Although she doesn't fit in with the hypercarry meta due to her short range, she can certainly snowball a game incredibly hard by cheesing bot lane early. If you're like the majority of players and sitting at Bronze through Gold, Quinn's a good pickup. She's especially good if your support decides to go for an offensive type instead of a peel support.

It's been quite a long time since Quinn was relevant bot lane, and in fact now she's rarely played in any lane. She pops up as a top laner every once in a while when lethality is over tuned, but otherwise we don't see much of her...and that's a shame.Although she doesn't fit in with the hypercarry meta due to her short range, she can certainly snowball a game incredibly hard by cheesing bot lane early. If you're like the majority of players and sitting at Bronze through Gold, Quinn's a good pickup. She's especially good if your support decides to go for an offensive type instead of a peel support.
How to Play
Abilities: Q, E, W then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Summoner Spells: Flash + Heal
Starting Items: Doran Blade + Health Potion
Core Items: Infinity Edge, Statik Shiv, Ninja Tabi, Duskblade of Draktharr, Phantom Dancer, Blade of the Ruined King

Summoner Spells: Flash + Heal
Starting Items: Doran Blade + Health Potion
Core Items: Infinity Edge, Statik Shiv, Ninja Tabi, Duskblade of Draktharr, Phantom Dancer, Blade of the Ruined King

Rune Setup

Why It Works
Press The Attack Abuse
Most enemy marksmen are running either Fleet Footwork, Kleptomancy, or Unsealed Spellbook. These are primarily late game scaling keystones. Press the Attack ensures that if you get an early trade without minions pummeling you, you'll come out ahead.
Take Advantage of Solo Queue Disorganization
In competitive play, Quinn has trouble getting to the back line to burst enemies down. However, in the solo queue environment you'll often find enemy marksmen wandering around with no wards. Quinn can take this opportunity to burst them down and quickly fly back to her team.
Early Game Beast
Quinn's ability to beat almost everyone early game is extremely high. Even Draven has trouble against Quinn if she can force him to drop an axe with either her Vault [E] or her Blinding Assault [Q]. Of course, a good Draven will use Stand Aside [E] on Quinn's E, so don't pick her into Draven on purpose...
Potential Pitfalls
Lower AOE Burst
While Quinn's Q is a decent amount of burst by itself, it's not exactly the same as a Kog'Maw or Twitch opener.
Lower Overall Sustained Damage
Because she's more of a burst damage champion, she doesn't deal nearly as much damage in a team fight, even if she has peel and support steroids to boost her up.
Lower Overall Sustained Damage
Because she's more of a burst damage champion, she doesn't deal nearly as much damage in a team fight, even if she has peel and support steroids to boost her up.
Quinn's late game isn't what you've come to expect from hypercarries like Jinx, Twitch, or Kog'Maw. However, she can easily cheese her way to quick victories and is certainly a viable marksman at most divisions.
If you don't like farming minions and prefer farming champions, give marksman Quinna a shot!
If you don't like farming minions and prefer farming champions, give marksman Quinna a shot!
Suggested Tier: Tier 3
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