyDeleteI agree with moving Teemo up and Yi a bit lower due to the changing meta though. Shifted a couple things around and I appreciate the criticism guys, definitely good points all around :)
Am I retarded or is there no lux?
ReplyDeleteYou're right, popped her into Tier 2 based on what I've seen of her lately. The fact that people stand still to capture also makes it way too easy to land her skillshots.
ReplyDeleteand ashe?
ReplyDeleteIn my experience, Rammus should probably be tier 0. I suck and win about 2/3 of random games with him. Of course, he's tier 2 against significant magic dps, but closer to a negative tier if the opposition is mostly physical.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Soraka is probably tier 2 if she's played tanky on bot. High survival and lots of AOE means that very few heroes can handle her+creeps 1v1.
I think Ezreal should be moved to T2, because as Att dmg with trinity is op champ as others in T2 :-)) Everytime I am 1 with points cause of his powerful mystic shots and perfect ulti
ReplyDeleteYes, Ashe is missing.
ReplyDeleteAshe is in Tier 5 on my screen o.o
ReplyDeleteLOL! Clearly you dunno how to play Riven then. I can take on 2v1s on THEIR tower with her. Tier 1 -- 2 at least :P
ReplyDeleteRiven should be Tier 1, I actually haven't updated this list since October. Moved around some heroes to better reflect the current game.
ReplyDeleteUrgot tier 6 is so dumb. You've obviously never seen an Urgot bottom lane. He just eats people with one landed grenade.
ReplyDeleteAnd Nunu anywhere above tier 7 is laughable. He contributes nothing and I mean nothing other than a slow. He should be disabled from dominion. I've never been involved in a game of dominion where Nunu was on the winning team. It's like playing 4v5.
Teemo does not belong at tier 1. He's an nothing more than an annoyance and at best a body that can only 1v1 at towers. He can't take on AP or AD casters and if AD carries or bruisers survive his blind, he dies. His shrooms aren't that good. Nope, not tier 1.
ReplyDeleteJax can't be tier 1 without dodge runes. Please put him where he belongs (at about tier 4 now).
Vayne deserves to be tier 2 (probably 1) because of the sheer number of walls for her E and her outstanding ability to both kite and chase. She puts out damage faster than any other AD carry.
Sion is tier 1. The only person harder to kill than AD Sion is Singed, and Sion contributes tons more to defense and team fights than Singed.
Trundle tier 2? Are you high? He's terrible 1v1 and mediocre at best in team fights. This isn't summoner's rift.
Just noticed Janna in the wrong place. Please put her down in tier 6 where she belongs. She isn't supporting bot lane hiding in the brush. She's unable to output damage, provide sustained heals, or debuff the enemy. Her passive is not strong enough to validate her as a pick.
Honestly, scrap the entire list. You're horrible at this.
Thank you for your insight Exsnypre, I'll admit this list hasn't been updated for several months now and needs a complete rehaul with all the balance changes that have been made.
ReplyDeleteTeemo was originally placed at Tier 1 since most of the other Tier 1 champions at the time were extremely strong at backdooring capture point, and with 2 or 3 strategically placed mushrooms he's able to stop a point from being captured for the duration of his poison damage over time.
Janna isn't Tier 2 because of her 0 CS support and 0 items. Janna is Tier 2 because she can clear an entire minion wave with a single tornado midgame, gives a movespeed boost to the entire team, and by building AP brings a lot more damage than you'd think considering tornado is easy to hit at max power when someone is standing still capturing a point.
Ya,know when i see heimerdinger is tier 1 I cant help but ask are you a troll?
ReplyDeleteNo, Heimerdinger is quite strong on Dominion, but only as a bot laner. The increased mana regen on Dominion makes him extremely strong turtling, pushing, and long-range harassing champ.
ReplyDeleteAlistar should be placed in tier 1. After late game you need 3 people to beat him alone in Top turret if he has ulty and maybe GArrison
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ReplyDeleteAlistar should be placed in tier 1. After late game you need 3 people to beat him alone in Top turret if he has ulty and maybe GArrison. With the two stuns and a sheen. Turret + Alistar will decimate anything. Dancing around the turret waiting for cooldowns the opponent will have no chance.