On the fields of justice, Azir and Viktor are largely considered the two strongest mid-laners in the professional arena as a result of their extremely high AOE burst damage and low cooldowns.
Both are extremely flexible in terms of team strategies, and work well in a large variety of compositions. However, after Azir's multiple nerfs, Viktor seems to be the mage of choice for climbing the ranked ladder. Check out the reasons why below!
Both are extremely flexible in terms of team strategies, and work well in a large variety of compositions. However, after Azir's multiple nerfs, Viktor seems to be the mage of choice for climbing the ranked ladder. Check out the reasons why below!

How Is Viktor Good Right Now?
On the fields of justice, Azir and Viktor are largely considered the two strongest mid-laners in the professional arena as a result of their extremely high AOE burst damage and low cooldowns.
Both are extremely flexible in terms of team strategies, and work well in a large variety of compositions. However, after Azir's multiple nerfs, Viktor seems to be the mage of choice for climbing the ranked ladder. Check out the reasons why below!
Both are extremely flexible in terms of team strategies, and work well in a large variety of compositions. However, after Azir's multiple nerfs, Viktor seems to be the mage of choice for climbing the ranked ladder. Check out the reasons why below!
How to Play
Runes: Ability Power Quints, Magic Penetration Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 12-18-0, Thunderlord's Decree Masteries
Abilities: Q, E, E, W then prioritize R > E > Q > W
Core Items: Ionian Boots, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Perfect Hex Core (Upgrade E early, then Q and W after Rylai), Lichbane, Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap
Masteries: 12-18-0, Thunderlord's Decree Masteries
Abilities: Q, E, E, W then prioritize R > E > Q > W
Core Items: Ionian Boots, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Perfect Hex Core (Upgrade E early, then Q and W after Rylai), Lichbane, Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap
Why Does It Work?
Extremely Powerful WaveclearViktor is one of the few champions that can one shot the caster minion wave early on after getting his first Hexcore upgrade, which allows him to hit his power spikes earlier and trade with enemy laners. His laser also deals a very high amount of damage overall, and can be used strategically to poke while clearing waves.
Viktor's kit naturally deals an insane amount of burst damage via his Death Ray (E) + Siphon Power (Q) + empowered auto attack combo, which procs Thunderlord's as well. This is further amplified by quite a bit once you pick up Lichbane. Rylai's also gives him the flexibility to hit enemies with a Siphon Power (Q) first for a nearly guaranteed hit on his Death Ray (E).
Pure AOE Instant Multi-Kills
Although Viktor's single target damage is very high, oddly enough his AOE is actually stronger rather than weaker. His low cooldown Death Ray combined with the 60% AP scaling per tick on his Chaos Storm (R) allow for some extremely high amounts of damage when combined with Rylai to guarantee the extra ticks on Chaos Storm and the potentially massive second tick on his Augmented Death Ray at 70% AP ratio.
Extremely Gold Efficient Hex Core Scaling
Viktor's Hexcore evolutions provide both AP and mana, and each of his upgrades are 100% gold efficient at level 8 (not including the unique) according to the wikia. This means that Viktor can build more offensive items rather than picking up Morellonomicon, which grants considerably less AP at maximum level.
What Are Some Potential Pitfalls?
Unreliable Hard CC
A nearly pure damage mage, Viktor's AOE CC is not as strong as someone like Annie. Instead, his Gravity Field (W) takes some time to set up. However, given the right circumstances, it can still be very strong on the right terrain or in enclosed spaces.
Low Mobility
Outside of Viktor's speed boost on his Augmented Siphon Power (Q), he has relatively little in the way of mobility. This means that if he gets caught out, his ability to survive against heavy CC is extremely limited. However, this does take pressure off of the marksman as the primary target.
A nearly pure damage mage, Viktor's AOE CC is not as strong as someone like Annie. Instead, his Gravity Field (W) takes some time to set up. However, given the right circumstances, it can still be very strong on the right terrain or in enclosed spaces.
Low Mobility
Outside of Viktor's speed boost on his Augmented Siphon Power (Q), he has relatively little in the way of mobility. This means that if he gets caught out, his ability to survive against heavy CC is extremely limited. However, this does take pressure off of the marksman as the primary target.
Viktor is an extremely gold efficient champion in his current state, and his ability to throw out his burst damage instantly before he dies to enemy champions allows him to be extremely effective as a burst mage.
As a champion that can poke, 100 to 0, and deal excellent single-target and AOE damage, Viktor is an extremely versatile cannon that fulfills a large variety of team compositions and strategies.
As a champion that can poke, 100 to 0, and deal excellent single-target and AOE damage, Viktor is an extremely versatile cannon that fulfills a large variety of team compositions and strategies.
Suggested Rating: God Tier/Tier 1
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